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» What's in your gym bag? (Go to post)16-10-2006 @ 15:31 
So much junk it is unreal!

Chalk (until some bas***d stole it)
0.5 kg plates with string attached to tie on olympic bar
Packets of fruit spice oatcakes
Diet caffiene drinks
Non-leather sparring gloves
Non-leather lifting gloves (for the times that deadlifitng removes all the skin from my hands i i still have volume work to do!)
Shower stuff
Trainers with raised insole
Belt (golds gym teeny size)
Note book and Pencil
20p pieces by the boat load
I-pod for CV work
Water bottle
» Sugden vs Edinburgh (Go to post)16-10-2006 @ 15:30 
Oooh! Competition! Grin

So, I take it, as it is a team event, it will have the three powerlifts in it as well then......????? I think it will be a much fairer comp if we do both strongman and powerlifting. And more fun too Grin
» The overtraining bible: a complete guide (Go to post)13-10-2006 @ 21:54 
Friday 13th October

25-30 mins (forgot watch) Easy run

Thai Boxing 1 Hour


Not my usual squat day, especially as it is so close to deadlifting last wednesday, but due to the exciting weekend ahead I wont be squatting sunday. Didn't want to miss out on grinding out another 5x3. And it was a bit of a grind this week, what with running and thai boxing and still being sore from deads. But I made them all so im pleased. Depth may have been questionable on a few, and a couple of last reps I began to fold on. Still pleased though.

20kg: 5
30kg: 5
40kg: 3
50kg: 3
55kg: 5 x 3

Close grip benching. Really trying to keep elbows in.
Warmup with 20 kg on incline bench
32.5 kg 5x5 - felt easy this week. Really weird on the last set, felt like the fourth was a struggle, but then had a pause at the top and a deep breath and the last rep flew up. Maybe I need to be thinking more about my breathing, im suspecting i may be holding my breath a little to long when repping!!

Wide grip pulls

Great new abs exercise off assisted chin machine seat (too difficult to explain though)
» GFH without killing anyone (Go to post)13-10-2006 @ 21:51 
Oh my that is hilarious LOL LOL!!!!!!! GrinGrinGrin
» Should Olly shave his head!?! (Go to post)12-10-2006 @ 19:37 
Rob you best be bringing the camera to the gym tommorow!

Excellent. Shaved heads are great Grin
» Jonathan's Log (Go to post)12-10-2006 @ 19:35 
Indeed I do! How could I forget??

Obviously because im such a quiet little thing that never makes any more than a murmer...

Good to see you have started a log here too Grin
» The overtraining bible: a complete guide (Go to post)12-10-2006 @ 14:00 
Yesterday's session. Feeling a bit off colour in the day, but it seemed to shift after a red bull and packet of oatcakes Grin Decided to train, but just see how it went. 40kg deadlifts felt hard. That's never a good sign!! But perserved anyway.

40kg: 5
60kg: 5
80kg: 1, 1
90kg: 1
105kg: 5 singles. Second was truely awful. Kind of dangled the bar at ankle height before spectacularly hitching it. But the last rep was by far the best. Weight felt ok.
80kg formwork: 5 doubles - last set the best. Just have to work on getting my hips lower and lifting in one movement rather than straight legging it. Still, im pretty pleased I can straight leg deadlift 105 kg (joke) Grin

Leg press
Warm-up then
115 kg: 3, 3, 3 (pleased with these, although they were a bit of a grind after deadlifting)
106 plus half block, except it fell off half way through: 5
106 kg: 5

Some abs and shrugs. Must work my weak core more, must work my weak core more, must work my weak core more, must work my weak core more, must work my weak core more, must work my weak core more, must work my weak core more, must work my weak core more, must work my weak core more, must work my weak core more, must work my weak core more, must work my weak core more, must work my weak core more, must work my weak core more, must work my weak core more, must work my weak core more.....
» GFH without killing anyone (Go to post)12-10-2006 @ 13:57 
Nice one! Grin

Damn shame it didn't get caught on video, thats for sure Happy
» peaking routines (Go to post)11-10-2006 @ 16:01 
LGB, you could perhaps try switching around set/rep schemes or do dips instead for a while. I would have thought a peaking routine is a bit unneccesary if you haven't been training that long.

I agree with rob that the last thing i probably need to do is to stop benching and start dipping right now as form is the problem not strength. As for switching sets/reps, yes, i totally agree, but i would like to be working closer to my max for a bit and that isn't a good idea for too long, which is why i was asking for a peaking routine. Something like 3x3 then doubles or something similar. To be honest it will probably go all bulgarian and will turn into another 45 kg attempt next week LOL.

Oh, Alex, could you define 'haven't been training that long' - like, when do you feel it is a good idea to start tapering before a PB?
» peaking routines (Go to post)11-10-2006 @ 14:07 
If someone fancies doing me one for my bench i wouldnt argue Wink Grin I seem to have come to the end of 5x5....
» Fines List (Go to post)10-10-2006 @ 21:07 
So does Joni get another fine for making the suggestion in the first place?? Tongue
» Fines List (Go to post)10-10-2006 @ 21:04 
I dont mind - all goes to a good cause (curry makes me a happy bunny) Grin Tongue
» The Plan (Go to post)10-10-2006 @ 20:51 
Random monday sesh, intent on nailing a new deadlift pb but damn that bar was heavy

Better luck next time.
» The Legend of Toothpick (Go to post)10-10-2006 @ 20:48 
Cuban Rotations w/ Barbell

These look pretty cool - are they mainly for rotar cuffs?
» The overtraining bible: a complete guide (Go to post)10-10-2006 @ 20:45 
Saturday: private tuition for thai boxing.

Sunday: REST - back was really sore, as was everything else. Didn't think there was much point in getting another injury so missed a session. I hate missing sessions

Monday: Ran for 28 mins - pretty good run

Tuesday: Thai boxing - good session. Trained with a Canadian girl who is about a similar level and build to me. We both focused alot more on technique and also moved up from the beginners bit of the class. Doing more combinations was alot more taxing, but definately more worthwhile. Much harder physically, guess there was no dossing around watching the instructor. More press-ups

20 kg and 30 kg warm up
40 kg: 1
42.5 kg: 1
45 kg: Fail. Again. FFS.

Stopped doing heavy singles because the assisted rep on 45 kg was actually pretty hard and i really wanted to get 37.5 5x5. Which i didnt. f**king benching.
37.5kg: 5, 4, 4, 4, 3 (i think....i left my notebook in the gym)
Pushpress 32.5 kg: 3, 3, 3, 3, 3
Close grip 32.5 kg: 4, 4, 3 Some with 30kg but i was knackard by then.

Crap session Unhappy

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