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» Britain's Strongest Man 2017 (Go to post)25-01-2017 @ 19:31 
Yoke press height meant to be set at 140cm

Wonder if someone will use their influence to make it higher lol
» Britain's Strongest Man 2017 (Go to post)25-01-2017 @ 13:06 
AdamT said:
Pocket Rocket!!

thats better lol
» Britain's Strongest Man 2017 (Go to post)25-01-2017 @ 12:33 
KevC86 said:
Fixed it for you Bilbo.

whos bilbo?

f**ker is taller than me !
» Training to be first British lifter to hit 400kg raw squat (Go to post)25-01-2017 @ 10:13 
The_Lone_Wolf said:
Now I'm curious haha!
Good to see you back though sir, and good luck for this weekend!

Thanks bud. Feels bit soon but I don't wanna miss out lol
» Training to be first British lifter to hit 400kg raw squat (Go to post)25-01-2017 @ 09:27 
use that stuff i sent u in next squat session, you might do 410kg haha
» Z squatting high again (Go to post)16-01-2017 @ 20:05 
Wayne_Cowdrey said:
Ha ha. It's a touch on the high side, but he knows that and it's deliberate. WSM depth for sure.

Ed doesn't lock out his deads in training. Ppl don't jump on him for that
Both are beasts
Training is training.
» Anyone experience of hurting their lower back (mainly around the L4/L5)?! (Go to post)13-01-2017 @ 20:54 
Sounds very similar to my issues
Alot of it surrounded a weak core.....mine mainly due to a hernia. Not weak in terms of lifting but in supporting my back.
» North west strength expo (Go to post)11-01-2017 @ 13:30 
9months away.

Z is what, 10% off ? and injured ...............

Im going to set a new british record at this event.
» WSM CH5 schedule (Go to post)11-01-2017 @ 13:29 
93hopkinsonr said:
What's your bodyweight?

currently sat around 150kg

ideally id like to be about 140kg.........
» WSM CH5 schedule (Go to post)11-01-2017 @ 11:15 
MJG said:
If Hicks is in good shape he could do well on the safe lift.

Im just happy to have got myself in a position to be able to compete with these guys again.

I am looking forward to the safe lift though.......... have done much heavier than contest weight so for me my fitness will be the factor. And im fat as fuk :-)
» Future of strongman? (Go to post)31-08-2016 @ 09:47 
VinnyJones said:I think it has to move past the max weight ideology simply because this crap is filtering down to local/charity comps and to be honest it looks crap to watch.

Unless you go to the gym, the general public do not understand the difference between a 250kg deadlift or a winning 270kg deadlift.

Put two washing machines on a bar and lift overhead and that s**t looks ridiculous and entertaining.

There is also the emphasis on solo farmers/yoke/stone/pressing runs. Everyone agrees, surely, that it's far better for head to head events to take place. Speed and power on view. Doesn't have to be the heaviest items in the world to make that a challenge.

The crowd get more involved and it sort of makes more sense competitively for the viewing public. Plus they get to cheer someone on if they are otherwise neutral.

agree fully
stuff getting very heavy very quick and it has to slow down or stop lol
» WSM 2016? (Go to post)24-08-2016 @ 15:54 
AdamT said:
I agree and maybe by judging deadlift videos, he maybe over trained it slightly. He did hit a 450 earlier in the year.
With the right training, he can be competitive.
What about you? How is the injury?

Impoving pal.
» WSM 2016? (Go to post)24-08-2016 @ 14:59 
rian1987 said:
He hasn't had a decent performance since wsm 2014. He's not going to get any better at his age after all the injuries. All the talk before was how he's so good at wsm then he doesn't do well there so now he needs a coach. It's not the healthiest lifestyle so maybe needs to give it up. Like I say what's he going to get out of it? Looking at it logically, nothing.

you do love kicking ppl when they are down don't you lol

since 2014 WSM he had a baby, set up a new gym and moved homes. To be an elite athlete you have to be pretty special to not be affected by any of them. His strength was there this year just fitness levels let him down that's all.
» WSM 2016? (Go to post)24-08-2016 @ 11:44 
AdamT said:
Yes read that. The big man maybe struggles to follow hid own knowledge.
Sticking to a plan is difficult and a coach is sometimes required.
Hopefully he gets back to his best.

its easy to defer from a plan you write yourself as no one to answer to lol
» WSM 2016? (Go to post)20-08-2016 @ 13:43 
Mikeneto said:Caron 3rd, Hall 4th

Great result for ed tbh

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