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» BWLA 4 Nations (Go to post)29-10-2007 @ 13:32 
I don't think that a depth command would work on the squat, by the time the referee had seen the depth then reacted and given a signal it could be 0.5-1 sec? Which is enough time to lose your balance in. As was remarked earlier what happens if say Clive Henry has 440 on his back but misses the depth? Do you leave him hanging about in the bottom position for a few seconds until he collapses on the floor?
» BWLA 4 Nations (Go to post)27-10-2007 @ 19:28 
Well done to all the NW lifters!
» Training around a shoulder injury (Go to post)27-10-2007 @ 17:45 
How about doing hack squats on a machine or smith machine, its pretty close to a normal squat interms of movement and range of motion. This will help keep your squat in some kind of reasonable shape.
If you haven't seen a proper physio yet about your shoulder then now is probably a good time, identifying the problem now will make the road to recovery much swifter IMO.
Hope it recovers soon
» BWLA 4 Nations (Go to post)27-10-2007 @ 15:23 
» My Amazing Rediscovered Talent (Go to post)27-10-2007 @ 10:26 
I discovered on holiday a few weeks ago that all the regular drinkers I was with were quickly pissed then very rough the following day. Where as it didn't affect me anywhere near as much, one reason would be my size and possibly that my liver may be in better condition?
» IPF worlds (Go to post)26-10-2007 @ 18:12 
Post Edited: 26.10.2007 @ 18:15 PM
I'm not on a crusade! I was just illustrating that the door is open to those who want to go clean. Half the cabinet have confessed to dope smoking and they run the country!
» IPF worlds (Go to post)26-10-2007 @ 17:55 
Post Edited: 26.10.2007 @ 18:05 PM
Originally posted by PorkPie...
Good post. Well done on your 940, that's a good effort in anyone's book.

I happen to believe you are right about gear use in BWLA, not many do it, those that do, get caught. I wouldn't worry about the less informed views expressed on the net. I think this reflects more on those who make these comments than anything else.

I have some ideas about encouraging others into powerlifting but often meet with quite a very negative line from BWLA officials about needing to join BWLA for the whole year, bogus arguments about insurance, mandatory testing - even for guest lifters (read - guys who are drug users but might be tempted to come off and particpate clean), etc, etc.

Martin makes a good point about talent that's already there, Moz is one of many handy lifters who aren't brought on as well as they might be. There is also a huge wealth of untapped talent in the bodybuilding and rugby community. There's no money in any of it but the odd free T shirt, discounted bit of protein powder, kudos of being invited to a squad event, etc, all helps.

Drug free, untested, equipped and unequipped, we're all basically interested in promoting powerlifting, so lets drop parochial differences for the greater good.

At the moment we are working on the calender of events for BWLA in the Northwest and we plan to have a number of training sessions where anyone can turn up and train with the other lifters which is ideal for first timers and inexperienced competitors wanting to improve technique. We held one such session at summer and got a lot of positive feedback from it. The Sugden meets are another avenue where people can get a taste for the competative environment before entering into official competitions. I understand that BWLA this year will charge a half year joining fee to new members after June 30th but im awaiting the official line on that one. My understanding of what a guest lifter is, this is a BWLA member who may be from another region or not the correct age category for that contest but wishes to set a total which is official and is sometimes done to qualify for a national contest when they have missed an opportunity in their regional contest. For the moment all competitors in a BWLA contest have to be BWLA members. I think that if non members were allowed to take part it would upset a great number of other fee paying competitors and officials.
As far as new people coming into the sport is concerned who are drug users then there are two options; they can compete in the BPC/BPO or they can commit to go clean and join one of the tested organisations BDFPA or BWLA. Perhaps Boar is a good example for someone who could do the latter, he says he has been clean for a while now and still wants to lift. He could have a good competative career ahead of him in BWLA. Obviously it's his decision.
I think the door is open to people who want to try powerlifting, they can start training with other lifters which they may possibly meet on Sugden then go and spectate at some contests, lift on a training day or Sugden meet. After that its up to them, if they want to compete officially then they can join the federation of their choice. If we (bwla)can steer them down the road of being clean and lifting in a tested organisation then they can join us. I'm not religious but what Jesus said may fit this situation, "I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."
» Kylie v's Dannii ??? (Go to post)25-10-2007 @ 22:53 
Danni is more complete in the breast department.
» Knee sleeves (Go to post)25-10-2007 @ 22:46 
Why not get wraps then you can get used to them if you intend doing equipped lifting?
» North West Benchpress Championships (Go to post)24-10-2007 @ 00:50 
So am I! Clearly she had a fettish for gold leotards. I will see if I can scan the article as they aren't good at putting articles on the net quickly
» Northwest Powerlifting Champs Dec 9th (Go to post)24-10-2007 @ 00:46 
Post Edited: 24.10.2007 @ 00:47 AM
I think youve rattled Fat Petes cage there. I think you had better compete. I would like to have all the entries in for the comp a couple of weeks before just so i can order the correct number of awards. But I will accept last minute entries.
Martin I'd be happy to let you loose on the microphone but not in the ladies changing rooms!
» North West Benchpress Championships (Go to post)23-10-2007 @ 13:21 
The contest got a centre page article in todays Lancashire Telegraph. Theres 2 pictures of Martin in the Gold Leotard!!!! Im sure every woman in the region will put one of those on their bedroom wall!
» BWLA 4 Nations (Go to post)23-10-2007 @ 12:06 
Valerie Ritchie from the NW is lifting too, she went 400kg at the south yorks last month as a guest.
» Northwest Powerlifting Champs Dec 9th (Go to post)23-10-2007 @ 11:13 
Post Edited: 25.10.2007 @ 09:08 AM
The Northwest Counties powerlifting championships will take place at Rhinos gym in Oldham on Sunday December 9th. This should be the highlight of the years calender and we a hoping for a good turnout. As usual you can lift equipped or unequipped, one or two have asked to just bench which is fine and of course you may guest lift as well if you are not from the NW. I have some posters which you can display in your gym or club to help promote the event, you can email me for an "electronic" copy or I can post you a paper copy. New members welcome, anyone who is not a BWLA member can join and will benefit from an extended membership until the end of 2008! Martin pointed out to me that now you can renew your membership from November 1st for the following year as an incentive to rejoin early, but there may be a price increase after January, so join early!( I will clarify the situation with BWLA)

BWLA Northwest Counties
Powerlifting Championships
Sunday December 9th 2007
Rhinos Gym ,35 Ripponden Rd Oldham OL1 4EW
Weigh-in 09.00 till 10.30
Start approx 11am





Email Address______________________________________________

Gender M / F

Bodyweight category ______________kg

Age Category ___________________

BWLA Membership No_____________________

Please send cheque for £8. payable to NWCAWLA to:
Bryn Evans
94 Waidshouse Rd
Lancs BB9 0RZ


As usual we need helpers too so if you fancy doing a bit of spotting or filling in the scoreboard then please drop me an email. We aren't asking for you to work all day but if you could offer to do a couple of rounds then it would share the workload out and give everybody a break.
Look forward to seeing you at the event and don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
» Red Arrows banned in 2012 display (Go to post)23-10-2007 @ 10:51 
Then we should fly the Eurofighter or the F35 Joint Strike Fighter (provided its in operational service) as these aircraft are the result of many nations efforts.

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