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» The overtraining bible: a complete guide (Go to post)29-05-2008 @ 21:39 
Cheers guys Happy

Joni said:
good work, nice pulling!

Hows the shoulder?

Shoulder is OK - getting better very slowly. There seems to still be a fair bit of inflammation/scartissue in the joint and I still don't have enough mobility in it to get under the squat bar. But apart from that and not being able to sleep on it I seem to be able to do near enough everything else I need to now. Deadlifting and front squats don't bother it. I'll prolly have a go at some heavier normal grip benching next session and see how I get on.
» "before" photos (Go to post)29-05-2008 @ 21:30 
Happy Birthday! Grin

LMAO at that photo!!
» The overtraining bible: a complete guide (Go to post)28-05-2008 @ 21:55 
Deadlift day today. Last heavy session for a fortnight because I'm tapering next week for this 12 hour race on the Saturday.

Warm up run - felt like bloody hard work tonight even on 11 km/hr - think I may have eaten a wee bit too much curry prior to the session Tongue

Warm-up with bar to check knee was ok after Saturdays cycling effort.
60 kg: 5, 5
80 kg: 5
100 kg: 2
105 kg: 3
110 kg: 3 (Pretty sure this is a triple PB - nice to get three out easily with over double current bodyweight - especially as I have yet to actually work through a proper routine)
115 kg: 1 single

Speedwork with 60 kg off plates - 5, 5, 5

Bit of leg press and hyperextensions.

Overall pleased with the session - if I can get some consistency in the training I think I may be on for a PB in a couple of months or so. Grin
» Andrey Belyaev squats 400kg (Go to post)28-05-2008 @ 21:48 
Hell that looked so easy Eek
» G.F.H. - Vegan Style - The Year of the Deadlift (Go to post)28-05-2008 @ 11:53 
Hey Joni - Good work at the comp! 12th out of 16th - after being sick the week before is damn good IMO!

Strong vegans are always a good thing! Grin
» The overtraining bible: a complete guide (Go to post)26-05-2008 @ 09:15 
Post Edited: 26.05.2008 @ 09:16 AM by littlegirlbunny
Alex said:
Has Adam got fit then?

Are you havin a laff? Tongue (To be fair, Adam is always superfit - damn genetically gifted people! Roll-Eyes )

So saturday's 19 miler kind of turned into a 7 hour, 31 miler over the Long Mynd. Was fun and just what I needed two weeks out from this 12 hour in Bristol. My knee was a little sore by the end, but otherwise the distance was easy. I'm not going into this 12 hour race with any game plan other than - have fun and do as many laps as I feel like so there is no pressure. But it is nice to know that 7 hours cycling (well, with various food stops) was easily doable and that I had some left in the tank at the end.

Sunday - SUGDEN!!!!!!!!! Leaking ceilings (through the lightswitch Eek ), equipment falling apart, a queue for the bench a mile long, curls in the squat cage and 20 million pieces of CV equipment. don't we just love it Grin

Did a bit of CV - 20 mins on the x-trainer - hell, I am so much more CV-fit than this time last year.

Because the knee was a bit sore Saturday decided to leave deads/squats. However, I did manage to get some shoulder work done Grin Grin

Shoulder stuff on the terrible incline machine - felt ok so went up to 3 sets of 8
Heavy rows on machine
Push press to 30 kg - easy enough with a narrow grip. Still cant press at all unless my elbows are right under my shoulders.
» Verbally abusive drug taking bald person (Go to post)23-05-2008 @ 20:16 
Joni said:
you call mate, i kind of understand, and hope i can be in a situation like that one day when i would have some secrets worth protecting Grin

All the best for the prep mate.

Yeah - same here! Only secrets I keep are just how much CV I sneak in :lol:

Good luck for the future comps in all Happy
» The overtraining bible: a complete guide (Go to post)23-05-2008 @ 20:13 
Post Edited: 23.05.2008 @ 20:14 PM by littlegirlbunny
Ok, now I'm confused! Confused

Boards or no boards.....

TBH part of the reason for planning heavy boards next cycle was due to the dodgy shoulder - although it is on the mend, I'm not confident it will be ready for any kind of heavy bench work for a few more weeks - at least doing boards I would be able to get the feel of a heavy weight in my hands again (it's been a while!) and get the tri's a battering without worrying about the shoulder too much. Confused

Notice the lack of swearing - not even a single mention of the 5 hour ride I have planned for tommorow Wink
» The overtraining bible: a complete guide (Go to post)23-05-2008 @ 09:43 
Yesterday CGBP session.

Ooohhhh.........feel sore from Front Squats - niiiccceee Grin

Did a bit of a run for 20 mins then

CGBP - lots of warm ups with superlight bar
20 kg: 8, 8
30 kg: 5 - these felt so good and were flying up
35 kg: 3 - also felt good
37.5 kg: 1 (had a discussion with Adam about form) 2+F, 2, 1+F (yeah, these were s**te)
30 kg: 10 - so easy - damn I have turned into a rep machine training in a bodybuilding gym
Proper bench grip 30 kg: 10 (just to see how it felt on my shoulder....not too bad actually)

Also did lots of seated rows and underhand pulldowns.

Ok - so it seems that my rep strength has increased well over the last few weeks. However, I am completely out of practice with anything heavy. At least the shoulder is still on the mend very slowly and it looks like I may be able to get some proper benching done next cycle (even if it is only formwork). Still can't get under a squat bar for back squats though Roll-Eyes

The plan next cycle will be: f**kINGHEAVY boards and then speedwork/formwork on normal grip (2 sessions per week).

Good thing about being crap at benching is...even when it is going like a complete pile of pisssshh it doesn't exactly take a lot of my total LOL
» The Assassin (Go to post)23-05-2008 @ 09:31 
Blimmin 'eck Rick.........everytime I look at your log you are churning out PB's!!!!!!!!!!

Great work Grin Grin Grin
» Best Sport In The World ? (Go to post)22-05-2008 @ 12:23 
Anything where people get properly hurt rather than rolling round on the ground like a bunch of girls is far better IMHO!

MMA, Boxing, Rugby, Motorbike Racing etc etc
» The overtraining bible: a complete guide (Go to post)22-05-2008 @ 10:25 
Not got as many sessions in as I would have liked recently - work in all getting in the way. Did manage a half decent session yesterday though:

Warm-up run then....

Front Squats:
Superlight bar for warm-ups then
20 kg: 5, 5, 5 (cleaned bar up)
30 kg: 5, 5 (also managed to clean bar)
40 kg: 1, 3 (yeah, didn't manage to clean that - think they make take some practice Tongue )
45 kg: 3, 3, 3 (first set was a bit of a struggle, but last two sets were easy as I felt much more confident with the weight)

Leg press:
Warm-ups with plateform - 8
20 kg each side - 8
30 kg each side - 8
45 kg each side - 3, 3, 3, 3, 3
» Summertime cycling (Go to post)20-05-2008 @ 16:11 
Rob said:
Adam is too busy damaging the only good olympic bar in his gym...

This would probably be true.....if the gym actually had one good bar to damage Roll-Eyes
» Summertime cycling (Go to post)20-05-2008 @ 15:38 

What sort of upgrades Bunny? Spokey Dokies? Low profile tyres? Maybe a 'phat'sound system?

Unfortunately you are not too far off. Embarassed It has become rather like 'pimp my ride' as a guy i ride with pointed out not so long ago Roll-Eyes

Spokie dokies - now if I could only get hold of some of those in red.........
» Verbally abusive drug taking bald person (Go to post)20-05-2008 @ 14:47 
Nice job Grin

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