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» Why are security.......... (Go to post)17-10-2009 @ 18:09 
To be honest everyone makes fair points.

I blame this Lurkio fellow for me having to expend more brain power than I intended today.
» Why are security.......... (Go to post)17-10-2009 @ 15:34 
jt said:
so you say it is ok for a sikh to wear a turban but not ok for a muslim to wear a burka?

Nope. Remember Muslim women also wear Hijabs, Jilbabs and Niqabs whilst Muslim men wear Skullcaps and on rare occasion a particular type of turban.

The covering of one's self completely in society isn't right and in many a case is viewed as a male dominance. Ultimately I couldn't care less what anyone else does as long as it doesn't impinge on what I do in life. I just want to enjoy life, go out and have some fun.
» Why are security.......... (Go to post)17-10-2009 @ 15:10 
ozzie said:wow this could turn into a massive debate. i agree with security guards tho, bouncers i have respect for but not rent a cops. as for the turban.. i agree with if we have to take head wear off so do you, just as i agree with so many that women should NOT be aloud to wear the burka inside the UK

Lol a big debate it really could become.

I think ultimately it's really an agree to disagree situation. I stand by the fact that as a Sikh I do my best to integrate with society and pay my dues. It's a shame that I've been held back on a number of occasions due to the fact I wear a turban to cover my hair.

I do understand the point of view from a bouncer where I could potentially be harbouring a weapon and/or drugs, however, whether you take my assurance or not it is difficult. There are Sikhs who wear weaponary on their turban but they aren't the type to go to a club.

I do agree with the burka bit though.
» Why are security.......... (Go to post)17-10-2009 @ 14:29 
Beard_Of_Iron said:
you get x-rayed at airport security though.

Lol I know. Just had that pointed out.

Either way, the way I see it is that the club is losing out on me spending some hard earned money. Although I miss out on the woman, my social skills have become so inept that I wouldn't have got anywhere anyway!
» Why are security.......... (Go to post)17-10-2009 @ 14:18 
Robbo said:
No but it is somewhere where weapons/drugs can be hidden. Yet we cant search you as its holy to you, and classed as an offence if we do so

Robbo, I agree with you, however, I can walk through an airport security centre and don't get asked to prove whether I'm hiding weapons/drugs or a bomb lol!
» Why are security.......... (Go to post)17-10-2009 @ 13:15 
It's not a hat though. Not something I can just pop on and off.
» Why are security.......... (Go to post)17-10-2009 @ 12:31 
Bryn I agree with you completely but s**t on the whole I'm generally ok. What I don't like, and before anyone tells me it doesn't happen, is the fact that wearing a turban is a barring factor from me getting into a club.
» Why are security.......... (Go to post)17-10-2009 @ 11:59 
I see. It must be soul destroying for them though. We've got a temporary guard outside our office building and he just stands there from 8am to 6pm and that's it. No desk phone, no radio and no computer.
» Why are security.......... (Go to post)17-10-2009 @ 11:03 
When you say security to you mean doormen/bouncers? I have my gripes with them.
» Jack Daniel's (Go to post)16-10-2009 @ 14:44 
Carl said:not pre mixed with brown sugar water??

Erm no. If I was still drinking, I'd try it.
» Jack Daniel's (Go to post)16-10-2009 @ 14:36 
When I used to drink JD was the bees knees. Although it's much better straight with ice.
» WHats the best way to go with deadlifts (Go to post)15-10-2009 @ 15:25 
Thing said:
some do and some just do 5 sets working up then back done again. but i would go for the same weight for 5

Right. I will try that from now on.

How long should you keep such a routine on for anyway?
» WHats the best way to go with deadlifts (Go to post)15-10-2009 @ 14:44 
When doing 5 x 5 are you supposed to do the same weight for all reps and sets?
» Ken Nowicki, Axle Clean and Press- 13/10/09 (Go to post)13-10-2009 @ 22:40 
Looks brilliant. After Sunday's session I had the s**ttest time at the gym tonight. Complete waste of time.
» WOODY ALLEN SYNDROME (Go to post)13-10-2009 @ 14:56 
Never been down that far south; my family is from the north.

Just be careful that people don't try and fleece you when going about your everyday business.

Most importantly is the food and water though. Tap water and eating from street vendors is a complete no no! You don't want a mudslide while benching.

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