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» Shaw Classic Thread Anyone? (Go to post)30-08-2021 @ 20:40 
jt said:Suppressing the results is hardly a way of moving the sport forward IMO.

Shame for Hixxy to get injured again, makes one wonder if he is carrying too much Bodyweight. He would be a pretty tasty 120kg powerlifter.

I'm not injured AGIAN
Still healing
f**k powerlifting
I'm also lightest I been for years :-)
» Shaw Classic Thread Anyone? (Go to post)30-08-2021 @ 20:39 
PeteHodgson said:
Oh crap.
Judging by the scores it looks like he completed the comp though?
I’ll be at Europe’s on Saturday and was looking forward to seeing Hixxy compete. :-(

I will be there buddy x
» Raising money for aaron page family (Go to post)26-11-2020 @ 04:38 
In the odd chance ppl still read these threads

Raffling a wsm tshirt off. Proceeds go to Aaron's mum hopefully help with funeral costs


Asking £10 a ticket

» Europe's strongest man (Go to post)09-09-2020 @ 17:52 
PaulSavage said:
I wouldnt class it as an official record either, just wus record if thats there rules but i think the weighing of the appartus is a big step forward. Id like to see this a lot more often in strongman as lets face it, you never really know what the f**k your lifting. Especially for national and international comps all apparatus should be weighed for all athletes, judges to see in my opinion.

Giants always way any record attempts live on Eddie's fb page
» Europe's strongest man (Go to post)08-09-2020 @ 14:41 
Wayne_Cowdrey said:Agree. I cocked up overhead events way more than anything else when competing.

Good to see you posting on here Graham Happy

I came on to prod robbo lol
» Europe's strongest man (Go to post)08-09-2020 @ 11:28 
LessThanLuke said:
Agreed. I personally don't think lifting in competition is harder at all. In fact thing its easier with the adrenaline and everything else going on. Far harder to get psyched up alone in your gym.
But just my opinion.

For any event other than overhead I do have to agree here lol
» Europe's strongest man (Go to post)08-09-2020 @ 09:22 
jt said:
The point is it has been a rather unusual year, imagine training for a decade to achieve a certain goal and then having the competition removed. Think of someone like Roger Federer 38 years old probably his last chance to win wimbledon gone, so therefore I think it was great Strongman gave its competitors a chance to go for records.
Going back to your log I had a thought, maybe you and Luke could get together and attempt the record at your place then have a return fixture 6/8 weeks later would WUS make that happen? Maybe bring the American over too?

Great to display strength feats
But call it a record
Not when it's in comfort.of your own home that's not what contests are.
We will just end up with records being set too high and never getting replicated in true contest format....which is be much much harder
» Europe's strongest man (Go to post)08-09-2020 @ 07:59 
93hopkinsonr said:
Interesting to hear this.
Do you not count Thor’s deadlift as the current WR strongman deadlift then?

No. Biggest gym lift ever but not done in a contest
I really cant grasp it tbh what's the point in competition if this stands ?
» Europe's strongest man (Go to post)07-09-2020 @ 19:38 
PeteHodgson said:
Solid opinion. I look forward to watching your next ridiculous log press, whether it be in the gym or a competition.
Also, did I read that you came joint 1st in deadlift? If so, well done in that company!

I did 5 pretty comfy
They came out and didnt beat it
My deadlift is better than ppl think now
» Europe's strongest man (Go to post)07-09-2020 @ 19:09 
jt said:
Did you see Thor break the Deadlift WR? ....... Or Luke Stoltman attempt the Log WR?
If they can do it that way why can't you?????
You don't need a competition if you get everything weighed and reffed by Big Z do you??????

Yeh ok then
I.will weigh my log in my gym and have someone ref it and it's a wr

Did u see results from sat? How many peoples GYM lifts didnt cross over into.a contest.

I like the guys at wus and I may or may not get involved in a stream but I'd never accept it as a record even if it was 250kg

Too easy in my own gym and that's what competition is
Lots of big gym lifters out there who dont show at a contest due to the factors of a contest

Just my 2p worth anyway
» Europe's strongest man (Go to post)07-09-2020 @ 18:47 
jt said:
Can you get it ratified as an official attempt like Stoltman the elders?

It's not official
Wheres the competition ?
» Europe's strongest man (Go to post)07-09-2020 @ 18:46 
drex50 said:
You get too little from legs. Stoltman is not as strong as you but gets a lot from the legs.

» Europe's strongest man (Go to post)07-09-2020 @ 18:07 
jt said:
Its a tough record for sure, I believe you can do it.
Why not 228.5kg is the what I want to know?

Iv decided to do it in the gym. Then cement it in comp next year
» Europe's strongest man (Go to post)07-09-2020 @ 15:20 
drex50 said:
I agree. Honestly i dont rememeber a certain ESM show from the last few years.
What i find most interesting about this show is the 40kg difference in log from 1st to 2nd.
But that record is not going to fall soon, not in a full competition.

I disagree
» Europe's strongest man (Go to post)07-09-2020 @ 15:20 
drex50 said:
I agree. Honestly i dont rememeber a certain ESM show from the last few years.
What i find most interesting about this show is the 40kg difference in log from 1st to 2nd.
But that record is not going to fall soon, not in a full competition.

I disagree

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