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» News From The GBPF EXEC - Suspended Lifters (Go to post)19-05-2016 @ 12:22 
People react strangely to failed drugs tests. A lot of people take the stance of "well, if he got caught, then how many others must be doing it and getting away with it". Drug testing is not random, it is definitely targeted in the GBPF. A failed test and a banned cheat is surely a triumph of drug testing, not an exposure of how flawed the system "must be".

The real kicker is, if all drug tests came back clean, you all cry about how easy it must be to pass a test if no one failed, and by extension, everyone must be taking drugs.

So you can't win either way, either no one fails because drug testing is too s**t to catch anyone, or when cheats do get caught it means there must be hundreds of other cheats that didn't get caught.

A big consideration when moving to untested powerlifting for me was "NO ONE f**kING BELIEVES YOU ANYWAY".
» News From The GBPF EXEC - Suspended Lifters (Go to post)19-05-2016 @ 11:50 
AdamT said:GBPF is probably riddled with users. I won't put a percentage on a guess, but would anybody be surprised at least 1/3 are on??

Adam, you've often shown a lot of support for me, and there's plenty reasons to like you, so I'm going to do my best to put this delicately.

That is a complete dickhead suggestion to make. No it is not a f**king third lol. I doubt a third of British powerlifters from every fed combined are taking PEDs, let alone those who have chosen to lift in a tested fed.
» News From The GBPF EXEC - Suspended Lifters (Go to post)17-05-2016 @ 12:49 
CAJ said:I agree.

Plus if you are gonna use, where is the fun in coming off and running pct in to comp as per this example?

You may aswell compete balls to the wall at the peak of your cycle, halo'd up to your tits Grin

As a strength athlete, the motivation to win a competition at the expense of lifting less weight baffles me sometimes.
» Zahir bombs in squats (Go to post)24-04-2016 @ 22:38 
Zahir is awesome. Opening on 480 is cool as f**k. Any t**t can make a total in powerlifting, that's boring. It's not like it matters! Having the balls to attempt something everyone else says is crazy is why I'm a fan, not because he can play it safe and finish a game of s**t boring powerlifting...
» How many people can pull 300kg in the UK + another bullshit question. (Go to post)15-04-2016 @ 12:58 
matthewvc said:
can see why top bodybuilders would abuse benzos.
mega doses of heavy androgens like tren alongside clenbuterol and thyroid meds would
turn the slowest of metabolisms into an nuclear furnace of perma-sweating and insomnia.

benzos are nice....
» Paul Savage training log (Go to post)12-04-2016 @ 22:53 
Yep, not all women are worth the trouble, she sounds like she'd have been a nightmare
» How many people can pull 300kg in the UK + another bullshit question. (Go to post)11-04-2016 @ 01:51 
93hopkinsonr said: @82.5 (maybe a little heavier lol) at 23.

lol...he always looks more like 100 to me!
» How many people can pull 300kg in the UK + another bullshit question. (Go to post)10-04-2016 @ 12:28 
It was the 82.5 class back then, can't remember exactly what I weighed but probably a little under 82.

I pulled 300 in my first comp unequipped at 78 point something. 330 unequipped in the gym at 82 ish around the time I did that 350
» Paul Savage training log (Go to post)09-04-2016 @ 15:43 
KevC86 said:
If this works by calculating air time that seems more akin to a box jump.
If its a calculation based purely on force applied vs bw then that would work for vertical leap. Though it couldnt be as accurate as an actual vertical leap.

You CAN cheat, if you for example, tuck your knees in and land in a squat. You're supposed to land on straight legs though.

The one I used was a "thing" attached to my waist band at one end, and a "bit" on the floor at the other end, so it just measures how high your hips move.
» Paul Savage training log (Go to post)09-04-2016 @ 14:51 

Dwain did a running box jump of 62". I've done 60" without the run up...I guess he's probably around a 40-42" vertical jump, so 40 + really is a tremendous display of athleticism, without trying to be too boastful.
» Paul Savage training log (Go to post)09-04-2016 @ 14:46 
PaulSavage said:
41.3 inch. Im assuming all sprinters are good at it? I was actually beaten by the two sprinters in my class at the time, they were county level, trained with dwain chambers. They got 41 and 42 so i didnt realise 40 was even good at the time.

Yeah you jump on a force plate and then a machine does some magic and gives you a number
» Paul Savage training log (Go to post)09-04-2016 @ 14:25 
ChrisMcCarthy said:
What's the highest you've heard of Tom? You've been around some pretty explosive guys.
The NFL tends to top out around 45" (47" is the record I believe) and I know a 50" has been claimed by a Cuban Volleyball player whose name currently escapes me.

I could but only search the same google enquiry as you to find out.

My best was 1.05m but not since climbing to the wrong side of 80kg.
» Paul Savage training log (Go to post)09-04-2016 @ 14:13 
ChrisMcCarthy said:
Box Jump or true Vertical?

He said vertical, I'm taking it as a claimed 40" vertical.

If it's box however, lol.
» Paul Savage training log (Go to post)09-04-2016 @ 14:01 
40" vertical jump is very impressive
» Paul Savage training log (Go to post)09-04-2016 @ 10:45 
Sparrow said:You are much more likely to pull 300 X 10 or log 150 than you are to break rowing world records.

Nothing wrong with dreaming though.

Stop baiting him Tongue

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