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MonIcon...27-12-2009 @ 09:12 
Quite a funny Mon
Member 371, 186 posts
SQ 210, BP 172.5, DL 250
632.5 kgs @ 109kgs UnEq
MrSmall said:Great work!

Cheers mate!
MonIcon...19-10-2010 @ 03:16 
Quite a funny Mon
Member 371, 186 posts
SQ 210, BP 172.5, DL 250
632.5 kgs @ 109kgs UnEq

Sorry I havent updated it for so long. I am running two journals and just kept updating the other (on the natural muscle forum titled James' Freight Train Diary).

But my sports and goals have now changed and so here is an update on me and my strength training to come:

I am now heavily into Judo and hae just gotten Gold in my first tournament. I am 27 and am aiming for the 2016 Olympics! (Ill be 33 - pretty old I guess but hey ho).
I am to keep grading and reach my Dan grade as soon as possible, and keep competing, working my way up in standard, win what I can, and try to make the GB squad one day.

In order to support this, and as I would also quite like to do a BDFPA/GBPF comp or ideally an Olympic weightlifting comp, I am training for power and oly lifts. (As I was originally in this journal before I went all bodybuilding mad again for a while).

So my current lifts are as follows (lower back issues meant my DL and squat went backwards for a bit and are still behind - I can only regularly DL from a rack just below knee though ok from floor once in a while, and I can only just recently squat to comp depth again):

PL depth squats - 5x140
Rack deads below knee - 5x165
Bench with PL pause - 1x145
Bench - 7x135
Push Press - 5x100
Power clean - 5x90
Snatch - 2x70
Pull ups - 8x+6kg

And my goals are:

PL Depth Squats - 1x200
Rack deads below knee - 1x220
Bench with PL pause - 1x160
Push Press - 1x120
Power Clean - 1x120
Clean and Jerk - 1x120
Snatch - 1x100

So to hit this my training is as follows:

Day One - Squat, Rack deadlifts
Day Two - Bench Press, Push Press
Day Three - Snatch, Pull ups, Rows
Day Four - Power Cleans, Clean and Jerk.

Squat and Deadlift weight are modest to slowly build up strength again and will be in a pyramid 5x5 system.
The Bench and Push Press will be a pyramid 5x5 with occasional 1RM tests.
Snatch and Power Cleans will be pyramid 5x3 with occasional 1RM tests.
My C+J will generally be very speed and form related in rep range 1-3 and not too much weight for now, as I have the snatch down and the power cleans but my deep clean needs work.

So thats me at the mo. A week off now after my comp while I am on nights and then back into the full swing of it!
MonIcon...21-10-2010 @ 18:57 
Quite a funny Mon
Member 371, 186 posts
SQ 210, BP 172.5, DL 250
632.5 kgs @ 109kgs UnEq
Had a gym session to tide me over while I'm on nights:

Deep cleans - 2 sets of 6x40.
Power clean and press - 3x60, 3x70, 3x80, 2x90, 1x100.
Snatch - 2 sets of 3x60.
Rack deads 18inches - 5x60, 5x80, 5x100, 3x120, 3x140, 2x160, 1x180.
Db shoulder press - 8x17.5, 8x30, 8x40, 5x40.
Pull ups - 8xbw, 3xbw
Lay flat close pull downs - 20x8, 12x12.
1 arm hammer strength row - 25x15.
Db laterals - 20x5, 10x10 drop 10x5.

Good back and delts session. Very pleaded with 100kg power clean and press. Then to snatch 60, deadlift 180 and db press 8x40s is good I feel.

Did the extras for pump.
MonIcon...23-10-2010 @ 00:32 
Quite a funny Mon
Member 371, 186 posts
SQ 210, BP 172.5, DL 250
632.5 kgs @ 109kgs UnEq
Just had a funny session. Bad in that I was a bit weak on bench. Good in that I was strong on DBs and for some reason I looked massive! Maybe its because I havent been pumped for a week and a half so got used to looking flat and bland, not pumped and bulbous!

Went as follows (please note - rubbish bench. It was so low I felt like my knees were in the air!)

Bench Press - 15x60, 5x80, 5x100, 5x120, 2x140. (2?!?!)
Bench from pins at chest - 10x60, 6x100.
Incline DB press - 10x10, 10x20, 5x30, 5x46, 6x50! (finally happy)

Alt DB Hammer curls - 15x6, 15x10, 10x15, 5x20.
Simultaneous supinated incline curls - 10x6, 10x10.

TRISET: Rope pressdowns - overhead rope pressdowns - hands to face close grip push ups on bench (35kg):
20 - 10 - 10, 10 - 5 - 10

Unhappy with the bench press. I wanted more for 140kg. 2 was a bit weak.

The bench off pins was in power rack with the bar set touching my chest but it was too low. I couldnt arch my back how I like so I couldnt engage my lats. Pushing from still with a flat back and elbows wide. Rubbish. Hence only 5 with 100kg!

But the DBs. Normally I would want 10 with 50's but this was after benching twice. Worked up, 46's were easy peasy and the 50's were fine. Then I felt better.

Nice to pump the guns again.
MonIcon...26-10-2010 @ 10:00 
Quite a funny Mon
Member 371, 186 posts
SQ 210, BP 172.5, DL 250
632.5 kgs @ 109kgs UnEq
Bench, chest and biceps today. You wont be interested in all the gay bodybuilding pump and shinyness training that came after bench.

So Ill just post my bench:

BENCH PRESS - 10x60, 5x80, 5x100, 5x120, 5x140!

Thats by far a PB for 3 plates a side by the way. Very pleased.

Also did:

Incline flyes, leaning flye raise, narrow bench to neck, incline bench and 30/90 alt db curls for bis.

5x140. Im very happy.

Got judo tonight. First one since my comp and my gold! Gonna take my trophy and giggle excitedly like a girl. I dont mean to, I just get excited.
dannyboy73Icon...30-07-2013 @ 18:03 
Mask it or Casket !!
Member 4600, 8166 posts
SQ 240, BP 162.5, DL 255
657.5 kgs @ 90.5kgs UnEq
Loved you in Roadhouse Mon.

Nice benching- all them big shoulder sessions paying off I think.
dannyboy73Icon...07-01-2020 @ 20:28 
Mask it or Casket !!
Member 4600, 8166 posts
SQ 240, BP 162.5, DL 255
657.5 kgs @ 90.5kgs UnEq
Congrats on the over head pb


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