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» Jonathan's Log (Go to post)29-11-2006 @ 11:06 
With regards to the planks - have you tried sideways ones (if the normal ones give your back trouble?)
» new to the site (Go to post)29-11-2006 @ 11:05 
Hi and welcome Grin
» Sugden Barbell Goes 'Down Under' (Go to post)29-11-2006 @ 11:03 
Post Edited: 29.11.2006 @ 11:04 AM
Hey hey - I do heavy posterior chain stuff - or are you saying that I look like a shot putter? Hmm? !!! LOL

Glad you are having such a good time over in Oz. Grin
» The Legend of Toothpick (Go to post)29-11-2006 @ 10:47 
Excellent Rob - glad you got the 105 kg Grin
» Training after illness (Go to post)28-11-2006 @ 17:47 
Guess it could be the huge amount of recuperation time sat on your ass when you are sick. I could see the point if you get enough calories in (which is, unfortunately, not the case for me right now - I have been really really struggling to eat)

Still - back to deadlift tommorow and i've decided to just go in and see how it feels. If 80 kg feels hard, then that's where i'll be stopping. But if 105 kg feels ok, i'll just do the volume as best I can Happy
» What are your achievements of 2006? (Go to post)28-11-2006 @ 12:24 
This is kind of a spur from the 'what were your goals thread' - because it got me thinking that, ok, so I missed all the goals (i think partly because they were set quite late in the year) - but it doesn't mean I didn't achieve anything.

My totals at the start of 2006 looked like this:
Deadlift 85 kg
Squat 50 kg (and it was an awful one as well, would never have passed in a million years)
Bench 37.5 kg (touch and go).

Now they are
Deadlift 115 kg (and im still hoping for more by the end of the year)
Squat 65 kg
Bench 42.5 kg (paused)

Now thats not so bad is it? Grin

Also, my strict pressing has gone from 20 kg barbell to 30 kg, push pressing to 35 kg (although i'm sure there is alot more there) and I have sorted out at least some of my form problems.

I have also had the most mad, life changing, eventful year in my whole life, and taken up thai boxing at the same time!
» Training after illness (Go to post)27-11-2006 @ 17:30 
Right - 105 kg for doubles on wednesday then Tongue
» your goals of 2006 and how did you do? (Go to post)27-11-2006 @ 15:40 
Mine were: 75 kg squat, 47.5 kg bench, 125 kg dead

Chances by the end of the year are

47.5 kg bench LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL i'll be really f**king happy if i can nail 45 kg by the end of the year though, and i still think its a possible, depending on how quickly i get over this bug. 100/1

75 kg squat - very unlikely - but 70 kg could potentially be a goal for the very end of the year or the beginning of 2007. Got 65 at the moment though Happy chances = 50/1

125 kg deadlift - was highly likely until my training went all wrong and i got sick Tongue - seriously, this is the one goal which is still has some potential, i'll max out before the end of the year for sure, as long as i can get well pretty damn soon. 4/1 Happy
» Training after illness (Go to post)27-11-2006 @ 15:30 
How do you ease back into training after having a virus? What's the best way to go about it? I think it's easy to overdo it without realising until it's too late, so i'm planning to start with some really light sessions (mostly formwork stuff) this week. What's the best way to tell when you are doing too much too soon? Or should I stop being a wimp and just get back to it ASAP?

» SB xmas do! VIKING POWER dvd and copious amount of food! (Go to post)27-11-2006 @ 12:00 
Have you got a finishing time? I'm just asking coz I would like to go to thai boxing if im well enough, but then I wouldn't be able to get there til 9 Confused
» SB xmas do! VIKING POWER dvd and copious amount of food! (Go to post)26-11-2006 @ 17:24 
30th sounds good

All food vegan? What more could you want! Wink
» Friday (Go to post)24-11-2006 @ 11:36 
Be there after Thai boxing - lats, no neck, light bench and abs Grin
» What other WL sites do you visit? (Go to post)23-11-2006 @ 16:09 
Veganfitness everyday
Veganbodybuilding about once a year
» The overtraining bible: a complete guide (Go to post)23-11-2006 @ 16:00 
Monday - rest again

Tuesday - Thai boxing. Had boat loads of energy from all that resting an was feelin pretty good. Technically was pretty bad though, but the scary girl told me that she thought my kicks had got way way harder and were probably harder than hers now. I think that is probably true for the low and mid kicks, but my high kicks still have some work to do. Still it was nice to be told that anyway Grin

Decided to do normal bench today because I missed sunday. Was feeling really really really good so decided to have another attempt at 45kg whilst there was only a few people about (less stressful!). I failed it, but it was soooo close, the closest I have ever come, so I know I have made some progress. I'll nail the bas***d soon for sure!!

So warm up
40 kg - 1 (so easy)
45 kg - F (Near miss) then decided to try it again because the last was so close, but that was a complete fail
then working sets:
3 x 8 with 33.5 kg (easy)

Boards - 45 kg 1
40 kg - 5
45 kg - 1

Some shoulder stuff

Decided to squat because I have missed alot recently. This showed by my yet again dire form Roll-Eyes and i thought i had it sorted!!! I know for sure i dont fail these from leg strength, just bar position. New formwork stuff will be working on getting that bar much lower down my back. Still, ground out the sets

Warm-up on x-trainer - 10 mins - 159 cals warm-up PB!!LOL

Warm-ups 20 kg 2x3 30 kg 3 40 kg 1 50 kg 1
52.5 kg 5x3

Deads off plates
60 kg - 5
70 kg - 2, 2
80 kg - 1
90 kg - 5 singles - first 3 were good form, fourth was awful, fifth was not great
70 kg - 1
leg press - 3 x 5 with 97 kg (easy)

12 mins x-trainer but then felt something uncomfertable in my hamstring so stopped (no point in risking injury for 8 mins CV) and stretched for ages. Good decision, no pain today Grin
» Tuesday (Go to post)20-11-2006 @ 21:15 
Originally posted by Rob...
5.30 sharp Jo!! Going for 45 right?


3x8 with 33.5 kg

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