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» Political thread anyone? (Go to post)22-05-2017 @ 23:47 
Well two things really spring to mind here, firstly the country is still on its arse since last time that bunch of idiots were in with the "Iron Chancellor" that thought it was a great idea to sell the nations gold reserves when gold was at an all time we really want to leave the economy in the hands of the mentally challenged again when they already have a £58 billion black hole in the budget before their flip flopping around doubles or triples that!?
Secondly you may have noticed the world isn't exactly a safe place at the moment, like it or not what has kept the peace for the last 60 years is nuclear weapons is the MAD doctrine Mutually Assured Destruction...they won't use there's because we'll use ours and vice versa. In Corbyn the pathetic excuse for a leader the Labour party decided to elect we have a man...and I use the term very loosely that has come out and said he will never use nuclear weapons, I don't care if he would or he wouldn't effectively what he has said in these very unstable times is feel free to do whatever the hell you want because I won't defend the country! If by some travesty that communist nut bag gets in we'll have moved away from MAD to just Assured Destruction! As PM your first duty is to the safety and security of your country and its people so how anyone in their right mind can even contemplate voting for him is beyond me! The last thing our fine men and women in uniform need is another labour government to finish the job of gutting them that was started under Blair and Brown.
So go ahead vote labour if you'd like your children to either grow up speaking Russian or grow a second head thanks to Kim Jong Un finding us a tempting target to test one of his shiny new nuclear missiles!!
» World's Strongest Man 2017 (Go to post)22-05-2017 @ 22:20 
Draken said:And is Heat 1 after the others or is the spreadsheet just not updated? According to the sheet - right now - Shaw is only second in his Group, to Jean-Francois Caron with 10,5 vs 9,5 points.

Shaw won the Fingal's Fingers, depending on who was quicker to 4 between Belsak and Caron, Shaw is either leading outright after 3 events or level with JF. No word on the deadlift but you'd kinda bet the farm on Shaw winning that event unless he decides to just coast from here on out conserving energy for the final as both Ed and Thor are pretty much through already and don't even seem to have hit second gear yet which should hopefully make for a really tight final if the top 3 are fresh and as near to 100% fit as you get in strongman
» Ray Williams - 477.5kg Squat (Go to post)05-03-2017 @ 00:02 
477.5 in just knee sleeves, that's something else!! Surely 500 is there in wraps if he wants it
» Britain's Strongest Man 2017 (Go to post)28-01-2017 @ 14:56 
AdamT said:5 isn't great. Terry would of hit around 8 or 9 no problem.

Going off recent videos, maybe even more. Shaw and Thor would definitely go double figures.

Ed just did 9 for the victory with about 20 seconds left on the clock and would have easily done more if needed
» Mr Malanchev 2513 total (Go to post)30-10-2016 @ 23:28 
Benvie said:
While I'm no expert having never squatted anything like that weight I'd imagine that squatting near 500 kg would take it out of you somewhat and leave you a bit drained for the deadlifts at the end of the meet. I think that it is massively impressive to squat and deadlift 400kg in the same competition.
I get what you are saying about there being so many big deadlifters in strongman now but I suspect all but the very best pullers would drop back below the 400kg mark if they had to do a max squat first and do the lift to Pl standard.
I reckon grip will be a bit of a limiting factor at Pl comps too once you get up near 400 kg.

Without doubt it's impressive, I'm just surprised that there's such a discrepancy between the two numbers, I can definitely see your point there about squatting first but surely they must incorporate that into their training? After all didn't Andy Bolton put up some ridiculous numbers in all three lifts, yes it was equipped but I can't see that would drain you any less...or is he really is just a one off freak of nature, gripwise I'm sure I remember something about 500 or even 520 block pulls so he knew there's no way he's dropping a lift!
Sort of sounds like I'm belittling his efforts but that's not my intent at all as those lifts were an awesome display! I'm just genuinely curious as to why his and a lot of other top powerlifters don't seem to be getting closer to a 430 ish pull they can't all have T-Rex arms lol
» Olympic drug tests cock-up (Go to post)30-10-2016 @ 23:02 
I think we're also missing just how competitive these athletes are, in surveys done between 1982 and 1995, half of elite athletes said they would take an undetectable drug if doing so meant they would win an Olympic gold medal, even if it was guaranteed to kill them within five years. Give those same athletes carte blanche to take whatever and however much they want and how long is it before we start seeing a string of top level athletes dying maybe even on the Olympic stage? The drugs tests exist for a reason, I very much doubt that we'll ever have a clean Olympics but as Tom says allow guys to take what they want they will in record doses meaning that more and more athletes that would normally never have even considered PED's now have no option but to if they want to keep doing the sport they love.
Yes it might be fun in our heads to think of an imaginary sub 9 second 100 metres or 120m plus javelin but it would ruin the sport, you're unlikely to get the same level of live coverage of the games if there's a risk of piping the death of an athlete or athletes live around the world to 100's of millions of viewers so there goes most of your sponsors, without that same prestige and financial backing you loose your best athletes or your future best athletes. The other side of it is what does it do to the young kids that are wanting to get into the sport...somehow I don't think they want to be taking trensulina at 12!!
» Mr Malanchev 2513 total (Go to post)30-10-2016 @ 22:32 
What a Phenomenal performance!

A 400kg deadlift could never be considered light, but it is comparatively when you compare it to his other lifts, with a number of other top powelifters being in a similar position. Why is it that there's such a hear it all the time that the best assistance exercise for the deadlift is a squat, or if not the absolute best it's right up there. So here we have a man / squatting machine that hits depth with 485kg on his back wearing only wraps and then pops back up with it like it was half that, somehow I doubt the wraps give him 60-85kg so is there now less emphasis on having a big deadlift in powerlifting...again I find this a little hard to believe, say Eric or someone was to really hammer they're deadlift and come in at 450 that's gonna give him a massive advantage in a competitive sport so why aren't we seeing bigger lifts on the platform when we are seeing such ridiculously high raw squat numbers?
Is it maybe that in chasing a 500kg squat these guys are building themselves up to such an extent that they can't get down into an optimal pulling position anymore? Is it just purely a genetics / leverage thing or has he got some kind of back injury that effects his pulling? Or is it just now the focus in powerlifting for quite a few of the top guys is or seems to be that magic 500 mark on a squat that deadlifting just takes a backseat in their training these days? Has say the world deadlifting championship taken some of that drive away to get a 430/40/50 deadlift away from powerlifting where uninformed people will kind of turn round and say yeah whatever you only pulled how much where Ed pulled 500 not getting the destination between the two sets of rules?
» WSM 2016? (Go to post)21-08-2016 @ 11:15 
From the look of the video Ed won't have finished the frame as he came last in the event, so it's not fitness or being heavy as people are suggesting but the fact that he just couldn't hold onto the frame any more with broken / dislocated fingers which is kinda understandable, no he may not have won the event but if he wasn't having problems holding onto the frame due to an injury he would have finished and picked up more points making the top three much closer than it was!
» WSM 2016? (Go to post)19-08-2016 @ 08:20 
AdamT said:
No you are on the right track. Strongman isn't just static and how big your belly is. Loads seem to want it this way.
Me, I like to see brutes carry huge weights, for speed and distance and see humongous vehicles dragged up the street.
Powerlifting is quite good, if you're only into static power.

Couldn't agree anymore with you both, it's supposed to be strength athletics, testing your all around strength not just who can move the most weight from A to B yes there definitely has to be some aspect of that as well but lets not just turn it into powerlifting with straps a hitch and a log
» WSM 2016? (Go to post)19-08-2016 @ 00:20 
Something that seems to get forgotten in these discussions about pressing, yes Ed is by far the stronger strict presser but both Shaw and Thor are eleventy feet tall, given their additional height and arm length floor to overhead is going to be at least another foot further than what someone at 6'3" has to lift it so they are both at a disadvantage in that respect but manage to not drop too many points on what genetically is going to be their weakest event. Strongman is all about consistency across the board and right now Shaw is the one to beat, likelihood is he'll never beat Ed at a push pull, statically there is and never has been anyone capable of challenging Ed on these disciplines. I just hope he can pick up enough points over the other two and be consistent enough throughout the other events to carry him through to the stones a winner so he can retire a happy man after an epic year!
» WSM 2016? (Go to post)17-08-2016 @ 19:38 
Strength Asylum have posted up a video of Thor's keg toss a new world record by the sound of it
» WSM 2016? (Go to post)14-08-2016 @ 09:05 
BrenWad said:Shock of shocks, a 410lb man at 6ft 2 does s**te at loading. 'Best shape of my life'.

There is always the possibility it was tactical from Ed, the likelihood is no one in that group will beat him on deadlift, Viking, stones and possibly even truck pull so why go all out on the first event that you don't need to win risking injury when you're there to win the whole thing! No disrespect intended to the other athletes in the group but Ed is on a different level to them so he can afford to coast through and conserve energy for the final
» WSM 2016? (Go to post)13-08-2016 @ 23:19 
Post Edited: 13.08.2016 @ 23:20 PM by SimonD
In case people haven't spotted it, Thor's loading
» WSM 2016? (Go to post)13-08-2016 @ 13:00 
2nd place for Bish! Looks like we've already had our first casually Ob has injured a bicep
» WSM 2016? (Go to post)13-08-2016 @ 11:28 
BrenWad said:
Someone with an ego as big as Z would have posted the video,not just shown it to his mate Wildaeur. The arguments put forward to prove he could do it are weak -a 208kg axle double is not a 240 barbell double. Z has never posted a huge bench, or ridiculous incline presses like Hall. There is no evidence he has ever put 240 over his head, standing, on a barbell, strict. There is evidence Hall could do that with some specific training.

Personally I'd love to see Ed smash it and put this whole myth about Z being the strongest man who ever lived to bed so we can go back to having actual strongman competitions rather than catering events to suit him especially at Arnold's but on an overhead I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and say it might have been possible for him at his prime under perfect conditions


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