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» To build a mountain takes a long, long time. (coached by: Jordan Wong) (Go to post)02-01-2016 @ 23:22 
Had problems, somehow my mobility was low and bench was no fun lately.

Still lifted 160x5 sumo with bad mobility and my arch is now bats**t insane.
» McMuffin's wide grip benching antics (Go to post)02-01-2016 @ 23:20 
please make more videos, they are a fun to watch and your commentary is real good.
» McMuffin's wide grip benching antics (Go to post)02-01-2016 @ 23:20 
Post Edited: 02.01.2016 @ 23:21 PM by Buddha
double post
» I have a dream: to bench (Go to post)16-12-2015 @ 05:50
» Ongoing discussion about forward lean (Go to post)09-12-2015 @ 23:52 
I had a discussion about forward lean and my question is: are lifters with long legs and women damned to practice good mornings instead of skwats?

He did say that Sheikos opinion is wrong and that it's impossible for most lifters to squat with a upright torso. His opinion is basically that they have to do good mornings.
So i ask the hall of Sugden what is your opinion?

(can't insert a picture)
» Ongoing discussion about forward lean (Go to post)09-12-2015 @ 23:52 
I had a discussion about forward lean and my question is: are lifters with long legs and women damned to practice good mornings instead of skwats?

He did say that Sheikos opinion is wrong and that it's impossible for most lifters to squat with a upright torso. His opinion is basically that they have to do good mornings.
So i ask the hall of Sugden what is your opinion?

(can't insert a picture)
» Where do you buy Equipment, Barbells and Powerracks? (Go to post)09-12-2015 @ 21:12 
jwp said:Are you after a ss bar?

» Unusual food combinations (Go to post)09-12-2015 @ 04:00 
I'm from Austria, i always eat unusual food combinations.
Did you ever tried to put cream fraiche into bolognese together with kren?
» Where do you buy Equipment, Barbells and Powerracks? (Go to post)08-12-2015 @ 22:24 
90% of my Equipment is from strength-shop tough I was searching for a Rack that has a close hole sizing, similar to westside racks. When I did look up on this I found only american manufactures who prodcue Racks like that.

Also Yokebars, or Safety Squat Bars, there is Sportkraft but they charge around 500€.
» Where do you buy Equipment, Barbells and Powerracks? (Go to post)08-12-2015 @ 17:58 

in Europe there are different distributors and my question is, what is your favourite shop?
Recently I searched for powerracks but I just found overpriced racks who did not have the hole sizing I was looking for. Or Safety Squat Bar, Yoke Bars i found none that were original.
» 330kg / 728 lb squat PB in wraps at 100kg bodyweight (Go to post)07-12-2015 @ 18:09 
unit94 said:
SBD knee wraps? I havent seen them
» 330kg / 728 lb squat PB in wraps at 100kg bodyweight (Go to post)07-12-2015 @ 02:55 
Tom_Martin said:
These are the Harris Stability Systems Hybrid Knee Wraps. A little on the stretchier side rather than super stiff. I wrap myself and struggle with the stiffer ones unless someone wraps for me.

What's your opinion on the new SBD competition wraps tough? They pretty much advertise with super stretchy and that you probably need someone who does the wrapping.
» I have a dream: to bench (Go to post)07-12-2015 @ 02:48

Tried to fix my shaky legs.
» Shaving without a mirror (Go to post)06-12-2015 @ 17:17 
JackRevans said:does anyone know the best place to buy a bathroom mirror?

If I say Ikea?
» 475kg Squat Malanichev (Go to post)06-12-2015 @ 16:39 
Simeon said:When did he switch to conventional deadlift!?

After he teared his ham in BoB2.


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