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» Craig Coombes Videos (Go to post)08-10-2010 @ 12:18 
Robbo said:
You dont wear that stuff to lift a fingals finger, stone etc.

You dont wear kit to help, but its still a skill you must learn - think of the kit like the technique and co-ordination needed to do well on the fingers, or your preferred style on the truck pull. Its something you have to learn to do well at in order to suceed and it means that, sometimes, a strong and skillful/agile guy will beat a guy who is slightly strong but less skillful. That makes it more interesting to watch IMO.

IMO the kit introduces a skill element to the powerlifts that makes what is an incredibly boring sport a teeny bit more interesting to watch. If you're never sure whether a guy is gonna smoke a weight or its all gonna f**k up and catapult him across the room thats bullit IMO.
» IPF propose to decrease weight classes (Go to post)08-10-2010 @ 12:10 
brynevans said:
I was recently reading the IPF magazine and there was a write up on Austria a country of some 8.4 million population, they have 54 clubs and 3,500 powerlifters in the IPF affiliated federation. Compare that to the UK with 60+Million and about 750 members, TV must be really crap in Austria!

I think that just makes our moderate levels of sucess at PL (i.e. the odd world / euro mdeal here and there) even more impressive.

Steve also mentioned how Norway was it have s**t loads of lifters...but it aint like Austria and Norway are really kicking arse and taking names on the international PL circuit is it? The f**kers are obviously only good at producing Nazis and/or Christmas trees.
» Gyms in York (Go to post)01-10-2010 @ 13:28 
Robbo said:Ebor fitness is s**te mate. They wont let you do deadlifts, or in fact they will, but you cant drop the bar to the floor, you have to lower it slowly, LOL.

x2 on this. Im from York i am, but dont live there no more. I trained this Ebor place a while back and got bollocked for deadlifting, or more specifically for "banging the weights" (i was lowering them pretty gently as it goes).

The owners DAD (age ~60) told me it would "crack the plates"...

When i used to train at Atlanta YEARS ago there was a bird there who was doing full Oly lifts, dropping them onto some mats etc. - i would guess she had her own bar and had cleared it with the management but that might be worth a shout.
» Craig Coombes Videos (Go to post)01-10-2010 @ 09:10 
martin said:
Even so, I think a 1000kg ish total in single ply is better than any other lifter has done under 110kg isnt it?


The current 100kg senior total record in the IPF is 1037.5 by Freydun, Belayev has also done 1025 at 100, i imagine there are a couple more 'evs', 'ovs' and 'skis' that have gone over 1000 at 100.

The 110 record is 1060 (Suslov) so there are probably quite a few 110's that have gone over 1000.

If we're talking 1000kg "ish", Belayev did 980 at 90.
» S&C Gyms In Birmingham (Go to post)27-09-2010 @ 13:10 
Could try Jospeh Chamberlin college, we had the british there in 09. They have a couple of platforms IIRC.

Hatchford Brook in Solihull has some good stuff but is small.

Unfortunately the most s**thottest lifting gym in B'ham (if you want to learn to bomb on bench) is keyholders only
» Sheiko - Bench only (Go to post)27-09-2010 @ 12:07 
moz said:
Didn't know there was a Sheiko forum, sweet Happy

Dont get too excited theres only me and about 10 other sad c**ts on it.
» Sheiko - Bench only (Go to post)27-09-2010 @ 12:06 
Steve said:
In my opinion the worst thing you can do is blindly follow a programme written by somebody else, for somebody else. You need to learn to taylor and adapt programmes to suit your own needs. I can't remember any time when we've actually followed a programme without significantly altering it along the way to make it more suitable.

It very much depends what you're altering IMO. Assistance excersise selection? No worries I agree completely. If a program calls for a ton of board press work but you're weak off the chest it makes sense to switch up. Changing %'ages or set/rep schemes can completely change the nature (and potential effectiveness) of the program though.

For example, Sheiko cycles are set up according to a simple but mathematically precise wave loading formula (i know thats not very 'cool' according to current training fashions). Blindly messing about with the volume or intensity (based on 'feel' or perceived needs or whatever) almost always leads to poorer results in my experience.

After all, the loading/vol/intensity was generally arrived at after significant experiementation on different protocols during the Soviet era, and not many people know better than one of the most (the most?) sucessful PL coaches of all time. Happy
» Sheiko - Bench only (Go to post)26-09-2010 @ 19:17 
Try posting this on the BMF Sports Sheiko forum. That's one I havnt got but I bet my mate battista has.

Wihout seeing it I would guess though that it's an MS or maybe MSIC program
» Subo To Sing For The Pope (Go to post)16-09-2010 @ 13:52 
What about 2 Little Boys by the mighty Rolf H?
» GBPF British Unequipped Champs 4-5th Sept (Go to post)08-09-2010 @ 11:41 
Icepick said:
lulz I almost feel a bit shy to claim these fake records.
Anyhow, Edwards sends his regards re baby.

That was a tidy pull sunshine...imagine what SUPERHERO number you would have pulled if you'd borrowed the Captain America leotard?

» GBPF British Unequipped Champs 4-5th Sept (Go to post)07-09-2010 @ 19:42 
IainKendrick said:235/135/250

Wow nice squat Kenders! s**t bench though.

Sorry to miss that newly improved beard in actual action but it was nice to catch up. I think either you have got slightly taller, or I have got EVEN shorter.
» Tom Martin (Go to post)04-09-2010 @ 00:18 
Post Edited: 04.09.2010 @ 00:19 AM by Ben_Tricky_Burgess
little_a said:I hope they realise what they've got in this lad, and stick him on the next team trip to Heathrow.

I've read this twice and only just got it. Its f**king funny. Made me realise i am disapointingly thick though, sadly.

Tom great pull mate, i thought your 2nd sq was ok too as it goes.
» More good stuff from Jim Wendler (Go to post)03-09-2010 @ 10:45 
I think the whole tone of his recent s**t is pretty hypocritical.

This is the guy who published pictures of himself shirtless (with massive traps) alongside articles of how to get a bigger 'yoke' (traps) and stated that it was important have big forearms, quads and traps and to be bloated and 'jacked' by eating loads of fatty food and taking loads of gear. Sure, he's suggesting that less 'conventional' muscle groups and training methods are 'cool' (compared to the BB'er chest and biceps brigade) but it boils down to exactly the same thing.

I happen to agree with some of what he says, but who the f**k is he to be ordering the "SO MANY men, young men and boys" how to live their lives?
» Why Do Heavy Drinkers Outlive Nondrinkers? (Go to post)02-09-2010 @ 16:57 

Im gonna get well old then.
» Metal black wrist wraps vs ATP convicts? (Go to post)01-09-2010 @ 20:35 
Like Kenders says, depends on the kit check. At a regional GBPF meet you probably dont even get kit checked sometimes, and if you do they might allow non-approved wrist wraps.

There is absolutely no chance whatsoever that non-IPF approved knee wraps would be allowed at an international IPF meet, probably not even at the british. I had arguments for ages one year about being allowed to use my APT knee wraps when they were newly approved.


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