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» forum improvements (Go to post)20-11-2006 @ 18:28 
Is there any chance we could make the avatar limit a bit taller? 60 pixels is just teenytiny! Happy
» Sebastians/Reapers (Go to post)20-11-2006 @ 18:17 
Look cool, but also like an injury waiting to happen!

Shirted boards was worth the watch Grin
» Tuesday (Go to post)20-11-2006 @ 17:15 
I'll be there to make up for missing sunday Grin
» The overtraining bible: a complete guide (Go to post)17-11-2006 @ 21:35 
Tonights session 5-6 pm - great session at sugden. Two champion Thai Boxers were there tonight. It was just great watching them demonstrating the combos, even if it was on pads. Mark Russell was a real nice guy, he came round and did some coaching as well. Didn't feel my training went all that well, because I was just so sore by then. But got the work done and was suitably picked on by tony as ever. He seems to have taken to calling me "strong-as" !!!

Backwork, bench form and abs 6-7:30 pm

Pull-ups - wide grip for warm ups then did neutral grip 3x5 without the pin
LOADS of dumbell rows - working on form and stuff

Seated rows - with 35 kg, but can't remember the reps

Shrugs 60 kg 10
90kg: 10, 10
95 kg: 10

Bench formwork with 30 kg

Abs pulldowns 28: 10
35 kg: 10, 8

Now i'm sore as hell and tired. Despite the fact I was planning sunday's workout for tommorow, im having tommorow off. And if I dont get to train sunday (and definately won't monday) I will make the most of the rest time to make sure im ready for a battering next tuesday Grin
» T Shirts Arriveth (Go to post)17-11-2006 @ 21:33 
Thanks for shirt GrinGrin

Fits just perfect except its a little long (however fixing things like that are what mums are for Wink )
» The overtraining bible: a complete guide (Go to post)17-11-2006 @ 14:56 
Friday 1 pm - Private thai boxing tuition

More sparring GrinGrinGrinGrin Yup, I am absolutely awful right now, but that can only mean one thing, the only way is up!!! Mike is sooooo fast. I also managed to (accidentally I hasten to add) knee him in the balls. Luckily it wasn't full force or that could have been the end of my tuition. I'm going to try and get more of this kind of technical stuff in the privates because its really where 1-1 tuition comes in. Plus, it isn't (at the moment) very taxing physically so it shouldn't affect tonights session. Mentally, however, my brain is fried. So much co-ordination and application required!
» Visiting Thai Boxers at Sugden tonight (Go to post)17-11-2006 @ 11:43 
I have no idea who these people are (prolly should do) but

Mark Russell (four times world heavy weight thai boxing champion) and Nick Murray (the K1 champion) are training at sugden tonight 5-6 pm. Could be intresting.......
» Friday - the day of DOOM! (Go to post)17-11-2006 @ 11:33 
Im planning a serious no-neck, back assistance and abs session (after thai boxing at 1 pm and then again at 5 tonight). But im sure it wont hurt like those 5x5 and 6x6 are gonna hurt Wink

Good luck with the benching tonight Grin
» The overtraining bible: a complete guide (Go to post)16-11-2006 @ 22:00 
Thai boxing - 2 hours

Excellent technical class at Arch Bar. Finally got to do some sparring! Grin
» GFH without killing anyone (Go to post)16-11-2006 @ 14:53 
Another immaculately executed deadlift PB - I just can't get over your perfect form!

Congrats - looked so smooth as well Grin
» Push press video (Go to post)16-11-2006 @ 14:48 
Post Edited: 16.11.2006 @ 14:48 PM
Yet another video masterpiece from the cult house!

Excellent pressing I have to say Grin

And in the rain..hardcore stuff (not even an inclining of disco) seems you are rapidly becoming a true stoic scot Wink

p.s. good luck for the 110 kg
» The Legend of Toothpick (Go to post)16-11-2006 @ 14:42 
Good session without doing too much. The 190 was comfortable, physically and mentally. More to come.

Excellent stuff!!! Congrats on the PB! Grin
» The overtraining bible: a complete guide (Go to post)16-11-2006 @ 14:37 

Turned out alright in the end Grin Felt ok when I got up at 6 and after a pretty successful site day managed to make it to the gym. Ok, so I was tired and not 100%, but certainly hadn't come down with another nasty bug. Started a new deadlift cycle so it was just a case of getting the work done rather than anything too strenous.

Warm-up 10 mins CV. Legs are really sore at the moment all the time. Think they need some serious stretching.


60 kg 5
80 kg 2
100 kg 5 x 2
70 kg off plates for formwork (hell its a long way down to the bar from there!!) 5 x 2 Its going to be a long hard road to sort my deadlifting form.

Leg press 5x5 with 88 kg

Back extensions 3 x 12
» The overtraining bible: a complete guide (Go to post)14-11-2006 @ 21:41 
Lots of resting over the last few days. Felt really really well monday night, like the time off had done me good. But that all changed once I started training tonight. Kickboxing felt really hard, as did lifting. I thought it was just where I was having the first session back, however, i'm now thinking its likely im coming down with a bug again Angry because everything is aching and my eyes are burning. The really crap thing is i'm on site tommorow at 8:30 in brum, so its an early start in a van with no heating to stand on site for hours in the cold to get back in a cold van to drive home to do it all again thursday. Chances of me making deadlifting tommorow are looking slim, it has to be said Roll-Eyes

Tonights session:
Thai boxing - felt like hard work. Couldn't suss the high kicks, although found the clinch work alot easier than I was expecting.

Boards - warmup with 20 kg and 30 then
40 kg: 8
45 kg: 4, 3 (+ 1 assisted)

Close grip 30 kg: 8, 8, 7 (+ 1 assisted coz the bar got caught with my bad form!)

Squat formwork with 30 kg

Rear delts
21 + half: 8, 8, 8

rather reptastic session
» T Shirts Arriveth (Go to post)14-11-2006 @ 16:15 
No problem

Thanks for organising the t-shirts Grin

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