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» Tom's training log... (Go to post)03-01-2010 @ 20:50 
Just this year I'm afraid, would take a monstrous effort to beat 347kg (I think?) but I'll certainly do my best. If not I'll have to settle for the open record in years to come which is 357.5kg.

Who knows though, I think I could get 320kg if I maxed deadlift tomorrow, so another 30kg for the record. 3 consistant kg a month and maybe I could do it in December? Would've been a lot easier 100kg ago... or even 30kg ago.
» Tom's training log... (Go to post)03-01-2010 @ 20:37 
correct, he has a fairly ok squat as well Wink
» Tom's training log... (Go to post)03-01-2010 @ 20:27 
First time user! It basically came down to wanting to compete with the strongest lifters, and wanting to lift more weight. The sport allows equipment, so why not use it? I'd never dream of going back to sprinting and only competing in events where everyone runs barefoot on wet grass.

Another contributing factor was bench press. I've at least 3 times now worked my way up to a 150kg unequipped bench and suffered from shoulder problems as a result of lifting this (relatively small) amount of weight. This has meant I've had to take a long time off benching, and upon returning had a weak bench again, I was getting nowhere. I'm hoping shirted benching will allow me to train with heavier weights without all the shoulder problems, afterall bench press shirts were first introduced as a shoulder health aid amongst other things. This could possibly lead to a bigger unequipped bench too in the long run, who knows. All that matters is at the moment I'm having fun learning how to use the shirt!

Also, it's bad enough being a lightweight powerlifter having to specify how good I am within a certain weight class. I don't want to also have to hide behind the fact that I lift unequipped when explaining why there are people lifting more weight than me. I'd rather compete on the most level playing field possible when comparing myself to the best, and (possibly sadly?) that means the use of supportive equipment.
» Tom's training log... (Go to post)03-01-2010 @ 19:02 
Just returned (well a few hours ago) from Jim and Bryn's weekly powerlifting tea party. As per usual many a life problem was discussed, none were solved, and on occasion, somebody found themselves underneath a barbell.


Bar x some arbitrary amount of reps
75kg x 5
115kg x 5 or 4 or something
155kg x 2 or 3?

wraps and suit on

205kg x 2
225kg x 2
240kg x 1 new pb Happy May try 250 next week?

Followed by some amount of sets of some amount of reps on the calf raise machine with whatever the full stack is plus a 20kg plate on each of the handles

Followed by some bench practice in my shirt. Nothing spectacular, got 135kg pretty close to touching.

Next weeks plan is to take it light on the squats and deadlifts, if i even deadlift at all. And do some band work on the bench press. Going to do some shoulders and arms tomorrow, my overhead work needs to be better, but I'm not entirely sure why. Maybe because it's good to be able to put a lot of weight over head.
» Tom's training log... (Go to post)02-01-2010 @ 20:45 
update for this week: done f**k all
» Tom's training log... (Go to post)02-01-2010 @ 20:43 
hi Rick, I guess I look a lot more like a sprinter than a powerlifter. I've been considering shaving my head, growing a goatee, going up to a 46" waist and covering 80% of my body in chalk, perhaps then I'll look more the part!
» An old, fat fool starts a log. Hope no-one minds (Go to post)31-12-2009 @ 01:09 
Hi Pete, I saw you at the North West champs and just had a look through your log, fantastic squatting! Would kill for a similar squat, and bench too!
» Tom's training log... (Go to post)31-12-2009 @ 00:39 
s**t just noticed in that video, that I'm STILL f**kING looking at the floor when I deadlift, I'd have thought I'd learnt my lesson from my missed attempt at the north wests! MUST KEEP MY HEAD UP!
» Tom's training log... (Go to post)31-12-2009 @ 00:28 
SteBaker said:Great stuff Tom, my ultimate deadlift goal is to pull 300kg some day! Keep up the excellent work!Wink

Cheers, you're not a million miles off by any means. Hammering straight leg deadlifts took my deadlift from where yours is to 300 within 3 months!
» Tom's training log... (Go to post)31-12-2009 @ 00:26 
moz said:
Ask Ben_Trickey_Burges lol! Im sure I saw a vid where he got his contest nutrition wrong and threw up on his 3rd lift. I dont eat to near deads and squats cos it might just come back Unhappy

Sound advice lol. Never been an issue before having my stomach and everything else crushed by a suit!
» Tom's training log... (Go to post)31-12-2009 @ 00:25 
d_singh said:that's some super strength pal , u wasn't caught in the middle of radioactive explosion by any chance and turn green when angry lol

why dont you do a drug free federation comp. think the record is around the 280 mark for deadlifts. you would have it in the bad no problems

Thanks for the kind words!

Put possibly a bit too bluntly, because I want a challenge. National records are a bit of a hollow victory if they're considerably lower than national records in a different fed. I won't rule it out though, it would be nice to have records across all feds! But my prime target is to beat 310 as a junior 82.5 and if I don't manage that, a BDFPA record will provide little consolation. Hopefully this doesn't offend anyone lifting under BDFPA, I'm just not the type of person that would switch feds because things are 'too hard'.
» Tom's training log... (Go to post)30-12-2009 @ 12:02 
Joseph_Walton said:if thats your squat suit then turn it the other way round as then the suit's natural position is with your back locked. With it the normal way round the suit actually resists the lockout slightly.

Really? Yeah it's my squat suit, I kind of expected as much but wasn't sure if I was being daft. It definitely did feel harder up top than I'm used to though, so i'll give turning it round a try.

Also, is it normal to throw up just as the bar leaves the ground when pulling equipped...? (Don't worry Cleggy if you're reading, I swallowed it before locking out so I didn't make a mess on your lovely deadlift platform!)
» Tom's training log... (Go to post)29-12-2009 @ 20:04 
Post Edited: 29.12.2009 @ 20:06 PM by Tom_Martin
Tuesday 29th December 2009

Unequipped Box Squats - ridiculously low

bar x 10
60kg x 5
100kg x 5
140kg x 5

knee wraps on

180kg x 5

suit on, got rid of box

200kg x 5 - first 2 not quite in
220kg x 3 - really fast, starting to really notice the suit!
230kg x 3 - not as good as 220, but a triple 25kg higher than my unequipped max on my 2nd equipped session is brilliant!

Deadlift equipped

usual bulls**t warm up sets that i'm tired of listing now

260 kg - piece of piss
300kg - PIECCE OF PISS! Grin
320kg - was there but couldn't quite lock it out

really low quality vid of the 300 pull

Few Comments, locking out deadlifts feels harder in the suit than not in the suit, I was not expecting to miss 320 at lockout. Probably technique issues, it's very hard to get set up exactly how I like in the suit. You can probably see it in the 300 video, it flies up then slows down significantly at lockout. Lockout felt slower than my unequipped 300kg at the north west champs...

i've done a lot of squatting and deadlifting in a short space of time these last 2 days, but I'm going to be struggling the rest of the weak with gym opening times etc so I'll have plenty time to recover...
» Tom's training log... (Go to post)29-12-2009 @ 19:51 
Sunday 27th December 2009

Equipped Squats!

70kg x 5 - 1/8 squats
110kg x 5 - 1/4 squats
160kg x 5 - 1/2 squats
180kg x 3 - borderline depth
200kg x 1 - piece of piss, finally convincing depth

Equipped Deadlift (after figuring out how to get hold of the bar)

70kg x 2
120 kg x 2
160kg x 1
205kg x 1
255kg x 1

Equipped Bench

100kg x 3 - nowhere near touching
125kg x 3 - bit closer
140kg x 3 - touching a 1 board
145kg x dumped on face - at least it touched ?

squat suit easy to use, bench shirt not quite got hang of yet....
» Deadlifting in weightlifting shoes - who does it? (Go to post)27-12-2009 @ 11:44 
I did, for a long time and pulled 300kg in them, but have always regarded it as a bad habbit I needed to break. Am now pulling (learning to) in flat shoes, so the real test will be the British Juniors in Feb. It does feel a bit different, I think in flat shoes it feels easier off the floor, but up top I feel like I'm fighting my hip flexors (which are tight anyway) more than I was in oly shoes.

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