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» Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhh budddy! - Dave's Log (Go to post)27-11-2009 @ 16:10 
Complex with bar in the grappler (all weights minus bar)

1 round = 10 cleans, 10 squats, 10 push presses, 20 bent over rows

warm up, 5kg 10 reps each
warm up, 20 kg 10 reps each


25kg, 3 trips
30kg, 3 trips


die some more

keep dying

rolling on the hockey ball

light shoulder and arm stuff and some stretching. Convinced im on to something sorting this shoulder/arm out. feeling good afterwards.
» Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhh budddy! - Dave's Log (Go to post)25-11-2009 @ 17:47 
First halfish session back, was meant to be playing today but both teams had games cancelled due to waterlogged pitches, so I did...

DB press
10kg x 15
10kg x 15
10kg x 15
35kg x 5 - elbow felt dodgy so binned it

DB curl

12.5kg's x 12, 12, 12

Hammer curl

10kg x 10, 10, 10

Band push down

mini x 20, 20, 20, 20

Band pull apart

mini x 50

Lat raise + shoulder complex

7.5kg x loads

Reverse fly

3 x 15

External rotation

2.5kg x 50

Stretching and a bit of abs.
» Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhh budddy! - Dave's Log (Go to post)23-11-2009 @ 23:09 
Post Edited: 23.11.2009 @ 23:11 PM by Dave284
» Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhh budddy! - Dave's Log (Go to post)23-11-2009 @ 23:07 
Cheers mate, I really enjoyed it
» Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhh budddy! - Dave's Log (Go to post)22-11-2009 @ 19:02 
Uni comp report:

Got up at 5:15 to get to Bournemouth in plenty of time. Livid. Warm ups for the squat were pretty average, I was nervous as I didnt really know what to expect etc etc.


1st: 160, squatted it fine but racked it before the command. FAIL.
2nd: Upped it to 165, easy. PASS.
3rd: 170, smashed it. PASS


1st: 130, crushed it. PASS
2nd: 140, crushed it. PASS
3rd: 145, ****ed it. FAIL


1st: 220, went up fine although it didnt feel amazing PASS
2nd: 240, 7.5kg PR, slow at the top but it went PASS
3rd: 245, very hard to lockout but I got it, 12.5kg PR. PASS

Totalled 545kg which won me the 90kg raw open and U23.

I left some weight on the platform in the squat due to my **** up, but I still equalled my PR. Ditto the bench, I had 145 but I lost a bit of tightness and bo***cksed it.

Had a great day, thanks to LMC for coming along. Good to see Iain lifting as always (I especially enjoyed him massaging my lower back with white sticky fluid).
» Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhh budddy! - Dave's Log (Go to post)18-11-2009 @ 18:34 

60kg x 3
80kg x 3
100kg x 3
*insert foam roller*
100kg x 3
100kg x 3
100kg x 3

Load of shoulder stretching etc. Feeling a little better. Shoulders hurt but the 100's flew.
» Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhh budddy! - Dave's Log (Go to post)17-11-2009 @ 17:56 

bar x 10
60kg x 3
60kg x 3
60kg x 3
90kg x 1
90kg x 1
90kg x 1

Half hour of stretching. Fun innit.
» Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhh budddy! - Dave's Log (Go to post)14-11-2009 @ 12:46 
**** loads of mobility/light band work and foam rolling.
» Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhh budddy! - Dave's Log (Go to post)13-11-2009 @ 22:19 
Cheers mate but that benching was s**t lol.

Upper body wise, facepulls, external rotations, press ups, band pushdowns that kind of thing.


70kg x 3
110kg x 3
150kg x 1
170kg x 1
190kg x 1
190kg x 1
190kg x 1

Pull throughs 3 x 10

Abs 2 x 10

All ****ing around until the comp now.
» Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhh budddy! - Dave's Log (Go to post)10-11-2009 @ 21:19 
Bench at home with LM

bar x loads
60kg x 5
80kg x 3
100kg x 3
110kg x 3
130kg x 2*
100kg x 5
100kg x 5

* The **** bench in the **** gym at home isnt attached to the floor in anyway, so on the first rep it slid about 2-3 inches backwards, totally ****ing me up. Reset under the bar and did a 2nd. I think 3 was there for a PR but there we go, no great loss. I ll be opening with 130 so happy enough.

Did a load of various re/prehab stuff and some stretching.

Im supposed to deadlift friday, that may or may not happen depending on how I feel. I definitely wont take an opener as I know I can do it and I dont want the extra fatigue.
» Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhh budddy! - Dave's Log (Go to post)09-11-2009 @ 20:47 

bar x 10
60kg x 5
80kg x 3
100kg x 3
120kg x 3
140kg x 3
160kg x 1
170kg x 1 - PR
100kg x 3
100kg x 3

Power clean

60kg x 3
70kg x 3
80kg x 3

Various Abs.

160 flew up, couldve trippled it, 170 was more of a grind but mainly because I let the bar slide on me a little bit. More there. Happy with that.
» Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhh budddy! - Dave's Log (Go to post)07-11-2009 @ 13:56 
Speedish bench

60kg x 3
60kg x 3
70kg x 3
70kg x 3
70kg x 3
70kg x 3
70kg x 3
70kg x 3
70kg x 3
70kg x 3

Chins, various grips

bw x 10
bw x 10
bw x 10
bw x 5
bw x 5

MP ss lat raise

40kg x 10, 7.5kg x 10
40kg x 10, 7.5kg x 10
40kg x 10, 7.5kg x 5

Cable row 5 x 10

Curl 2 x 10

No breakfast but half decent session.
» Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhh budddy! - Dave's Log (Go to post)06-11-2009 @ 21:07 

70kg x 3
110kg x 5
140kg x 5
160kg x 5
185kg x 7

Ive cut the **** out of my foot, lost about a half pint of blood and cant really walk, so this was pleasing lol. I couldve pulled 3-4 more reps I think but my thumb started aching for some reason so binned it.

After work:


60kg x 10
60kg x 10
60kg x 10
60kg x 10
60kg x 10

Various abs.
» Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhh budddy! - Dave's Log (Go to post)03-11-2009 @ 20:32 

bar x loads
60kg x 5
80kg x 5
100kg x 5
110kg x 8
100kg x 5
100kg x 5
100kg x 5

failed a 9th because i was wearing trainers and my foot slipped which ****ed up my arch. Strength wise I was good for 10+ I feel.

Pin press w/doubled mini bands

60kg x 10
70kg x 10
70kg x 10
80kg x 6
60kg x 12

Mini band face pull w/double external rotation 3 x 10

Mini band pull apart 3 x 20

Chin up bw 3 x 8

Banded pulldowns 2 x 20

Good session, liked the pin presses as an assistance lift.
» Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhh budddy! - Dave's Log (Go to post)02-11-2009 @ 21:15 

bar x 10
60kg x 5
80kg x 5
100kg x 5
115kg x 5
130kg x 11 - PR*

*Had loads more, 11th was as fast as the first. Think I was probably good for 15 but stopped anyway so as to avoid extra pressure on my **** knees/hip.

Power cleans

60kg x 5
70kg x 5
80kg x 3
90kg x 1 (push jerked it too).

Few abs

Good session, squats were very strong and fast.

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