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» An originally titled journal. (Go to post) | 09-05-2015 @ 13:21 | ||
9-5-15 Squat. Russian. Warm up - felt easier to do this today. 140 x 3 180 x 2. 6 sets. Added 10kg on because I felt good today and the 210 max I plugged into the calculator isn't completely accurate, I did 210 x 5. Paused squats 140 x 2 150 x 2 160 x 2 170 x 2 Felt good after this so Squats 200 x 1 210 x 1 Prone hyper extensions 3 x 10 Done. Pleased with a 210 in my first week after 2 and a bit off, at the end of my 3rd squat session of the week. Hopefully that bodes well for some progress. I do miss using wraps though, it's a shame the bdfpa don't allow them raw. | |||
» An originally titled journal. (Go to post) | 08-05-2015 @ 13:11 | ||
8-5-15 Bench Warm up - feel sore in the shoulders 80 x 10 90 x 10 100 x 10 110 x 10 100 x 12. 3 sets Incline bench 60 x 10 70 x 10 80 x 10 - twinge in the shoulder, stopped. Close grip board press. Paused. 80 x 10 90 x 10 100 x 10 Tricep push downs. V bar. 5 sets of 10 Done. Felt good to do some reps. | |||
» Exercises you have no intention of ever doing again (Go to post) | 08-05-2015 @ 10:06 | ||
KevC86 said:Any direct ab exercises. X2 | |||
» An originally titled journal. (Go to post) | 07-05-2015 @ 13:49 | ||
7-5-15 Russian squat routine. Took ages to get warm. 170 x 3. 6 sets. In hindsight maybe starting back at this routine after close to 3 weeks off wasn't the best idea. I'll continue now though. Reps felt fine once I got warm. Supported row 60 x 5 70 x 5 80 x 5 90 x 5 100 x 5 Barbell row 70 x 8. 4 sets. These felt more difficult that anticipated. I'll work these hard over the next few weeks. Reverse grip pull down. Stack x 8. 4 sets. I really feel these working. I'll go hard on these as well. Prone hyper extensions Bw x 8. 3 sets. Done. Felt drained by the end. | |||
» An originally titled journal. (Go to post) | 06-05-2015 @ 13:04 | ||
6-5-15 Bench. Warm up. 80 x 10 100 x 10 120 x 5. 4 sets Easy enough, felt heavier than 2 weeks ago though. Close grip bench. 100 x 10. 3 sets Paused first and last, probably as good as it's ever been. Paused bench. 100 x 3 110 x 3 120 x 2 130 x 2 Not too bad, probably about 20kg down over strength wise. Should come back quickly hopefully. Done. | |||
» An originally titled journal. (Go to post) | 05-05-2015 @ 13:37 | ||
5-5-15 The quest for hamstrings continues. Squat - started Russian routine. Warm up 170 x 2. 6 sets. Felt heavy after my time off but also felt it the right place, I could push against them rather than get bent over. Paused squat. 140 x 3 150 x 3. 2 sets. Front box squats 100 x 3. 3 sets. Just playing around with these, I struggle to hold the bar on a front squat, could really feel these in the quads. Hip thrusters 60 x 5 65 x 5 70 x 5 New to me, felt easy enough. Leg press. 300 x 8. 4 sets Again made them hamstring heavy. Glute ham raise. Bw x 8 +25 x 8 +25 x 8 Stretched out. Done. It all felt good. Pleased over all. | |||
» Official Race To 300kg Deadlift Thread (Go to post) | 04-05-2015 @ 13:20 | ||
Evis - 297,5kg Simon_T - 294kg Pagan - 290kg Ystradboy79 - 290kg MagicGaz - 290kg Oxman - 285kg JonA81 - 282.5kg Leedsminipower - 282.5kg Walker - 280kg Milsy - 280kg Jack Revans - 280kg rabn21 - 280kg JordanWebster - 277kg matthewvc - 275kg macroth - 275kg Nails - 272.5kg Rodger - 270kg Bruce - 270kg General_ill - 270kg PaulSavage - 270kg Shortandmighty - 270kg Killeay - 260kg Tony_Bonner - 260kg Dan302 - 260kg Terminator - 260kg Lowther - 260kg Jamiea - 260kg HUGE GUY - 260kg Spam Up - 260kg Simeon - 260kg dannyboy73 - 255kg 93hopkinsonr - 255kg Adam_F - 255kg Fazc - 255kg GJv2 - 250kg Sam Evans - 250kg itsaSecret - 250kg Fong - 250kg JohnGym - 250kg Robbo91 - 250kg Eden - 240kg mrbeige - 240kg Ben66 - 235kg dr_hazbun -230kg rich_86 - 225kg JamieG - 210kg Rules: A video must accompany the claim. No straps. No hitching. Added myself in. Hoping for a new pb in 6 weeks time. | |||
» An originally titled journal. (Go to post) | 01-05-2015 @ 15:07 | ||
1-5-15 First session back Deadlift 70 x 3 110 x 3 150 x 3 180 x 3 200 x 3 150 x 3. 4 sets. Felt weak but expected to, just did some lifts to get into the grove again. Next session I should feel much better, it's usually the case if I have some time off. Supported row 60 x 5 70 x 5 80 x 5 90 x 5. 2 sets. I need a tighter upper back to improve my deadlift, I get pulled over quite badly. reverse grip pulldowns. Stack x 5. 5 sets Leg press. 220 x 8. 5 sets. Light but focused on weight through the heels to use my hamstrings which I think are very weak compared to my quads. Overall it felt good to get back to doing something. Hoping I won't be horrendously weak for too long. I think I know what I need to do to improve my deadlift so now it's just focusing on putting it all together. | |||
» An originally titled journal. (Go to post) | 30-04-2015 @ 22:56 | ||
Right back to it tomorrow. Been very unwell recently, had a virus of some sort and took me completely off my feet. Recovered from that now and normal service will resume tomorrow. Feel like I've gone so far backwards. Time for an intense 6 weeks before competition time. | |||
» Who's going to win WSM 2015? (Go to post) | 25-04-2015 @ 22:22 | ||
Andy_f said: I'm sure Shaw was about the only one not on the s**tty food in China. He shipped loads of his own food over so didn't suffer like all the others apparently. Very clever tactics. I heard this, but since then I'm sure I've seen him deny it somewhere. It was a stroke of genius if it's true. Hall reckoned he lost 10kg of body weight in China. | |||
» Who's going to win WSM 2015? (Go to post) | 22-04-2015 @ 17:33 | ||
Mikeneto said:I am pretty sure Oberst said before he used to play American Football. He doesn't move like anyone with any athletic background. The other big guys from a sporting background move much better such as Shaw, Terry Hollands and Mike Jenkins did. What did Jenkins play? I know Thor and Shaw were basketball and terry was rugby. Sports with obviously a lot of running. I know almost nothing about american football, but it does seem that the big offensive linemen don't need to do much actual running, just a lot of wrestling or short drives forward. I always assumed that was why they could be so big compared to other sportsmen. You can't run for 80 minutes and be 400lbs. I agree with what you said, he doesn't move that well. I think he'll struggle to become a regular in the final whilst his deadlift is 'only' around the 360-380 mark. I don't imagine he squats well either. | |||
» Who's going to win WSM 2015? (Go to post) | 21-04-2015 @ 21:29 | ||
Bod said: It isn't aired for 8 months in the UK, but not so for the USA. The date change last year coincided with a change of host broadcaster in the US, who want WSM as a summer show to fill their schedule. Ah that makes sense, thanks for the info. | |||
» Who's going to win WSM 2015? (Go to post) | 21-04-2015 @ 21:13 | ||
Boar said:The winner really only gets to celebrate being champ from Christmas untill April.... 4 months of the year How long has it been in April and why is it in April ? Live at Christmas I say ! Like Odin says, there is not a chance of keeping anything under wraps these days It only got moved to April last year, caught a lot of guys out as no one was expecting it. The year before it was the very end of August into the beginning of September. I think that was fairly standard for the years prior. Not a clue why it is April though, it is ridiculous considering it isn't aired for 9 months, at the Europes last summer everyone was wishing the guys good luck at WSM and they were politely saying that it had happened but they couldn't discuss the results. | |||
» Who's going to win WSM 2015? (Go to post) | 21-04-2015 @ 16:09 | ||
Nimble said: Is Belsak really good at stones? I think he broke Travis Ortmayers reckon on the stone at the recent FIBO comp. Plus Eddie hasn't traditionally been the best at stones. Although since last year I'm sure he said he'd invested in a lot of kit to be able to train events properly. He's certainly strong enough. Maybe the lower platforms and heavier stones will suit him more. | |||
» Who's going to win WSM 2015? (Go to post) | 21-04-2015 @ 12:32 | ||
Nimble said:These injuries are helping Thor out and to a lesser extent Shaw. Two big deadlifters out and a big log presser. Also, looks like Oberst is going to struggle to reach the final, too, so that's another big presser possibly gone. I agree, before the comp I thought it was Shaws to lose, but I don't think Thor will lose too many points on the log or deadlift anymore and has a realistic chance of winning all of the other 4 events. |