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» Addlington Tesco Express (Go to post)06-01-2017 @ 19:47 
JohnGym said:Move on. Who knows what she was dealing with that day. Life can be a level 10 b**ch at times, as we all know.
If she is consistently that way she will be found out eventually anyway.

You are right. She had an arrow stuck in her head...looked as though she had been shot by a compound bow. Perhaps this is why she was so irritated.
» Addlington Tesco Express (Go to post)06-01-2017 @ 17:36 
Post Edited: 06.01.2017 @ 17:38 PM by StevenFatty
PeteHodgson said:Why did she refuse to serve you? And...what machine?

She wouldn't serve me because she didn't want to, she appeared to be doing a stock check behind the counter. When I went to be served, she told me to use the self service machines, and I did not argue.

She was unreasonably unpleasant, and I am not somebody who is prone to thinking others are rude, I am more tolerant of the behaviour of others than most.

Higher management would certainly be unhappy that staff representing their service/product, behaved in such a way. I am sure it would result in instant dismissal. I have never before experienced such obvious hostility from a Tesco staff member, and to be honest, I cannot recall experiencing it anywhere else within my adult lifetime.
» Steven Fatty's Journal of getting less weak using Marmite. (Go to post)06-01-2017 @ 14:21 
Yep mate....back onto the hypertrophy. And doing so whilst dieting, which should be impossible, but so far I have had some success, although not anything as successful as it would be if I was stuffing my face with peanut butter. I keep on shocking my muscles using different routine patterns, it seems to the fact I am actually eating alot of calories, only I am carbohydrate deficient.
» Addlington Tesco Express (Go to post)06-01-2017 @ 13:40 
Post Edited: 06.01.2017 @ 13:40 PM by StevenFatty
Went into the Adlington Tesco Express the other day. Tried to buy some sweets from the lady serving, but she refused to serve me, instructing me to use the machine. I tried to use the machine as best I could, but it wouldn't work, and she kept snapping at me each time I told her that I was having trouble.

In the end, I explained that i simply couldn't get it to work, at which point she said ''well it isn't hard is it?''

Since she refused to serve me, I stole the two packets of sweets (the fist time I've ever done such a thing).

She has black hair and is middle aged.

If any of you know her, please tell her to be nice to me next time.
» Get lean, increase PB's and try not to seriously injure myself (Go to post)06-01-2017 @ 13:22 
89.2 are wasting away despite festive calorie consuming activities.
» Steven Fatty's Journal of getting less weak using Marmite. (Go to post)06-01-2017 @ 13:19 
First day back to gym after an unplanned, and unwanted break.

Diet is going down to 16.5 Stone. That's over 1.5 stone loss.

However, break has reduced size and strength big time.


Deadlifts DOH

120 X 9
100 X 6
Then worked up to 180 kg X 1

Leg presses with feet placed high

2 sets of 20 reps.

Flyes and paused dumbbell pressess

4 sets (2 of each) with 20 kg dumbells high reps.
» Steven Fatty's Journal of getting less weak using Marmite. (Go to post)06-01-2017 @ 13:14 
Cheers Pike fingers...hope you had a good Christmas...I did catch some nice Pike.
» DOH deadlift thread of love (Go to post)06-01-2017 @ 13:13 
I did mine today...180 kg X 1. I've had a while of gym so struggled.
» Steven Fatty's Journal of getting less weak using Marmite. (Go to post)23-12-2016 @ 19:42 
I think I could have done it easy to be honest, the 140 kg last week was pretty easy. I will try again next week with enough food in me, if I cant do it, I'll drop the weight and work my way back up.

Diet is going well, I've lost way over a stone now. The fat is really falling off.
» Steven Fatty's Journal of getting less weak using Marmite. (Go to post)22-12-2016 @ 20:35 

was supposed to be 142.5 X 20, but I ate very poorly and I could barely lift. Got to about 8 reps, dropped down to 140, and worked up to the 15th rep then failed. So did a quick set of 130 X 4, then did a few sets of sumo deadlift at 80 kg

Barbell rows

65 X 10
65 X 8
65 X 8
65 X 8
60 X ?

Then did some pull downs, and the did some leg raises.
» Steven Fatty's Journal of getting less weak using Marmite. (Go to post)22-12-2016 @ 20:32 

100 kg X 8
100 kg X 8
100 kg X 7
100 kg X 7

70 kg X 10
70 kg X 10
70 kg X 10

...I'm trying to increase speed on my squats.

Military Press

I cannot remember weight, I think 3 or 4 sets

Push press

2 or 3 sets

shoulder dumbbell flyes

2 sets

Olympic Leg press

3 sets of 15
1 sets of 20
» Steven Fatty's Journal of getting less weak using Marmite. (Go to post)17-12-2016 @ 22:20 
dumbbell incline presses X 5

db presses flat bench X 4

skull crushers X 2
» Steven Fatty's Journal of getting less weak using Marmite. (Go to post)17-12-2016 @ 22:20 
Nay bother mate.
» The new plastic £5 note (Go to post)16-12-2016 @ 13:09 
Dear Lone Wolf.

I very much enjoyed your account of the events you experienced.
» Wiegieboard doesn't even lift. (Go to post)16-12-2016 @ 11:50 
I used to train in Stirling uni gym as well. Plenty of lifting platforms.

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