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Cycle 2 Week 3

* Deadlifts


My virtual 1RM is looking juicy, but I think the reps are a bit high for the math to be reliable. We'll see on Monday or Tuesday.

* Assistance stuff

60kg 5x5

Front squat holds
230kg x2 These were hell to unrack, short-lived, and soul-crushing.

Zercher holds
190 Not quite as bad as the 230 FS, but still...

Toes to bar, 2x10
Hanging windshield wipers 2x10
Post Edited: 04.06.2012 @ 14:31 PM by macroth
"Events" training

Zercher deadlift: worked up to 80kg

Zercher lift:worked up tp 130kg

Clean and jerk: worked up to 100kg (PB)

Axle (FatGripz) clean and jerk 100kg fail :evil:

Not feeling optimistic about the axle next Saturday... A continental clean is so different. As s**tty as my Oly technique is, it's ingrained enough that I need to unlearn it and focus on muscling the bar up to chest level. Roll-Eyes I'll try some lighter ones some time next week to try and get it right.
Today, 4k erg, some dips, pull-ups, shoulder pressing, just to stay loose. Day of gym lift reckoning tomorrow.
Post Edited: 16.05.2012 @ 09:17 AM by macroth
PB day Cool

182.5/115/240, done meet style (3 attempts)

Big progress after only two months of 5/3/1. Now I'm wondering if I should use these numbers for my upcoming cycles or just continue the progression and work off the rep maxes. It looks like going hard on the last set for 10 reps or so has worked well, and I'm worried that bumping up the weights too much (presumably with lower reps) will slow down my progress. Thoughts?

Post Edited: 16.05.2012 @ 10:23 AM by macroth
Thanks! Full credit to you for the holds, I had a light bulb moment reading your blog and thinking about the Husafelt stone carry.

Having to rep a 130 on my first ever Atlas stone lift is also pretty daunting. Fact. Grin
Today, some easy pressing, RDL's, FW DL, stretching.

Tomorrow, we ride!
Post Edited: 21.05.2012 @ 10:42 AM by macroth
Failfest 2012

Well, that's over with. Overall an enjoyable week-end: got to see some old friends, enjoyed the scenery, didn't enjoy the weather so much (windy at best, wet at worst, so much for the southern sun), hated the drive home (12h trip including a couple of hundred km's bumper to bumper, overcrowded rest areas and curtains of rain).

As for the main event, I shined through about as much as the sun did, which is to say not so much. I don't have the details yet, but here's the gist of it. I'll post a few videos as well later on. There were 9 competitors, one of which dropped out after the car DL.

Overhead medley (80kg block, ~100kg axle, ~110kg yoke): 0 reps (tied last)

No log, so they loaded a yoke instead. Couldn't get into position with the block, and I have a feeling it would have been tough going anyway. Disappointed that I didn't get a chance to try the axle.

Car deadlift (weight unknown, max reps) : 13 reps (6th?)

Felt it in my quads mostly. Maybe should have tried to bounce them? Top scores were 20+.

Husafelt stone carry (180kg, for distance, starting on a platform) : a few meters (DFL)

Grabbed it too high, didn't lean back enough. f**k me. I knew what I had to do but didn't execute. As a point of honour I lifted it from the ground and took a couple more steps.

Car deadlift hold (max time) : 13 seconds (DFL)

Grabbed the handles in my fingers instead of my palms. Bloody f**king idiot. Roll-Eyes

Atlas stones (130/170, max reps): 0x130 (tied for last)

Lapped it once, then couldn't get it to chest level. Every time I tried to stand up it would slip down. Not enough leanback? Not enough arm strength? All tackied up so that's not it. Once it fell I couldn't pick it up anymore.

Overall : DFL (8th out of 8 finishers)

Pretty tough for a first experience. Disappointed that I couldn't lift the block, and had a few brain farts (Husafelt, DL hold) that could have been avoided. Never tried stones before, definitely need to practice on a lighter one.

Several strong chaps had a chance to shine, so people got a good show.

Basically, I lack the strength that could make up for my lack of experience and technique, and vice versa. So, back to the weight room, and hopefully a chance to practice tire flipping, log lifting and stone lifting in two weeks.

Pics here:

I'm the bloke with all kindsa s**t on his arms and legs but can't lift anything. Grin
That is a heavy comp mate! Good effort on giving it a go. Like you say, back to the drawing board and keep building on those lifts!

Where abouts are you based? Get any chance to practice events?
Thanks, mates, and good luck for your first one Nick.

Gingy, I live in Geneva. The events at my next competition (Paris, June 30th) are:

1) Truck pull (arm over arm) 20m
2) Log lift (max weight, 3 lifts, 1 min per attempt)
3) Carry & Drag: Duck Walk 150kg 15m, sled pull 200kg 15m
4) Tire flip 400kg, 5 flips
5) Atlas stone for reps, 130kg to 1m40

I've got access to tires, stuff I can drag, and FW handles at 2 separate gyms in the area. No stones/logs/axles/prowlers around here. But another place is having a strongman training session on June 2nd, which should include stones and log. 2 hour train ride to get there so it's like a day trip, but I don't think I have a choice unless I want to bomb out of the Paris comp.
I'm French and Canadian, actually (French parents, born in Canada). I work for the New World Order Central Government (United Nations Tongue ) as a translator and moved to Geneva after a 5 year stint in NYC. I think that answers your question. Wink


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