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» Trap bar deadlift?? (Go to post)06-02-2017 @ 13:36 
Well I was just wondering if it's a good exercise and what you guys think of it as I don't see it much on here.

As I'm going to attemptmy first vid and I'm not sure whether to put my straight bar pb or my trap bar pb (deadlifts)
» Trap bar deadlift?? (Go to post)06-02-2017 @ 13:26 
» Ideas for a gym name? (Go to post)11-01-2017 @ 14:25 
» Basingstoke's Strongest Novice IV (Go to post)11-01-2017 @ 10:19 
I'm interested in competing but I can't find the events would you be able to tell me then on here
» Basingstoke's Strongest Novice IV (Go to post)11-01-2017 @ 10:19 
I'm interested in competing but I can't find the events would you be able to tell me then on here
» what did you have for tea? (Go to post)05-11-2016 @ 10:21 
40oz rump steak mr with a handful of button mushrooms 6 homemade onion rings a large bowl of chunky homemade chips with peppercorn and bbq sauce and a thew pints to wash it down at the seven serens pub.

We heard rumours about how good it was so we give it a go, and they weren't wrong *beautiful*
» shaw over the years (Go to post)04-11-2016 @ 11:32 
Hafthor (the mountain) bornsson
» shaw over the years (Go to post)04-11-2016 @ 11:30 
Mikeneto said:So if steroids didn't exist etc etc...who has the best natural strength genetics?
» hit a brick wall (Go to post)03-11-2016 @ 17:29 
Thanks guys ill take it all in account and mix it all in and see what suits me.
Yeah my feet are sort of dangling, im sort of tip toeing if you know what I mean but I thought it because im a short ass.
» hit a brick wall (Go to post)03-11-2016 @ 09:04 
Thanks everyone for the advice.
I think it helps when I put my feet on the bench because im about 5 foot 7 and cant get much leg drive from the floor so by putting my feet on the bench it helps.
» hit a brick wall (Go to post)02-11-2016 @ 15:30 
Thank you adam this is all very helpful. Ill try doing chest more frequently throughout the week, I tend to just once a week with the same exercises and try to add more weight every week or two but its obviously not working.

And yeah reasonably good form and without drugs, its just the 140, I cant get it off my chest so I have put my feet on the bench to be able to press it.
» hit a brick wall (Go to post)02-11-2016 @ 14:57 
5min warm up

Attempt to beat pb (fail)

12reps 100kgs
10reps 105kgs
8reps 110kgs
6reps 115kgs
50kgs to fail

Supersets (fairly heavy)
Decline dumbbell press 3sets of 10 reps
Cable flys 3sets of 10 reps

Incline dumbbell press 3sets of 10 reps
Incline dumbbell flys 3sets of 10 reps

Finish off with mins on the arm bike
» hit a brick wall (Go to post)02-11-2016 @ 14:07 
Hey guys.... and gals sorry. My bench press pb is 137.5 (poor, I know) and has been for a while. I just can't get past it unless I put my feet on the bench which doesn't count in my eyes. So im just wondering if anyone has any tips or advice for me please.
» Basingstoke's Strongest Novice III (Go to post)30-07-2016 @ 23:26 
I might be interested in competing, when is it held?
» funny things that non lifters say (Go to post)27-08-2015 @ 10:30 
One thing is doing my head is when I mention to my friends and family that I enjoy weighing and am interested in competing in powerlifting, strongman comps.

And they reply" ohh right why? Do you get money for it?"

I reply" no its just a bit of fun."

Then they reply" well if theres no money involved, what's the point of competing?"


And I also get a lot of are you on roids from people in the pub etc
Only because im only 5'7" and just under 100kg.


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