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» SMed's Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Go to post)17-01-2014 @ 11:46
» Moiz's Rise to Power (Go to post)13-10-2013 @ 19:51 
Hi guys,

A recent update, I'm finally into final year of medicine and the amount of work and effort has def taken a sharp rise up! Much less time to train than I would like, but I got a few good chunks of time like these next 2 weeks and 4 weeks off at Christmas in order to train and get some PBs.
Undoubtedly finals will prob rob me of everything as cortisol goes flying round my body unopposed with all the stress but hopefully will have some strong lifts by then.

Current numbers:
Squat 162.5 x 5
Bench 80 x 5
DL 185 x 2
OHP 52.5 x 5

at 81kg

Aim by end of 2013
Squat 200 x 1
Bench 130 x 1 (lol)
DL 230 x 1
OHP 80 x 1

at bw - under 90kg

Some of these are gonna be pretty damn hard to get to but I'm focusing on eating big, sleeping well and stretching and all my lifts are feeling pretty strong




162.5 x 5
150 x 1 paused
felt strong but def too much forward lean. REALLY need to work on hip mobility more so I can have a straight path of movement

85 x 1
80 x 5
I hate bench and it hates me. Prob close to stalling again. Any tips would be appreciated Unhappy

185 x 2
just too shattered to do much after this, think I tried 170 for reps and got one cos I couldnt be arsed

Shrugs - barbell
160 x 8
150 x 8,8
130 x 15

OHP dumbells
30kg x 3
25 x 12,12
felt very strong

bw x 5,5,5

My current bw is 81kg
» Moiz's Rise to Power (Go to post)30-03-2013 @ 11:23 
Haven't been posting for a while, partly due to being pretty damn busy these days on hospital rotations like Smed but also a certain unhealthy level of laziness has kicked in! I have been training all this time and have made a few changes to the way im doing things

Been doing eat stop eat (intermittent fasting) for about 6 weeks and have lost 7 or 8kg. Now I weigh in at a measly 75kg but still building strength. I figured out eating 4000 cals a day is kinda overrated at least at this stage for me. Plus the fasting is cheap (im dirt poor), compliments my laziness and lets me concentrate on working

Reaffirmed my love for caffeine. It really does hit the spot just before a workout but occasionally I will feel stale and I've learnt to tone down the workouts on those days cos i'm always at risk of a burnout

Shortened my workouts from 2-3hrs to 1hr. SO MUCH BETTER to recover from. Didn't realise that its better to be 90% knackered for 1hr than 70% for 3hrs.

Latest workout - Good Friday


160 - 5
These started off really well, with knees out but by the last one it was an epic grind with my back taking most of the heat. Ah well, its bound to get hard over a 2xBW squat for reps


77.5 - 5,3
These felt pretty solid. Progress is slow but definitely there. When I stop trying to lose bw then and transition into excess calories, I expect these to improve a fair bit.

OHP - Dumbell

27.5 - 5
20 - 8
The 27s were strong but there was too much external rotation for my liking, The 20s were easy and with good form but triceps were FRIED


5 - BW
5 - 5kg held


15kg - 5

BW - 75kg

MON - bcaas and caffeine before training, shake during workout with some sweets, after - big portion of chips then pizza/pasta in the afternoon
TUES - Fasted with low cal lemon drink, sugar free caffeine drink, loads of water
WED - same as monday
THURS - Fasted again
FRI - same as monday
SAT - eating normally. trying to keep to 3000 cals max
SUN - same as above

Total weekly cals ~ 13500
Effectively my daily cals ~ just under 2000. making a nice deficit and I'm still gaining muscle!!
» SMed's Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Go to post)01-02-2013 @ 13:30 
The burden of proof is on the claimant...wheres the evidence? I would put a trollface here but apparently you've already used a permutation of that in my log. Therefore

I'll stop now cos you're getting butthurt over this and its making your log look bad
» SMed's Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Go to post)31-01-2013 @ 18:44 
You've literally already trolled with that exact same gif before. Please, a little effort.

I definitely haven't, hows the alzheimers old man?
» SMed's Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Go to post)31-01-2013 @ 11:50
» Moiz's Rise to Power (Go to post)08-01-2013 @ 14:04 
Thanks for the support guys! And forge fitness are awesome - brilliant prices for whenever I need to train at slough..I was gonna say you should train there Terminator but you clearly already know about these guys


20kg - 5,8
85kg - 5
105kg - 5
125kg - 5
145kg - 5
160kg - 1,1
172.5kg - 2 (borderline)

Really tough reps and knees caved in a ridiculous amount. Gonna reset to around 150x5 and work my way up with perfect reps with knees fully out. That should do it....


20kg - 5
50kg - 5
65kg - 5
75kg - 3
85kg - 4

did some dumbell bench too to top it off 30kg - 6. These were easy despite having benched to failure.


30kg - 4

well thats more like it...gonna try to push these to 40 this month


5kg - 5
10kg - 5

very nice and slow, i'm pretty happy with these now


17.5kg - 10,8 (PB)

BW: 80kg
» Moiz's Rise to Power (Go to post)04-01-2013 @ 21:37 
Moiz said:SQUAT

20kg - 5
80kg - 5
100kg - 5
120kg - 5
140kg - 5
165kg - 5

165 was an absoulute 5RM and im not even sure I got depth on some of them....
Had a word with the guy running the gym about why I was getting so tired from squats. Turns out I 'accidently' forgot that doing leangains (i.e. training fasted mostly) whilst doing madcows is generally a bad idea. The lack of carbs was killing me! Easy fix for that. Gonna try out eating before the workout for dls on wed!

It turns out, you can be all sorts of stupid sometimes. But solid-ass work on the squats! That's my 5RM too.

Cheers for that Sami, not sure whether to take the complement laced with abuse or to push you over during a heavy-ass squat next time I see you!

Been looking at my 1rm calculations based on my worksets and they're not really improving. Squat is staying constantly around 180 and bench around 90. Fugger.
Diet is good now - munching on everything (good carbs and protein and fats) and getting adequate sleep (sort of). I think my workouts are too long/intense. Gonna try to lighten up the assistance so I can get through it quickly after the core lifts. Wanna be out of the gym in 1.5hrs tops - unlike my 2.5hr usual

Latest workouts......



20kg - 5
85kg - 5
105kg - 5
125kg - 5

Annoyingly these didn't feel easy - still had to work for them. Focussed on shoving the knees out as much as humanly possible.


20kg - 5
30kg - 5
40kg - 5,5,5

wow these are actually v tough cos you cant really cheat without falling back. also my OHP is awful.


10kg - 5


15kg - 10,8

very tough


60kg - 5
100kg - 5
140kg - 5
160kg - 5
175kg - 5

SLDL - 100kg x 8

These were very solid, tried out rolling the bar to myself before lifting and it works a charm. Turns out this enables me to get my back and everything tight a lot better. Hopefully a PR is in the pipeline. SLDLs were exhausting post-dl.



20kg - 5
85kg - 5
105kg - 5
125kg - 5
145kg - 5
170kg - 3
125kg - 8

OH DEAR. Got all the reps but at what cost. was shattered after the 170 triple and the third rep I lost the bar forward and amazingly managed to salvage the rep! Not fun. Somehow I don't think 170x5 is happening on monday. Might start doing incremental increases of 2.5kg each session and see how far that takes me.

Any other suggestions guys?!


20kg - 5
40kg - 5
50kg - 5
65kg - 5
77.5kg - 2
87.5kg - 2,1
77.5kg - 7

How annoying. The third rep of 87.5 got stuck half-way to lockout and wouldn't budge. Don't think my form was great either. Might reset a bit.


60kg - 8
110kg - 8,8


10kg - 5


BW: ?kg
» Moiz's Rise to Power (Go to post)01-01-2013 @ 13:08 

20kg - 5
80kg - 5
100kg - 5
120kg - 5
140kg - 5
165kg - 5

165 was an absoulute 5RM and im not even sure I got depth on some of them....
Had a word with the guy running the gym about why I was getting so tired from squats. Turns out I 'accidently' forgot that doing leangains (i.e. training fasted mostly) whilst doing madcows is generally a bad idea. The lack of carbs was killing me! Easy fix for that. Gonna try out eating before the workout for dls on wed!


20kg - 5
40kg - 5
50kg - 5
65kg - 5
75kg - 2
85kg - 4,3

cgbp 60kg - 8,5,3 LOL

dumbass giving me a handoff decided he wanted to help me on my workset. Kept using his fingers to help the bar up. I think for the first set he may have just hovered around the bar, making me paranoid and making me waste energy telling him to f off. Coulda got 5 but went out of the groove. The next set he helped me so it didnt count really


20kg - 1,1,1

hoping these suck cos I was tired....


7.5kg - 5


kroc rows
machine rows

BW: 80 kg
» Moiz's Rise to Power (Go to post)27-12-2012 @ 18:19 
Got ill. bunged up nose and sore throat. Fail.


120kg - 5
140kg - 1
150kg - 1
160kg - 1,1

Did all these beltless and they all felt solid. Was only meant to do the 120 but this douche started using up all the chunky bumper plates to quarter squat 160 using a belt and wraps. He was grunting and just being obscene so I decided to be the bigger man and do some beltless full squats at 160. Go me.


170kg - 5

pretty solid. Back fuarrked


50kg - 3,3,3
55kg - 5
40kg - 8,6

So damn weak


25kg - 5
30kg - 3
25kg - 3,3

Tried a different place to do chins. Gonna wait til I get back to my uni gym before I try to progress cos this gym is crap for chins


bw kg - 5


15kg - 10,10

BW: 80kg
» Moiz's Rise to Power (Go to post)27-12-2012 @ 17:53 
I think i'm gonna start madcows now for squattage and deadlift.

Current numbers
SQUAT: 160kgx5
DEADLIFT: 170kgx5

Projected numbers as of mid-march
SQUAT: 210kgx5
DEADLIFT: 235kgx5

As for bench and OHP, I reckon I can milk linear progression for a little more hopefully cos I was never really doing these properly ever!

Assistance lifts will be-

Tricep Pullovers
Paused Front Squat

1st day of Madcows. At my home-gym so had to deal with equipment changing. Did a few heavy lifts to gauge this.


170kg - 1
160kg - 5

These weren't too tough. Promising stuff


115kg - 2
120kg - 1


85kg - 3
80kg - 5,4

These felt pretty comfortable and with decent form. Might start doing 3x5 if I can be bothered


20kg - 5
25kg - 3

Soupa-heavy. I guess this was cos of the equipment change. The chin-bar is right up against the wall really so its hard not to bash your shins into it.


5kg - 5


10kg - 12,12

felt weak

BW: 82kg LOL
» SMed's Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Go to post)24-12-2012 @ 20:01 
do we even lift?

» SMed's Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Go to post)23-12-2012 @ 22:11 
Everything felt fantastic, accept the first 190 attempt, I was high and got a little off-balanced. Second attempt was fast and easy. Really wanted to try 195/200 but I was already running late and had to leave. Definitely had more there.

» Moiz's Rise to Power (Go to post)23-12-2012 @ 22:01 
Very satisfactory day! PBs are still being broken thick and fast!


180kg - 1 (PB)
185kg - F

shame about the 185. Think I may have rushed into it after getting excited about the 180 haha. Solid effort tho. vid will be up soon


115kg - 2,1

Pretty damn hard but still gonna move on up!


87.5kg - 2 (rep PB)
82.5kg - 4

close grip
77.5kg - 5


32.5kg - 4 (so close to 5!) (PB)


7kg dumbell - 5 (PB)


15kg - 12,12 (PB)

BW: 79kg
» Moiz's Rise to Power (Go to post)19-12-2012 @ 19:41 
Post Edited: 19.12.2012 @ 19:46 PM by Moiz
Didn't take caffeine before the workout so felt stale and tired throughout. Won't be making that mistake anymore if I can help it


112.5kg - 1x3 (PB)

solid reps


180kg - 1x1
175kg - 1x1

so lazy


57.5kg - 1x4
db 20kg - 12,12


30kg - 1x4 (REP PB)
darnit, so close! Gonna skip ahead to 32.5 anyway. with caffeine it should happen


5kg - 1x5 (PB)
very strong


12.5kg - 12,10 (PB)


160kg - 8,8 (PB)


150kg - 1x5
170kg - 1x5
190kg - 1x5 (PB)

usually I can't shift 190 but this just happened! Now if only I could transfer this power to the deadlift. hmmmm

BW: 78kg


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