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» Plyometric Training... (Go to post)22-09-2009 @ 21:22 
IainKendrick said:Happy No appology needed. The correct answer is to tell me to get stuffed you pinickity t**t! lol

I wouldn't do that. I'm here to learn so will leave name calling under different sections lol.
» Plyometric Training... (Go to post)22-09-2009 @ 19:53 
Sorry I used the word as it seems to sum it all up.

I'm not the cardio type but I do need to include something to burn calories and the get the heart going. My gut is getting way of control!

Plus I've been told it helps with the explosive side of things, supposedly.

Again, forget the word plyometric, as I really have used it to sum everything up including the cat and his Aunty.
» Plyometric Training... (Go to post)22-09-2009 @ 19:02 
...or it's simpler variations. Does it have real place in weight training?

I started conditioning training to lose the gut over the weekend and someone introduced me to what he called plyometric training. I know that box jumps come under this category, however, are other techniques such as bunny jumps, depth jumps, explosive press ups and their variations, burpees etc etc beneficial to weight training?

I don't want to concentrate on them if they play no part, however, they were good at mixing up a conditioning workout rather than trying to lose calories on a treadmill!
» Info under my name!! (Go to post)22-09-2009 @ 18:54 
buzz said:

I don't think it's fair to use "mystical beings" and England in the same post.
» Just proposed to my girlfriend (Go to post)21-09-2009 @ 22:50 
» England Trip (Go to post)20-09-2009 @ 22:37 
You could make your trip worthwhile and take a journey north of the border.
» new training routine (Go to post)20-09-2009 @ 17:04 
Similair to what I started this Monday past. The only thing I've added with chest and upper back is power cleans.

Started some conditioning work today and will try that twice a week. Still out of breat from two hours ago.
» The idiots guide to Deadlifting (Go to post)19-09-2009 @ 12:26 
I need someone to teach me how to deadlift and squat properly.
» Best ways to manage underperforming staff! (Go to post)19-09-2009 @ 12:23 
goodwinm said:
I'm not a manager. I'm the employee. lol.
But getting very annoyed that I work my tits off every day and get paid the same as the guy who has poor performance every week and is just drifting along half arsed.
My manager is just not strict enough to tell them to pull their socks up or they are out the door.
Sorry to moan. Don't want too much of a sandy vagina but it does grind my gears.

I'm a manager and employee and I must say it's difficult to manage things either way. A lot of it depends on how you first make an impression with your staff i.e. friendly but firm.

When someone is underperforming and a manager can't see it then he's doomed as his manager will catch on. If he does see it then it's his responsibility to do these action plans etc and if that doesn't work then he should bring his manager and/or HR.

Maybe he's the exact same as them and has got to where he has by chance?
» Converse Trainers (Go to post)18-09-2009 @ 22:18 
I found a pair of Adidas Rekords in my cupboard, which have got a solid sole. Going to use these a while.
» Converse Trainers (Go to post)18-09-2009 @ 17:34 
Right I missed my chance today but on my way to buy some loose fitting trousers tomorrow I will be buying a cheap pair of Converse!
» Converse Trainers (Go to post)18-09-2009 @ 16:13 
For weight lifting purposes obviously!
» Converse Trainers (Go to post)18-09-2009 @ 15:31 
What's the best to buy? Going to go get some in an hour!
» 91kg Circus Dbell (Go to post)17-09-2009 @ 17:14 
You made that look too simple.
» Flapjacks (Go to post)17-09-2009 @ 17:13 
goodwinm said:Had to buy some flapjacks! was in ALDI. Cheap as f**k.
Bought pack of 13 BakinBoyz flapjacks for 99p

Nice. I think I'll give Lidl a try too.

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