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» WSM 2016? (Go to post)12-08-2016 @ 09:46 
Benvie said:
I think it is more likely that radz will be the man to beat zydrunas' log record if he can stay healthy. Hall may well get there too though, depends how much longer he continues competing/how much he concentrates on log.

i dont think radz will ever get near it myself.
Hes always been an amazing presser. But improvements have been slight if any past few years.
» WSM 2016? (Go to post)02-08-2016 @ 10:05 
SteBennett said:
I don't believe pharma grade is that hard to get hold of, a mate of mine uses it and he's not particularly well connected

What makes something pharma grade?

Wsm isn't the biggest comp to some athletes. Outside top 5 the money isn't very good and can do better elsewhere
» World Deadlift Championship Predictions (Go to post)22-06-2016 @ 10:47 
465 to 500
that's what brian told me they said his options are on the day.........
» World Deadlift Championship Predictions (Go to post)20-06-2016 @ 21:05 
I'm very good friends with Brian. We don't speak about esm much but he really doesn't think 500 is happening but hats off to someone if they do.

He's keen to compete with max dead at wsm so he's serious about it that's for sure
» World Deadlift Championship Predictions (Go to post)20-06-2016 @ 12:42 
KevC86 said:
f**k that, i didnt spend all that money on tickets for one event. I want to see my boy Lalas f**k some s**t up!

Injured ?
» World Deadlift Championship Predictions (Go to post)09-06-2016 @ 14:40 
The_Lone_Wolf said:
Hixxy comes in and stirs it up with his inside knowledge Happy
I assume still not recovered from his injury? Maybe taking a slow rehab to ensure he comes back 100% for worlds next year?

I might not really compete no more but still talk to people lol

hes said this to dozens of people. Even as recent as the weekend at the team show where he was still looking in 's**t' shape.

With no Z, Eddie and terry could well be in a battle for podium this year?
» World Deadlift Championship Predictions (Go to post)09-06-2016 @ 10:43 
strong hints of no Z this year
» World Deadlift Championship Predictions (Go to post)31-05-2016 @ 13:46 
mark_f1 said:I had my doubts anyone would pull more than 475kg but I Was at a seminar with Eddie on Saturday. His mindset is 100% that he will pull 500kg. He showed no doubt, and even when talking off cuff about percentages etc, its all based on him being able to do 500kg.

I reckon he'll do it.

I sit and think, no its not possible yet

But for it to be possible, Eddie has to believe he can do it, if he doesn't its never ever going to happen.

If anyones going to do it, its him. I personally think wsm be a struggle 4 weeks after esm if hes as big as he is looking.

but 500kg. Hel always be remembered for a very very long time and that's something you can never take away from him.
» World Deadlift Championship Predictions (Go to post)28-05-2016 @ 15:28 
With max deadlift in this year's final

Brian seems very keen on competing at esm

Only spanner in the works is his newborn baby us due any day now
» World log lift champs (Go to post)24-05-2016 @ 17:46 
Carl said:if you want some advice on how to deal with log related leg injuries give me a shout

» World log lift champs (Go to post)24-05-2016 @ 13:53 
PeteHodgson said:
Hoes the leg Hixxy. Looked like it took a bashing from the log?
Good effort at weekend. The 190 flew up. Hard luck with the 200. It looked easily there...till it wasn't.

no excuses mate. If im there im there.
Leg is fine.
was nice to be amongst the guys again its been too long
» World log lift champs (Go to post)24-05-2016 @ 09:31 
dont know why u guys don't just ask me :-)

he hurt his neck last year at arnolds from rushing to pick yoke up after not fully going over the line, even though it did.

His current problem is a bicep injury

he didn't look like im use ot seeing him, definitely not in competition shape IMO but he said if hes to compete, he still has time to be in shape
» WSM 2016? (Go to post)23-05-2016 @ 08:42 
beza said:Heard September today...

its beginning of august

botswana or near there.
» Lalas (Go to post)11-05-2016 @ 20:31 
Miky111 said:
I think he got injured carrying the yoke

Log at esm
» Lalas (Go to post)11-05-2016 @ 13:34 
The_Lone_Wolf said:
"Which is realistically fukin miles off lol" for you... But you're incredibly strong haha, however yes, I appreciate that at your best you're right up there at the top.
I just hope you can keep improving as you are and keep the back in working order. I watched the log lifting champs from last time on my sky plus the other night and I always laugh when you get asked the question, how' your training been... And you reply back with, I've hardly trained.

I didn't train for the 3 weeks leading up to it because my back was so bad.

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