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weirdest thing you've ever seen a gym.

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shauncleggIconweirdest thing you've ever seen a gym.23-02-2011 @ 16:13 
The official olympic weightlifter of SB (juniors)
Member 495, 3531 posts
SQ 201, BP 137.5, DL 200
538.5 kgs @ 69kgs UnEq
Confused ??

see all sorts of crazy stuff going on at OSG 1 i've even heard of people training in the dark because apparently it improves their balance?

what s**t have you people seen?
tz1127Icon...23-02-2011 @ 16:18 
Member 1419, 2281 posts
SQ 175, BP 105, DL 240
520.0 kgs @ 82kgs UnEq
people stuffing their fat asses in bullet proof polyester
Villa_SteIcon...23-02-2011 @ 16:27 
stingy with his letters
Member 496, 668 posts
SQ 210, BP 190, DL 230
630.0 kgs @ 111kgs UnEq
seen some guy high kicking, guessing to warm up or sumot and fall on his ass, guess thats funny not weird tho.
noticed the polish spend about 15 mins warming up doing swimming motions etc
also love watching kids train, they do some weird s**t
MrSmallIcon...23-02-2011 @ 16:30 
Gone and easily forgotten.......
Member 331, 22298 posts
SQ 185, BP 100, DL 230
515.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 23.02.2011 @ 16:30 PM by MrSmall
Sugden is good for this..

The classic guys getting pinned to f**k with 140-180kg on the bench, or not putting collars on that sort of bench and getting pinned and it all falls off, then berating their spotter for not helping them with the rep, where they should probably be using 60-70kg at most. This is weird to me rather than funny/annoying, because this is a potentially life threatening exercise where they are literally entrusting their lives in a stranger and his ability to upright row BIG weights.

I have a picture of 3 guys sitting on a bench doing concentration curls and swapping the dumbell between each other.

There is this skinny Asian dude who walks around like a dick, weighs around 60kg, ANY body part he works out (horribly usually), for the next 15 minutes or so he hols that body part, I guess either to see if they are pumped up enough for his liking, or he doesn't want to get TOO big so holding the muscles back.

The guys who always feel the need to go BALLS OUT on lateral raises and front plate raises, bent arms and 6 inches of motion are common. This again is weird to me because they put SO much effort into this one.

The guys doing semi wrist curl quarter shrugs, with the bar held behind themselves.. awesome waste of time.

These are all since January that I can remember, there will be loads more.
CarlIcon...23-02-2011 @ 16:33 
Loves rugby league ...
Member 13, 14460 posts
SQ 230, BP 180.5, DL 262.5
673.0 kgs @ 128kgs UnEq
people using a deadlift platform to do incline bench on

people doing sidebends whilst holding a DB in each hand, so they are just acting as a pivot
robocopIcon...23-02-2011 @ 16:33 
Commentators say: he benches like a bodybuilder
Member 231, 1873 posts
SQ 400, BP 275, DL 365
1040.0 kgs @ 135.7kgs Eq
someone throwing up red bull and porridge after some big deadlifts and a couple
of dogs eating it
before it could get cleaned up
Villa_SteIcon...23-02-2011 @ 16:34 
stingy with his letters
Member 496, 668 posts
SQ 210, BP 190, DL 230
630.0 kgs @ 111kgs UnEq
robocop said:someone throwing up red bull and porridge after some big deadlifts and a couple
of dogs eating it
before it could get cleaned up

that is definetly weird
FAT_SAMIcon...23-02-2011 @ 16:56 
more like 'FAT TROLL'
Member 984, 6331 posts
SQ 420, BP 260, DL 335
1015.0 kgs @ 165kgs UnEq
People using technique to lift weights. Wink
leeboyIcon...23-02-2011 @ 17:01 
do i love snipers? hellyeah
Member 2025, 883 posts
probably this not sure why hes doing this maybe some one here knows
streakIcon...23-02-2011 @ 17:08 
they call him the streak
Member 2002, 400 posts
SQ 182.5, BP 130, DL 240
552.5 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
Looks like an assistance exercise for the butterfly swim stroke. Mental tho.
crabhatIcon...23-02-2011 @ 17:19 
Member 569, 58 posts
SQ 119, BP 80, DL 140
339.0 kgs @ 76kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 23.02.2011 @ 17:21 PM by crabhat
Ah, the old Patagonian Decline Sky Humper if I'm not mistaken.

And the weirdest thing I saw was alternate dumbell curls on a wobble board.
PompyIcon...23-02-2011 @ 17:38 
My opinions have run their course
Member 694, 3112 posts
EVER.... hmmm

well i saw a GILF once who came in and just did ballet stretches for an hour, she was one flexible old f**ker

saw a guy doing shrugs and inbetween sets resting the bar on the very corner of a bench.... he had about 6 plates a side. dropped it from the top, it landed on the bench corner and bent an oly bar only time ive seen that happen

saw a fairly old dude benching 180kg and counting his gear out on the bench between sets

curls in a squat rack is always an old fave

cleaning an ez bar, then pressing at a 45 degree angle to the front
Martin1956Icon...23-02-2011 @ 17:48 
Old Age Presser
Member 75, 7868 posts
SQ 0, BP 200, DL 200
400.0 kgs @ 105kgs Eq
Wayne Cowdrey benching - in a Super Katana.
GATESIcon...23-02-2011 @ 17:49 
What's your thoughts on one legged drills?
Member 1725, 4343 posts
SQ 250, BP 125, DL 272.5
647.5 kgs @ 111kgs UnEq
Some one doing pulls ups while wearing a man bag. Fair one he did about 10 sets of 10 reps.

Some one doing dips with a vest and a scarf on.

Some one doing bicep curls on the seated row machine.
Joseph_WaltonIcon...23-02-2011 @ 18:23 
Mighty young Joe
Member 675, 2271 posts
SQ 272.5, BP 180, DL 275
727.5 kgs @ 114.8kgs UnEq
Pompy said:EVER.... hmmm
cleaning an ez bar, then pressing at a 45 degree angle to the front

Not sure about an EZ bar but that is a valid exercise which is actually pretty hard, good for shot putters.


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