On the forum this week
5th December 2009 - Posted by Rob
Goals of 2010 - Sugden members have been putting down their goals for their next year of lifting; head along to see what everyone is looking to achieve.
Strongman events you would like to see - Carl asks members what sort of events they think should be in strongman competitions more often.
Runner's Knee - Kingham asks other members if they have any ideas to work around and rehabilitate a knee injury. Ideas range from foam rolling to massage and more.
U105's Qualifiers & Events - U105 strongman has seen a rapid growth in popularity over the past few years; 2010 should be no different. Qualifiers have been announced for the North, South and Midlands. Check the thread for the dates, locations and events.
Future Strongman Competitions - Winter Giant's competition organiser Denny Felix asks Sugden members what they want from future strongman competitions, and how much they would be prepared to pay.