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» Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhh budddy! - Dave's Log (Go to post)20-12-2009 @ 16:50 
Few cheeky squats

warm up:

extensive amount of hockey ball rolling, feet, calves, adductors, hips, glutes, IT band
bw squats w/doubled light band around knees



bw x 20
bar x 10
60kg x 6
80kg x 3
100kg x 3
120kg x 1
140kg x 1
160kg x 3 - PR
100kg x 10
80kg x 10
60kg x 10

power clean

40kg x 3
40kg x 3
50kg x 3
50kg x 3
60kg x 3

hanging leg raise x 6, 6, 6


tke vs light band 2 x 15
good morning bar 3 x 10
single leg bridge w/foot on box 2 x 10
bridge with feet on bench 2 x 10
x band walks w/mini 2 trips 10 steps each
sit up 3 x 10

Good session, very happy with the squats. Saw stars between 2 and 3 but it came up well enough. Best ive felt squatting in a long time after all the rolling. Im doing this everytime I train hence forth. Ive done it for a while but I feel like ive really found the areas that benefit me now. Moved the stance around on the GM's after looking at cricket fire's log, I quite like wider stance ones as it goes.
» Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhh budddy! - Dave's Log (Go to post)19-12-2009 @ 18:34 
Yeh im going to lift there mate I reckon! Did you get that belt you were talking about?
» Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhh budddy! - Dave's Log (Go to post)19-12-2009 @ 17:18 
Warm Up:

Hockey ball upper back, calves, IT band


bar x 10
60kg x 3
60kg x 3
80kg x 3
90kg x 3
100kg x 3
112.5kg x 7
90kg x 5
90kg x 5
80kg x 10
60kg x 10
60kg x 10

I used a suicide grip up to and including the top set. Felt different but good but to be honest ive got no reason to change it up. Could be a useful training tool for triceps movements though since I can tuck noticeably more.

Floor press:

60kg x 10
70kg x 10
70kg x 6

DB row

10kg x 10
20kg x 10
40kg x 10
50kg x 10
60kg x 15 - equal or possibly a PR

Lat pull down, focus on arching hard

42kg x 10
42kg x 10
42kg x 10
42kg x 10
42kg x 10

Good session, bench is feeling decent at the moment, I think im going to be on for a decent press at this comp in feb.
» Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhh budddy! - Dave's Log (Go to post)15-12-2009 @ 20:35 
Post Edited: 15.12.2009 @ 20:36 PM by Dave284
Figured id try to squat today, if it hurt too much id deadlift, if that hurt too much id good morning....

Warm up:

hockey ball whole lower body
static stretch hip flexor, calf, hamstring, glutes
more mobilty



bw x 10
bw x 10
bar x 10
bar x 5
60kg x 5
80kg x 5
100kg x 5
120kg x 5
80kg x 5

Felt good. No pain in the knee worth mentioning, felt a little odd but I ll take that happily now.


70kg x 3
110kg x 3
150kg x 3
190kg x 1

All good, 190 was fast, as it should be. I wouldve done more reps but my little finger wasnt loving it following its dislocation


GM 3 x 10 w/bar
TKE w/light band 3 x 15
Single leg bridge with foot on a box 2 x 10 each leg
Bridge with feet on bench 2 x 10
X band walk w/mini band 2 trips, 2 steps each leg/trip
Sit up 3 x 10
Pallof Press w/light band 2 x 10/side

Really happy that I can squat and pull with the knee. I ll jump back onto 5/3/1 for them next week probably after one more session to get me back up to speed. Using a bit of a different log format because this way I ll be able to see if Im slacking off warm ups and rehab stuff, I generally do it I just dont write it down. This way I ll be sure to.
» Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhh budddy! - Dave's Log (Go to post)14-12-2009 @ 22:31 
Right, im definitely gunning for this junior comp in feb now, f**k the knees theyre going to have to get better. Im going to attempt a squat tomorrow, even if all I do is the bar. Bar's better than no squatting.

stretch and mobility, body weight squatting ok


bar x 10
bar x 10
40kg x 5
45kg x 3
52.5kg x 3
57.5kg x 10 - probably a PR
40kg x 10
40kg x 10
40kg x 10

Pin press vs doubled mini's

60kg x 10
60kg x 10
80kg x 5

Bench pull in power rack

60kg x 10
70kg x 10
80kg x 10
90kg x 10
60kg x 20

Single arm DB press

12.5kg x 15
12.5kg x 15
12.5kg x 15


10kg x 20
10kg x 20

Rotations on grappler

10kg x 5
10kg x 5
10kg x 5

DB curl

7.5kg x 10
7.5kg x 10

Long but good session. MP was solid, easier than 55 x 10 last week and probably had a rep left in me. 60 x 10 next week would be an all time PR which id be pretty happy with.

The bench pulls were really good, I liked them a lot, no pressure on lower back, good weight moved, going to use these again in the future.

Sold myself to do this meet in february. I cant be a rugby player anymore so Im going to make a f**king good fist of this powerlifting lark. I got my squat ready for last time so with no running and a s**tload of drugs so I ll be alright to do the same again hopefully, just depends how soon I can get back to squatting. I want a 400lb squat this time if possible.
» Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhh budddy! - Dave's Log (Go to post)14-12-2009 @ 15:43 
Its because I post in on muscletalk then cut and paste it bud. Im going to start doing it the other way round because im a big fan of writing c**t f**k s**t and other general rudeness in my log, and I like to be able to see it!!
» Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhh budddy! - Dave's Log (Go to post)14-12-2009 @ 13:04 
Just seen the surgeon, had a look at some mri's etc and the upshot was that I have some inflammation of my patella tendon (no **** sherlock), which is worse about an inch below the kneecap (again, couldve told you this for free).

He said I could either:

1) have physio
2) ultrasound it for a bit and see if that helps
3) have a procedure during which id get knocked out and have him put some electrodes into my tendon to try and stimulate some vascularity in there in order to reduce the swelling.

I asked him what he'd do, said that its gone too far for physio to help. Happy with that as finding a good physio can be a nightmare. He recommended that I try ultrasound for a bit and see if it helps, if not he ll do the op. So there we go. I highly doubt anything will happen before xmas, so its pretty much another month before anything will start to happen.

On the plus side, he doesnt want to cut me open and **** about inside my knee. more running of any kind in the immediate future. This means no rugby, but I will probably be able to squat again with manageable pain in a few weeks, now that ive totally given up on rugby. This could mean a full meet is on the cards in february, depending how soon I can get a bar on my back and how soon my finger allows me to pull properly.
» Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhh budddy! - Dave's Log (Go to post)12-12-2009 @ 21:23 
Forgot to mention on here that I dislocated a finger wednesday playing rugby...
» Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhh budddy! - Dave's Log (Go to post)12-12-2009 @ 14:17 

long warm up
60kg x 5
60kg x 5
60kg x 5
80kg x 5
90kg x 5
105kg x 8
80kg x 10
60kg x 10
60kg x 10
60kg x 10

Felt good, im going to stop pausing my top sets on the higher reps just because I feel that the pause is taking reps out of me, especially over 8 reps. 105 x 8 was solid, had a couple more but I dont need to push it the first proper session back.

Floor press

60kg x 10
60kg x 10
60kg x 10

I used a suicide grip on these after watching the video Dave Tate posted on youtube about it. I found that I could go a little wider (middle finger o the ring), tuck a lot more and get the bar about half an inch off my chest. Something to experiment with.

Lat pull down

49kg x 10
42kg x 10
42kg x 10
42kg x 10
42kg x 10

Paused all these at the bottom, light weight but intended to help me arch in a bench not to make me stronger at lat pulldowns.

Band pull apart

mini 5 x 10

External rotation

2.5kg 3 x 10

Hammer curl

10kg 3 x 10

Good session back, finger made gripping the bar a little different but got on fine with everything.
» Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhh budddy! - Dave's Log (Go to post)07-12-2009 @ 23:29 
Im keen mate. I ll probably next be benching on saturday if you re interested
» Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhh budddy! - Dave's Log (Go to post)07-12-2009 @ 22:11 
Right, new plan: I have just about stopped ****ing about in the aftermath of the meet and I have decided what im going to do going forwards...

Im going to accept the fact that there will be no squatting in the immediate future due to my knees and in that vein im going to do the U23 nationals in february as bench only. The aim for that will be to get the U23 raw record of 150kg. I am also going to try and fix my ****ing knees.

Plan will basically be bench and MP 5/3/1 style then an extra day, which will effectively be a back day, on which I ll rack pull and do a load of pulling/shoulder health. Maybe some speed deadlifts knee depending.



bar x 15
bar x 15
40kg x 5
47.5kg x 5
55kg x 10
40kg x 10
40kg x 10

Pin press w doubled mini's

60kg x 10
60kg x 10
60kg x 10

Seated cable row

'5' x 10
'10' x 10
'15' x 10
'20' (stack) x 8
'10' x 15
'5' x 15

Single arm DB shoulder press

12.5kg 3 x 10

Grappler twists

10kg 3 x 5

Good session, ive started the MP off really light on purpose because im so gash at it.
» Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhh budddy! - Dave's Log (Go to post)04-12-2009 @ 15:05 
Crap session


60kg x 3
80kg x 3
100kg x 3

knees hurt so binned it

power clean

60kg 3 x 3

Pull through

30kg 5 x 10

sit up 3 x 10

I cant keep squatting with my knees like this, its throws me off and puts more pressure on my back and hips. Waiting for my consultant to write back to me about the mri follow up, cant come soon enough to be honest. Ive had enough of being a cripple.
» wendlers 531 ebook (Go to post)03-12-2009 @ 21:12 
it costs like 5 quid
» Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhh budddy! - Dave's Log (Go to post)01-12-2009 @ 22:59 
Half hour of elbow prehad, lots of hammer curls and band pushdowns.

2hours rugby training, dont usually log this but im going to start.
» Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhh budddy! - Dave's Log (Go to post)30-11-2009 @ 23:30 
Had my mri today, results next week...

Some kind of usefulish training:


40kg x 5
50kg x 5
60kg x 5
70kg x 3
70kg x 3
70kg x 2

Bench to a foam roller

60kg x 5
100kg x 5
110kg x 5
120kg x 5
100kg x 5
100kg x 10

DB shoulder press

20kg x 10
12.5kg x 10
12.5kg x 10

Lat raise

5kg 3 x 12

I really need to bring up my shoulder press and Im making it a priority in my training henceforth. Im **** at it. Trully ****. I want to press 2 plates overhead legally. I also want to jerk/push jerk 120.

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