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You know you're a strength addict when...

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GubernatrixIconYou know you're a strength addict when...06-08-2010 @ 22:09 
pointing the way
Member 1298, 631 posts
SQ 110, BP 65, DL 130
305.0 kgs @ 63kgs UnEq
You know you're a strength addict when...

You can convert pounds to kilos in your head

Your warm up is everyone else’s max

You love the sound of barbells and weight plates crashing to the floor

You are always covered in chalk dust

People move out of the squat rack when you walk into the gym

You don’t go out on a Friday night because you have to train Saturday morning

You grunt loudly on your last rep

You have massive glutes

Your friends call you ‘beast’

You are unbelievably bored on rest days

You never do more than five reps of anything

Unless it’s twenty-rep squats

You automatically stop what you are doing and shout encouragement when anyone in the gym is going for a big lift

You enjoy showing off your callouses

When you walk past a mirror you drop into a squat, just to check

You get nervous on heavy days

You have constant scrapes on your shins

Other people tell you their max lifts and watch for your reaction

You think football players are skinny, rugby forwards are normal size and strongmen are ‘big’

Other people think you are ‘big’

You care more about your max squat than your max bench

Your starter is everyone else’s main course

You have torn at least one item of clothing while training

Jackets that are allegedly in your size don’t fit you

You see a tyre and want to flip it

‘Sumo’ is a type of deadlift not a Japanese wrestling sport

You are more impressed by a big back than by a big chest

You always want to put more weight on the bar!
grantyIcon...06-08-2010 @ 22:16 
hernia returning due to hobby of patient
Member 1306, 1907 posts
SQ 270, BP 202.5, DL 340
812.5 kgs @ 104kgs UnEq
haha nice, can relate to 90 percent of those, obviously bench matters more thoughTongue
Wayne_CowdreyIcon...06-08-2010 @ 22:32 
Still got a little bit of strength
Member 400, 22081 posts
You wonder/guess how much things weigh.

You have loads of strongman comps on video/DVD.

You can predict with some accuracy how a WSM competitor is going to perform in a particular event.
thosebananasIcon...06-08-2010 @ 22:56 
Trophy Hunter
Member 743, 3329 posts
SQ 230, BP 130, DL 300
660.0 kgs @ 118kgs UnEq
you get a headache and a bloody nose from tying your shoes

you have huge arms and small biceps

Plan business trips according to what big gyms are in the area

When it is mentally painful to use high reps.

when you own more polyester suits than Disco Stu

when your wife asks if you liked the dinner she cooked, you respond by giving her 3 white lights

when you eat during your workout

when you are constantly looking for a gym bag big enough to store all your gear

you start giving verbal ques during sex

you can redlight squats from just hearing the federation

You love the blood running down your shins, which had just healed from you last deadlift work out.

You tell the story of how you ripped all of the flesh from your hand on your last deadlift, and how you super glued it back on.

When you show people your hands an they tell you to get gloves and you just laugh.

you own ballet slippers and aren't accused of being gay

You hook grip your grocery bags.

You mow your lawn with a mixed grip.

You can't count over 3, but you can multiply by 45 in your head.

You have the biggest quads in your gym... and the smallest calves.

You check your depth while taking a dump.

You've asked for a weight by colors ("gimme 3 reds and a blue")

You've dropped something and gone to pick it up... in a sumo stance.

You're having sex and think..."hrm this will help teach me to pull my hips through better.

You look up to men that are the biggest and hairest freaks on the planet.

Every two hours you have to eat something, it doesn't matter what, you just have to eat.

You become almost homicidal if someone calls you a bodybuilder.

You hate cardio and wish that no one ever invented a stair master.

your squat is bigger than your paycheck, and you're proud of it

You need to go up a size or two just to fit your neck/traps through a t-shirt.

There is a nice Bar sized brusie across your traps and your proud of it.

Commercial Gym Trainers keep asking when will you stop Bulking and start your cutting up phase.

You take it as an insult when the pad is on the bar at the gym, and try to find a good hiding place for it so that no one will try to put it on YOUR bar again.

The weight on the bar matters more than grades on tests

You wonder how many calories would be in a Squat Rack Curler, and if it would be worth the energy expenditure required to kill, cook and eat them.

you do a box squat in and out of EVERY chair (I do this every day)

if you develop white lung from chalk and babypowder

if your upper back crampes from wipping your own ass

When you need 4 spotters, 3 assistants, and several square feet of neoprene to take a s**t.

When you need the window to be open and the fan on to sleep... in the winter.

You only use the car heater to make weight for meets.

You swear your XL t-shirts must have shrunk in the wash, cause there is no way they are that small.

You give up on jeans, and stick to sweat pants and shorts.

You wipe your ass from between your legs cause the cramps in your lats are so bad.

The massage therapists takes time off before and after your scheduled massage to get ready/be recovered.

You leave a new chiropractors office when you realized he is under 200 pounds.

You BMI said your obese and you cant get good health insurance.

The bodybuilders at the expo dont like taking pictures with you cause you make them look small.

At the Arnold classic you walked right past all the IFBB pros to get an autograph of Matt "Kroc"

You need a break every half hour from mowing the lawn cause you back is killing you.

You were up all night puking on your deathbead so you decide to make today a speed day.

Youve had several near death experiences by missing one of the hooks on the monolift.

You eat so much at the buffet before your meet that you can hardly see cause your face is so bloated.

You should never be allowed a cheat meal on a diet since you can consume 20,000 calories on site.

When you think bodybuilder's and gym noobs' have a decent workout plan... once you reverse the sets and reps
RyanHIcon...07-08-2010 @ 01:11 
Big fish in a small pond
Member 1150, 2101 posts
When you look at foods and think IT NEEDS MORE PROTEIN

When people keep asking you "hey what do you bench" (i had this as i was being put to sleep before my operation!)

When you look at people and think you could overhead press them

When you carry a full car of shopping in from the car and think its farmers walk warmup

When you start picking up objects like laptops by corners just because you can.

When reaching parts of your back in the shower starts to be harder than it used to be

When you look at random stones and wonder if you can lift them (then go and lift them!)

When you wake up in delight knowing its a training day
shanejerIcon...07-08-2010 @ 08:54 
Member 1307, 14110 posts
SQ 355, BP 240, DL 370
965.0 kgs @ 102kgs UnEq
You're 20 years old and walk like an old man due to excessive pains, everywhere.
BigSamIcon...07-08-2010 @ 09:27 
HORRIBLE MEDLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Member 621, 4744 posts
SQ 340, BP 220, DL 335
895.0 kgs @ 106kgs Eq
The instant hatred for someone in the gym who wears lifting gloves Grin
Simon_TIcon...07-08-2010 @ 15:02 
Member 1058, 5361 posts
SQ 220, BP 140, DL 294
654.0 kgs @ 106kgs UnEq
You take a piss sitting down just to get an extra squat rep.
nitsua19Icon...07-08-2010 @ 23:35 
Member 1262, 347 posts
SQ 180, BP 95, DL 213
488.0 kgs @ 77kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 07.08.2010 @ 23:35 PM by nitsua19
rather than worrying about how much you are going to lift, you worry about how much the bar will actually hold
dan_sIcon...08-08-2010 @ 23:46 
Member 671, 529 posts
SQ 310, BP 180, DL 250
740.0 kgs @ 128kgs UnEq
when your on sugden at 11:45pm
Big_GrayIcon...08-08-2010 @ 23:52 
another lover of conans wheel
Member 1116, 2379 posts
SQ 275, BP 210, DL 330
815.0 kgs @ 134kgs UnEq
i want to add something but im laughing that hard i cant think.

scary thing is i think i qualify for nearly all these, maybe becoming obssesive Grin
bignige1986Icon...09-08-2010 @ 01:52 
Taleban says his views on women are extreme
Member 639, 3518 posts
SQ 10, BP 10, DL 10
30.0 kgs @ 10kgs Eq
BigSam said:The instant hatred for someone in the gym who wears lifting gloves Grin

Also hatred for safety gay bars and high squats that bbers so frequently do Angry
dr_hazbunIcon...09-08-2010 @ 08:11 
tabbouleh and fattoush salads were very refreshing
Member 267, 8548 posts
SQ 220, BP 165, DL 250
635.0 kgs @ 90kgs Eq don't mind that your work computer has facebook barred cause you can still access Sugden Barbell!
dr_hazbunIcon...09-08-2010 @ 08:24 
tabbouleh and fattoush salads were very refreshing
Member 267, 8548 posts
SQ 220, BP 165, DL 250
635.0 kgs @ 90kgs Eq
...your mates and work colleagues all know whether they'd be natural squatters or deadlifters even if they have no interest in lifting.
Big_GrayIcon...09-08-2010 @ 12:04 
another lover of conans wheel
Member 1116, 2379 posts
SQ 275, BP 210, DL 330
815.0 kgs @ 134kgs UnEq
bignige1986 said:
Also hatred for safety gay bars and high squats that bbers so frequently do Angry

whats high squats? seen this mentioned before, are we talking about a half rep effort that muppets do n pretend there a full squat?


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