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» The overtraining bible: a complete guide (Go to post)07-10-2006 @ 11:55 
Thursday - REST


Thai boxing 5pm - got there late, forgot to bring food, got battered by a suppossed beginner (who was actually a kick boxer, she had just never been to thai boxing before) and hurt my wrist at the end. But in terms of usefulness the session was great. Having a good partner meant i had damn good pratice at holding the pads. She was really f**king tall as well so I was holding it above my head for a long time. Shoulders felt that somewhat! I am NEVER going to forget to take bloody food for after kick boxing - I am going to put some in my ruck sack right this minute. I'm going to get some more ice spray for injury emergencies (although this eased off during benching, its a bit sore this morning).

Benching - Boards and close grip - wore wrist wraps because of the injury from thai boxing.

Warmups with 20 kg and 30 kg - wrist felt ok so decided to continue.

Boards 40kg: 5
45 kg: 4
47.5 kg: 3
50 kg: F (probably partly pschological - i took the weight in my hands and thought 'f**k this is heavy')
47.5 kg: 2,2

Form still crap with all of them. So did close grip with elbows tucked in 30 kg: 5 x 5 (s**t my tris were like jelly after. I think they may have been avoiding their role in benching for a little bit too long)

Barbell Rows 25 kg: 8 warmup
40 kg: 5, 5, 5 (these felt crap, just couldn't find my form and they aggrevated my tendonitis summut awful)

Lat pulls (also aggrevated tendons)
28 kg: 8
35 kg: 8, 8, 8

May have to stick to seated rows and wide grip assisted pulls to work my lats for a bit.

Am going to tweak my program somewhat this weekend as its not really working optimally at the moment. I guess im a bit frustrated by my progress (i.e. its so slow) but pleased I have managed to train well this week despite having the week from hell.
» The Plan (Go to post)07-10-2006 @ 11:50 
Nice work on the PB's! Grin
» Should Olly shave his head!?! (Go to post)06-10-2006 @ 13:04 
looking like a thug is such a bonus.
» The overtraining bible: a complete guide (Go to post)05-10-2006 @ 13:34 
Ah thanks Grin

You're a star!
» The overtraining bible: a complete guide (Go to post)05-10-2006 @ 13:12 
Hey Rob - i know this is a bit cheeky, but could you please upload my last squat video so I can link it to my veganfitness log and get some input? Happy
» Should Sugden Barbell register to be official BWLA club? (Go to post)05-10-2006 @ 13:04 
Sounds like a plan. Happy
» The overtraining bible: a complete guide (Go to post)04-10-2006 @ 21:36 
Wednesday squat day

Warm-up 10 mins on x-trainer

Squats. Yeah, they hurt. I'm sore as hell at the moment. The most painful bit was getting under the bar - chest DOMS big time, but im pretty sure its from stupid press-ups and not benching!!

20kg: hurt
30kg: hurt
40kg: hurt
52.5kg: 5 x 3. hurt. but the weight felt fine.

As ever im frustrated about the depth and not liking this 'borderline' marlarky. I would rather be hitting below everytime, or at least sometimes! Roll-Eyes

Formwork with 40 kg - lots

20 mins CV
» introduction to powerlifting video (Go to post)04-10-2006 @ 14:39 
Great link!!

Should we make Sugden Introduction to Powerlifting video as well

First, picture perfect forms displayed by various lifters, with calm faces and light weights.

Then move to loud music, ugly power faces, screaming, chalk everywhere, blood on the floor, jackson bend deadlifts...

hell yeah! that would be excellent!! Grin
» Who is.. Buzz? (Go to post)04-10-2006 @ 14:38 
Hello Buzz!! GrinGrin

Welcome to the board (I'm assuming you are the buzz i think you are Wink)
» The overtraining bible: a complete guide (Go to post)04-10-2006 @ 14:36 
Thanks for the input - i really need to have a play with my program and fit in narrow grips somewhere, I think im due to do them today, but its just too close to yesterdays session..... Speed bench should be easy to fit in as it isnt going to take that much out of me. Happy

On the Thai Boxing front - looks like im going to be having a private lesson on saturday. I really dont want to do what i did with weights - just pootle on with bad form/technique for ages and then have to go back and correct it all. Although I do agree that things come with practice, there are also bad habits which stick with practice and i dont want that to happen. Not that im planning to be an expert or anything, but I do think i would enjoy the classes alot more if I get the basics sorted properly.
» The Legend of Toothpick (Go to post)04-10-2006 @ 12:35 
Yet another PB!

Congratulations on the 100kg Grin
» The overtraining bible: a complete guide (Go to post)04-10-2006 @ 12:31 
Tuesday - Thai Boxing. Not as much fun as fridays class, but got to work with an excellent partner for the last 20 mins. Very helpful technically. Have decided to go for the private tuition as soon as i can get a suitable time sorted with the instructor. Also did about a zillion press-ups in this class. Guess it was like an extreme bench warm-up.

Benching: 30 kg:6
40 kg: 1
42.5 kg: 1, 1
45 kg: failed - I must stop getting talked into trying this weight Wink
42.5 kg: 1
36 kg: 5 x 5

Push press 30 kg 5 x 3

Biggest lesson learnt today - I MUST take food to eat after boxing. I was totally starving by the time i started benching. Good session considering. 5 by 5 was fine, despite having no energy left. Moved push press to today's session because I knew the 5x3 weight was still low enough to cope with despite being out of energy stores!! Im going to do boards on a different day - probably friday and change the backwork around too. Tendonitis has been painful since last weeks extensive driving, and is really painful in my right shoulder tonight. However, I have the rest of the week working from home so it should ease off. I may take asprins tommorow before squats if it is still bad.
» The overtraining bible: a complete guide (Go to post)03-10-2006 @ 13:26 
Post Edited: 03.10.2006 @ 13:30 PM
Hey LGB. Do you do Muay Thai at Master A's?

Nope, at sugden. Happy

Oops. been a bit of a slacker with this log filling in marlarky. Roll-Eyes

CV x-train 1.35 km, 153 cals, 10 mins

20kg warmup
30kg: 3
40kg: 3
50kg: 5x3 - last set was the best, whole lot was easy. Hitting depth most of the time

Push press 27.5 kg: 5 x 3

Didnt do close grip as still sore from benching on tuesday.

10 mins CV on crosstrainier, 10 mins cycling.

Thursday - REST (long site day)


Thai boxing - much better than tuesday, kicking felt better.

Gym: Wide grip pulls/rows/lat pulls/chins/shrugs. s**te thats alot of backwork.

Saturday - Run at chorlton with dogs, but it was a bit half-assed.

Sunday 1st October: Deadlift Day
10 mins CV warm up 1.30 km 137 cals. Even the warmup felt like hard work.

40kg: 6
60kg: 3
80 kg: 1
90kg: 1
100 kg: 1,1,1,1,1
80 kg: 5, 5

Form crap as always. But pleased the weight felt easy despite the fact I couldn't get my head together at all.

Leg Press
53kg warm up
106 kg: 8, 8, 8, 8 - blimy, getting good at leg press. It must be all that leg pressing that did it. Wink

x-train 20 mins 2.64 km, 294 cals

Pulldowns (abs) 28kg: 8
35 kg: 6, 5, 5

Monday- tried to run in the morning but it was a disaster. So ran in the afternoon instead. 30 mins, good run.
» Adam's Relentless Log: Its all about heart... (Go to post)03-10-2006 @ 13:12 
Rear delt flyes to pump some blood into the traps, they were slightly tender after yesterdays shrugging.

'slightly tender' ?????????

how about 'oh my god my traps are killing me. no, no, dont touch the traps!!!!!!!'
» The overtraining bible: a complete guide (Go to post)28-09-2006 @ 21:59 
Originally posted by Olly...
Nice workout Josephine, especially considering the boxing first.

Why thankyou oliver.

As for the benching thing.....i'm working on it.....

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