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» PowerBanana (Go to post)03-04-2017 @ 16:28 

Some saq ladder stuff to warm up. Felt great to love like that again.

Deads no belt
70kg x10
120kg x10
160kg x8
200kg x5
220kg x5 good

1 plate deficit deads no belt
120kg x10
160kg x5
180kg x5
200kg x5 good

Bw 1x8 2x5

Db rows
46kg 3x10

High pulley rows 3x10

Lat pull down 3x10

Face pulls 3x15

Dead hangs

50kg db holds
2x failure

Weight is about 114kg. So another stone or so and I'll be where I wanna be. Feeling strong, feeling fit.
» PowerBanana (Go to post)30-03-2017 @ 10:29 

Up to
100kg 3x8 good

Bw dips
2x8 good

Seated db shoulders.
26kg 3x8

Cg bench
70kg 3x8

Raises and upright rows.
» PowerBanana (Go to post)28-03-2017 @ 09:24 

Front squat
40kg x12
70kg x10
90kg x8
110kg x5
120kg 2x4 good

1 plate deficit Romanians
Up to
110kg x10
130kg x8
150kg x5

Leg press
240kg x8
280kg x5
320kg x5

Single leg trx stuff and raised lunges.
» PowerBanana (Go to post)25-03-2017 @ 07:02 


Chins bw

Bent row
70kg 3x12

Db row
44kg 3x10

Bench pull
Bw 3x8

Lat pull down

Low pulley row

Come curlz and tings
» ksohhjjkk (Go to post)24-03-2017 @ 00:33 
JackRevans said:squat

100kg x 5
120kg x 4
140kg x 4

147.5kg x 4 x 6 or 7, I lost count and it was supposed to be 6 but I was prudent and im pretty sure it was 7

Bulgarian split squats, GHR, band upper back thing, ran out of time

» What's new (records smashed) (Go to post)24-03-2017 @ 00:17 
Post Edited: 24.03.2017 @ 00:18 AM by thosebananas
I'd argue it's simply the cusp of professionalism and what comes with it. More refined training. Better nutrition knowledge. More people entering. More gyms. Better access to kit. Yadda yadda

Imagine a rugby team now vs a rugby team pre professional?
» PowerBanana (Go to post)23-03-2017 @ 14:28 
Post Edited: 24.03.2017 @ 00:06 AM by thosebananas

60kg x10
70kg x8
80kg x5
90kg x3
100kg x3
110kg x3
115kg x3
120kg x3
130kg x1 equal life time pb
100kg x8

Cg drop set
80x5 70x5 60x5 press-up x5

Some raises.

Didn't expect to have a bench Me day. But it felt good so went for it.
140 soon. Ran out of time got the other s**t I wanted to do
» PowerBanana (Go to post)22-03-2017 @ 17:04 
Post Edited: 22.03.2017 @ 17:05 PM by thosebananas

Session with a movement coach. All matter of single leg horribleness for an hour. Problem areas are glutes and internal rotation on right hip.

Tried to press afterwards.

Up to
100kg x5 that felt heavy as f**k so stopped benching.

Military presss
Up to
60kg 5x5

f**ked from the movement s**t, ended here.


Drop snatch squats (bar starts on back in high bar position and snatch grip. Slight ankle flexion and then dive under bar and catch in the bottom of hole and overhead squat up)
40kg x5
50kg x5
55kg x3
60kg 2x3
65kg x3
70kg x2
75kg x1

Front squat
60kg x8
80kg x8
100kg x5
110kg x3
130kg x3
140kg x1 good

Hang snatch high pulls
Up to
90kg 3x5

Snatch grip Deadlifts
Up to
120kg 3x5

Mobility stuff:
Raised front foot lunges bw 3x8
Trx pistol squats bw 3x8
Trx shrimp squats bw 3x8
Low pulley 45 degree squat 35kg 3x8
» ksohhjjkk (Go to post)19-03-2017 @ 14:27 
JackRevans said:

» PowerBanana (Go to post)19-03-2017 @ 12:29 
Post Edited: 19.03.2017 @ 13:26 PM by thosebananas
70kg x10
110kg x8
150kg 2x5
190kg x3
210kg x3
230kg x3 belt on
250kg x3

Box squat
70kg x8
110kg x5
130kg x5
150kg x3 belt on
170kg x3
180kg x3

Bw 3x5

Underhand rows
70kg x8
90kg 2x5

Db row
44kg 3x12

Low pulley row
75kg x15
80kg 2x12

Reverse db curlz 2x8
Barbell curl 3x10
Db hammer preacher curl 2x8

Bw 2x failure. Approx 1 min each

Feeling good to be getting some good weight in my hands and on my back again. The world feels lighter as the weights get heavier.
» PowerBanana (Go to post)16-03-2017 @ 07:46 

Feeling dreadful so dropped the intensity again for reps

Military press
40kg x10
50kg x8
60kg 2x8

30 degree db press
30kg 3x10

Seated shoulder db
24kg 3x10

Cg bench
60kg 4x10

Db high rows 24kg
Super setted with
Barbell raise 25kg
3 x 8

20mins cross trainer
» PowerBanana (Go to post)15-03-2017 @ 08:01 

Kettle bell swings 16kg
1min on 1min off x8

Row to hang power clean to front squat to strict press to back squat to split jerk
40kg x5
50kg x3
60kg x3
70kg 3x3

Kettle bell swings 16kg
1min on 1 Min off x4

Simple and brutal.
» ksohhjjkk (Go to post)14-03-2017 @ 19:21 
Did you get the job?
» PowerBanana (Go to post)14-03-2017 @ 19:19 
JackRevans said:enjoyable stuff!

Gracias Sir.

Expect a video of some jobber action soon.
» PowerBanana (Go to post)14-03-2017 @ 08:09 

Hang power snatch
40kg x5
50kg x3
60kg x3
70kg x3

Front squat
60kg x5
70kg x5
80kg x3
90kg x3
100kg x3
110kg x3
120kg x1
100kg 2x5

Barbell lunges
60kg 3x5

1 plate deficit stiffys
60kg x10
100kg x8
110kg x5
120kg x5
140kg x5

I reckon 3 wheels is there on front squat. Couple of weeks of fronts and box squats and then 600lb deadlift will surely fall.

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