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Britain's Got Talent Wants Strongmen

17th December 2009 - Posted by Rob Talkback Thames TV have been in touch with Sugden Barbell, asking if there are any strongmen that fancy having a go at the Britain's Got Talent Auditions.

The initial round simply consists of sending a video or a YouTube link to the producers, who will then invite you to the live auditions in front of Cowell & Co if they think you're good enough.

"I know the show might not be something fellow competitors have considered in the past but with 20 million viewers for last year's series final it's a fantastic opportunity to raise people's awareness of strength building and show everyone just what talented guys we have in the UK!

As this time of year is a really busy one and time is running low in the run up to the big auditions in Jan / Feb, we're now accepting showreels. If anyone was interested in applying for the show all they'd need to do is email me the link to a YouTube link of themselves and the kind of thing they'd like to do for the show and I can pass that on to the producers.

The second round of auditions (where people perform in front of Simon, Amanda and Piers) then takes places at various locations around the UK between 18th Jan - 10th Feb 2010. After that it's only the Live Finals and they're not until the first week of June - so the show really doesn't take up too much time of anyone's busy schedule.

I do hope some of the strong men out there consider applying. If anyone has any questions about the show then please feel free to forward my contact details: 0207 691 6717 and email, and I'll be happy to discuss the show with them."
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