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» Shoulder injury - any experience/advice?? (Go to post)01-05-2008 @ 21:25 
Thanks for the input guys Happy Much appreciated. I'll just hold off til the physio on the 7th - that's only next wednesday after all and see what he says. My ROM seems slightly better this evening so I guess it's going in the right direction, albeit bloody slowly! This is certainly the worse injury I have had for a long while - hope it isn't a tear that's for sure Unhappy
» Shoulder injury - any experience/advice?? (Go to post)30-04-2008 @ 09:08 
Just as I rekindle my love for lifting I go and take a fall off the bike straight onto my right shoulder. That was last Thursday and I still am struggling with the basics now. Initially I thought it may be just a strained front delt because it was swollen and I couldn't lift my arm out front at all. However, as the general brusing and muscle pain has subsided I am left with very limited range of motion laterally and 45 degrees from the body in both directions. I mean, really limited - I can only raise the arm about 10 cm before it stops.

I have got a physio appointment with my NHS physio - but it's not til the 7th - so I am getting a bit desperate to get things healing faster. Anybody had any experience of a similar injury or have any idea what it may be??

Otherwise its going to be leg press, leg press, possibly leg extensions and more leg press for me Roll-Eyes
» If you could change one lift (Go to post)26-04-2008 @ 07:44 
Tannhauser said:
I'd replace deadlift, because I'm hopeless at it. I'd like to see it replaced with playing tunes on one's teeth with a pencil, which I can do fantastically well.


Bloody hell, I wish I could do that though - playing tunes on my teeth...... Cool
» If you could change one lift (Go to post)26-04-2008 @ 07:43 
Tannhauser said:
I'd replace deadlift, because I'm hopeless at it. I'd like to see it replaced with playing tunes on one's teeth with a pencil, which I can do fantastically well.


Bloody hell, I wish I could do that though - playing tunes on my teeth...... Cool
» G.F.H. - Vegan Style - The Year of the Deadlift (Go to post)25-04-2008 @ 08:17 
Good news from the physio it seems - although still a bugger to be injured hopefully it will sort itself out soon Happy
» Why is powerlifting not part of the Olympic games? (Go to post)25-04-2008 @ 08:13 
dr_hazbun said:

5) Other (expand in your post)

I think there are a multitude of reasons - most of which have already been covered. Although I think lack of unity is the biggest problem in powerlifting as a whole (there should be one fed with 2 divisions imho - drug free and not drug free) even if this was the case I still don't think it would be included as an olympic sport. Oly lifting is way better to watch and, as already said, will cover the 'barbell' sports. This is not to say that it wouldn't change if powerlifting increased in popularity - I just can't see that happening for a while. Most people don't give a s**t about it and still use the terms 'powerlifting' and 'bodybuilding' interchangably. Angry

It certainly has little to do with gear - hell - all the altheletes are at it in one way or another, they are just way way more sophisticated than the establishment trying to catch them.
» If you could change one lift (Go to post)25-04-2008 @ 08:01 
Definately replace bench with an overhead lift - more interesting to spectate for a start. Plus I am shockingly bad at bench Grin

Actually - I just wish there were more pulling only comps Tongue
» The overtraining bible: a complete guide (Go to post)24-04-2008 @ 21:30 
Oh hell.

Two weeks in and I go and injure myself....had a bit of an off on the bike today...stupid bloody fall in all, not a nice impressive high speed off which are always worth the injury risk. Went down straight onto my right shoulder. Think I have either damaged the front delt or the rotarcuff because I can't do a front raise, or, well, really move the arm at all without pain.

Can you believe it Unhappy

So hmm, may have to extend my 6 week program a little!
» New to the forum (Go to post)24-04-2008 @ 21:27 
Hiya Cool
» What Colour Car Do You Drive? (Go to post)21-04-2008 @ 21:37 
Well that explains my complete lack of prosecutions so far Grin

Work gives me a white van!!
» The overtraining bible: a complete guide (Go to post)21-04-2008 @ 21:18 
Sunday - rest day.

AM - brief run and hill walk with dogs in morning (~40 mins in total)

PM - Squat Day WEEK 2

Warm up on treadmill (having to be strict and limit my running before training now to 10 mins or I'll be plodding away for half an hour and have nothing left to lift with!) - 3 mins building speed to 11 km/hr for 5 mins then 4 mins at 12 km/hr then last min at 13 km/hr

Free squats for warm up (no bar) - lots of sets
20 kg: 5, 5
30 kg: 5
40 kg: 3, 3
50 kg: 3
55 kg: 3, 3, 3, 3, 3

All deep - all easy enough Happy

Good mornings (still new to this exercise but quite enjoy them)
20 kg: 10 30 kg: 10 40 kg: 5, 5, 5

Leg extensions
3 blocks (dont know how much that is in weight): 8 4 blocks: 8 5 blocks: 8
6 blocks: 6, 6, 6

Abs - little bigs
10 kg: 10, 10
12.5 kg: 10, 10

Physio stretching

Off to Lakes tommorow - with work not cycling unfortunately - but that does mean a few days off training to recover before Thursday's 20 mile bike ride, Friday's deadlifts and the jump course at the weekend Happy

MattGriff said:
Eek Eek I got tired just reading that! How did you bench after doing all that riding??? If I even miss a meal I feel weak as a weak thing in the gym, let alone 4 hrs of cardio (unless its the good sort which fires me up more).
Fair play to ya!

Yeah - it was the good sort that got me fired up to lift - nothing like plummiting down some rocky peaks descents with 19 slightly mad guys to get the adrenalin flowing Grin

The copious amounts of food I ate through the day certainly helped as well though Tongue
» The overtraining bible: a complete guide (Go to post)19-04-2008 @ 22:37 
Friday - supposed to be bench day but work got in the way Angry


15 mile hike a bike (prolly 5 miles was walking/pushing into a gale force headwind...felt a lot more than 15 miles that's for sure - took us 4 hours or so)across the peaks including first attempt at Jacobs Ladder. Total sucess - cleaned the lot and found my missing mojo which had been left on the downhill course at Cannock when I knocked myself out a few weeks back. Hell, it's good to be back Grin

Got home to realise it was also bench day....thankfully just the first session of this routine cos the cycling took a lot more out of me than I was planning.

Bench - 20 kg warm up: 3 sets of 8 with varying grips to free my shoulders up
30 kg: 5, 5
36 kg: 5 triples


Tricep stuff

MattGriff said:
Wow, detailed plan!

Best of luck with your lifting and injuries and what not.

Ah cheers Grin
» The overtraining bible: a complete guide (Go to post)18-04-2008 @ 19:35 
Joni said:
sounds like you have had pretty good going sports wise in past 9 months though!

Plan looks solid, and squat starting weight looks high, but if its easy for you, then the mountain biking must have kept the legs powerful!

Welcome back, and tell that Adam mofo to drop by a bit more often as well Grin

Squat starting weight was pretty easy - I did 60 3x3 a few weeks back no major trouble so the 50 kg for 5x3 was a breeze. Think the combination of cycling and squatting real deep with 40 kg for about...hmm...8 months! ....seems to have helped not loose it completely. Prolly a bloody long way off a PB but that's fine - summut before the end of the year would be good.

I'll tell Adam - he's been about on the board but you know him and technology - chances of more than two posts a year are slim to nonexistant Wink

dr_hazbun said:
jimblanchflower said:
Being good at PL requires longevity, - you have to push yourself, but at the same time you have to make sure that you know when to push and when to step back.

Just read the last page of your log. Good luck with your training!

I was told by a several times BWLA British, European IPF, and Commonwealth (female) champion exactly what Jim has mentioned above: 'successful powerlifters are like thoroughbred racing horses, pushed hard only when they have to. Rest and periods of backing off are paramount.'

Aye - guess i'm more like a sherpa's donkey than thoroughbred race horse lol eeehawww.h

Olly said:

Welcome back, good to hear the injuries are on the mend. How's life Darn Sarth? and how fat is Adam these days?

Good luck with the training!

Life's good thanks Grin Missing the dry northern humour and random friendly people but otherwise it's mighty fine to be outta the city. Adam is fine and not really fat....I keep trying to tell him this but all I get is 'does my bum look big in this singlet?'

Just one question - who the f**k has been watching my video?? Eek Can't believe it is number 2 lol That's funny if not slightly disturbing because unless someone has been showing it during 'how not to deadlift' training sessions I can't see any real powerlifting reason for it to be so watched. Eek!
» G.F.H. - Vegan Style - The Year of the Deadlift (Go to post)18-04-2008 @ 19:21 
Now it all becomes clear Grin
» european champs, 53kg women (Go to post)17-04-2008 @ 22:57 

Total RESPECT!!!

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