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» My First British Unequipped Champs! 262.5 / 172.5 / 350 - 785 total at 91.9 (Go to post)13-10-2013 @ 23:34 
Very nice, Tom. That second squat was a bit out of character, mind you!
» Old Rap/Hip Hop songs (Go to post)02-10-2013 @ 23:37 
Has anyone posted a track off "Illmatic" by Nas? If not, please to do so. (I'd do it myself, but my phone is getting right on my tits!).
» X Factor Starts Again Tonight! (Go to post)31-08-2013 @ 20:47 
I'm at work but I'll be watching the repeat later. TV highlight of the week. Don't normally watch it without a beer or two though!
» my british deadlift record plus other enjoyable lifts and one poor lift (Go to post)04-08-2013 @ 19:49 
You deserve a nice cup of tea.
» Tom's training log... (Go to post)02-08-2013 @ 13:42 
740 pages in and at no point have you ever mentioned that you don't drink tea. This is disappointing, to say the least. I think you may have let a lot of people down, Tom. Shocking news.
» 143kg bench press for forty five reps ! (Go to post)29-07-2013 @ 23:44 
If he'd took up golf, who knows where he'd be.
» Bolt V Farah Over 600m (Go to post)29-07-2013 @ 23:02 
Bolt to win at 600. Same at 610. Dead heat at 620. Mo starts winning at 621 metres. Anything above 120 miles and they're both wank. (Mo slightly less so).
» Can't squat. Can't bench. Can deadlift....a little. (Go to post)29-07-2013 @ 08:45 
danbaseley said:House got burgled; they went into my room when my girlfriend was asleep and stole her bag and phone. Nice.

Awaiting police x 1 giant set
Dusting for prints 3 x 5
Recording statement x 1
Drinking pints to forget about lost items x 12

Scary stuff. Hope she's ok.
» ksohhjjkk (Go to post)22-07-2013 @ 01:46 
Impressive deadlift.
» what did you have for tea? (Go to post)20-07-2013 @ 21:04 
TravisFandango said:
Excellent guess! Still not done it either. I went to the cafe and had omelette chips n beans earlier though, so that should do me until tomorrow... Like intermittent fasting or something. Oh! I do have 2 oranges left, so I'll probs have them too at some point.

The cans and oranges diet. I can see another successful ebook in the making.
» what did you have for tea? (Go to post)20-07-2013 @ 20:48 
TravisFandango said:4 oranges, 5 cans & a marmalade sandwich.

Not done your big shop this week then?
» Showmanship (Go to post)19-07-2013 @ 08:11 
Fazc said:The worst offenders are the deadlifters:

Saw a guy at a BDFPA comp last year shout "lightweight baby!" at the top of a 195kg deadlift.

Was that Coventry, Faz? I missed that bit! There seems to be quite a few tits in powerlifting.

I don't mind lairy at all if there's something to back it up with, for example Stephen Manuel, but for me, understated overachievement is more impressive.
» 75kg of Gristle and Scar Tissue. Training Log 2. (Go to post)11-07-2013 @ 14:06 
Bench (getting tedious now)

100x6 wimped out on the last one



Chins and pull ups until I could chin and pull up no longer.

» 75kg of Gristle and Scar Tissue. Training Log 2. (Go to post)09-07-2013 @ 09:35 

100x8 Wanted 9 for a PB but the 8th was all over the shop



Tried to do a few pulls but my lower back really doesn't want to know at the minute. More rest, more stretching and more benching it is then..
» If you aren't bouncing you're doing it wrong (Go to post)07-07-2013 @ 00:54 
MattD90 said:Plot twist: TonyRAW is Mallone

That's the man! I knew the wanky photos and copy and paste articles reminded me of a previous poster's "style". He came across as a bit of a clueless bellend too.

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