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» Craig log (Go to post)09-08-2010 @ 21:52 
7 august - did sheringhams strongest man

event 1. 90kg log press from the shoulder.

there was 17 guys I think and they wanted to get it down to 12 so this was an eliminator.. I was up 1st and managed 10 reps. Think that got me equal 3rd place..

Event 2. Van arm over arm.

Was up 1st again in this and think I did it in 28 secs.. Which ment I came 11th. Watching the other guys go after me they got away with starting there 1st pull standing up so maybe that would have saved me a few secs.. Probably should have asked if I could do that beforehand.

Event 3. Sword hold (12kg)

they reversed that running so I went last in this. Look grim watching others go before me. I got 1 min 15secs which I think was good for 10th or maybe 9th place.

Event 4. Deadlift - 380kg tyre on a frame with the bar at the front. Probably 200kg in the hands..

Only managed 6 reps which got me 10th place.. Still be far me worst event. Think 9th place got 12 reps so I was a long way off that!

Event 5. 70kg farmers 25m - 80kg wooden block 10m - 135kg duck walk.

Don't no where I came here but I'm guessing near the end.. Farmers and block were pretty decent but droped the duck after about 5m and ended up dragging it the rest of the way.. It was a pretty akward duck ( especially) with my stumpy arms and legs but to honest my main problem was my lack of conditioning!

Event 6. Truck pull 15m

came 3rd in this which I was chuffed with..

Think I was 10th or 9th overall..? Wasn't really paying attention at the end!

I had a good day out and I think I learned a few thing so onwards an upwards..
» Andys Journal. (Go to post)08-08-2010 @ 13:12 
Nice reps andy...
» Bish's big bad journal (Go to post)04-08-2010 @ 20:34 
Nice frontie pb..

Although 3 sets of 12 actually makes me feel sick!
» Pikey Dans Training Journal (Go to post)04-08-2010 @ 20:32 
Good few sessions there dan...
» Olympic Bar - SS Healthfoods (Go to post)04-08-2010 @ 14:24 
I got a 700kg rated oly bar of eBay for about £60 around 6 months ago... It was ok but I always felt a bit of movement in the loading pins whenever I squated or benched relatively heavy.. Then this month I got a Texas power bar from strength shop... I would highly recommend spending the extra cash on the Texas power bar if you can afford it!
» Craig log (Go to post)03-08-2010 @ 21:18 

back squat

5 * 70kg
5 * 120kg
3 * 170kg
2 * 190kg
1 * 200kg
1 * 210kg
1 * 215kg
1 * 220kg
5 * 170kg

axel bench press - first time doing these

5 * 80kg
3 * 110kg
2 * 120kg
2 * 130kg
2 * 135kg
5 * 120kg

DOH axel deadlift

5 * 80kg
5 * 90kg
5 * 100kg
» Craig log (Go to post)02-08-2010 @ 21:39 

Kettlebell swings and snatches to warm up

strict press

10 * 20kg
6 * 70kg
2 * 90kg
2 * 90kg
2 * 90kg

push press

2 * 110kg
2 * 110kg
2 * 110kg
10 * 70kg (5 strict + 5 push)
» Bish's big bad journal (Go to post)01-08-2010 @ 20:59 
Well done bish - top performance!
» Craig log (Go to post)01-08-2010 @ 19:34 

farmers duck medley

80kg farmers 25m + 140 duck 10m
80kg farmers 15m + 140 duck 10m
80kg farmers 15m

stones - all to 50inch

1 * 80kg
2 * 105kg
1 * 125kg
1 * 125kg
1 * 125kg
2 * 105kg
6 * 80kg
» Andys Journal. (Go to post)30-07-2010 @ 14:39 
strong strict pressing andy
» Craig log (Go to post)29-07-2010 @ 09:35 

Quick bench session this morning

Bench press

10 * bar
10 * 70kg
5 * 100kg
2 * 120kg
2 * 130kg
1 * 140kg
1 * 145kg
10 * 110kg

Incline axel bench

5 * 70kg
5 * 90kg
5 * 100kg

first early morning session in ages - not great. 145kg bench was pretty much all out..
» Craig log (Go to post)28-07-2010 @ 20:30 


4 * 70kg
2 * 110kg
1 * 140kg
1 * 160kg
1 * 190kg
1 * 210kg
1 * 220kg
1 * 230kg

farmers holds

worked up to 25 secs with 120kg each hand.
» Craig log (Go to post)27-07-2010 @ 19:57 
andydanjosh said:good PB mate.


Cheers Andy
» Craig log (Go to post)27-07-2010 @ 19:42 

strict press

10 * 60kg
4 * 75kg
1 * 90kg
1 * 105kg - pb

1 arm db press (floor to OH)

8 * 30kg
9 * 45kg in 65 secs

Stone to shoulder

2 * 80kg
2 * 80kg
5 * 80kg
» Andys Journal. (Go to post)27-07-2010 @ 17:31 
Nice squats Andy!


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