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» An Unoriginally Titled Journal (Go to post)21-07-2015 @ 18:55 
Starting a 5/3/1 program in hope of greater structure and more motivation. Plus I've been all over the place for far too long.

Week 1. Session 1.

Strict press
Warm up
67.5 x 5
72.5 x 5
77.5 x 5

50 x 10. 5 sets.

Front plate raise.
20kg x 10. 5 sets.
» An Unoriginally Titled Journal (Go to post)16-07-2015 @ 17:31 

Front squat

50 x 5
80 x 5
90 x 5
100 x 5
140 PB

New to these, I'm sure I've only done 100kg before, wrist flexibility is the main issue.

Paused squat
140 x 3. 3 sets.

Quick session today, severely lacking motivation at the moment.
» An Unoriginally Titled Journal (Go to post)16-07-2015 @ 17:28 
Right, my last journal didn't come to much for a variety of reasons, namely injury followed by the closure of my gym.
Things are still up in the air as to whether a new gym will be opened by one of the guys I used to train with. For now I'm training in my garage. I know a lot of guys of here train in a similar way so any advice of what has been effective for you with limited kit it is all very much appreciated.
I'm hoping a new journal will inspire me to train well by myself. My strength had fallen off lately so I need to run back up the hill.
To re-cap:
Age: 23
Height: 6'5"-6'6". (Depends how bad my lordosis gets)
Weight: around 140kg mostly
Bench: 160 paused
Squat: 260 w/wraps
Deadlift: 250 raw
» Europes strongest man (Go to post)13-07-2015 @ 13:04 
aaron_lohan said:
Powerlifting totals have gone through the roof, I remember a couple of years ago in the 83kg class world championships 10 totalled over 800kg, 30 years ago only Ron collins and micheal bridges could do that much. At last years world champs there were 3 lifters in the 93kg class who were doing around 1000kg.

In that case I stand corrected.
» Europes strongest man (Go to post)13-07-2015 @ 12:28 
I think we're seeing the results of strongman becoming a sport in its own right, as apposed to one taken up by retired throwers/power lifters/body builders. I think these huge numbers are coming through now as the generation who were late teens to early twenties ten years ago decided to take up strong man there and then as their main sport and trained specifically for it.
I think if it were chemically based we'd see powerlifting totals go through the roof as well, when I'm sure I saw on here (list of power lifters to go over 1000kg) that 3 of the top 5 were from the 70s.
» Europes strongest man (Go to post)12-07-2015 @ 11:58 
Motorbiker said:Great pull by Thor.

How do people think Eddie would have placed if he finished the day?

With him being second on the medley and he'd have won log easily he could have been very close with Thor for the win.

I agree, he probably would've put all 6 stones up as well.
» Eddie Hall and Thor's deadlift at ESM (Go to post)12-07-2015 @ 11:57 
PaulSavage said:
He could have done 425kg clean/raw at giants live comp so add suit and hitching and 25kg increase isnt very much, not much more than 5% of the lift. Maybe he hadnt learnt to use suit before or had it set wrong.

Regardless of actual weight shifted I think he has proven that he isn't going to hemorrhage points on the deadlift event now like it was predicted he'd do by a lot of people (myself included) on here before WSM.
That said, without bulking up to Brian Shaw-esque size he might keep finding himself 2nd or 3rd.
» Eddie Hall and Thor's deadlift at ESM (Go to post)12-07-2015 @ 11:30 
PaulSavage said:
I dont think hes got any stronger. He has pulled a pretty easy 420kg no suit so no surprise he pulled 450kg with suit and a lot of hitching.

At this competition last year he failed 435 suited. 15+kg in a year is a good improvement at this level.
» Eddie Hall and Thor's deadlift at ESM (Go to post)12-07-2015 @ 11:21 
Although there's talk of Thor having had his head turned by TV and celebrity status, he does seem to keep eliminating weaknesses.
He's now probably likely to take 3rd in a deadlift event in a WSM final (behind Shaw and Eddie), like he did this year. There isn't much left for him to work on until he'll really take some beating.
» Europes strongest man (Go to post)11-07-2015 @ 22:01 
kirkynick said:
Still, 420kgs is a hell of a lift.
I reckon Ed may milk the record 1kg at a time, a bit like Big Z has done with the log record.

Is there any financial reward for breaking the record?
I think he'll do as you said without someone to really push him. Not sure if anyone is capable of it, especially as I think Shaw is unlikely to risk pulling at 100% an injuring himself.
» Europes strongest man (Go to post)11-07-2015 @ 16:31 
LaTuta said:
He should be good for 450-460kg if he is longer in training.he never really had a chance to show how much he can deadlift

I agree, his 440 in training a few years ago looked very easy. Hopefully his back trouble doesn't resurface.
» Europe's strongest on Saturday (Go to post)10-07-2015 @ 15:41 
Am I misreading it or are you paying 14.99 per event that you want to watch?
» 800 and 900 totals in britain (Go to post)06-07-2015 @ 15:51 
Jay Hollingsworth, a bdfpa lifter, has totalled 805kg at under 125kg.
» GBPF banning (Go to post)03-07-2015 @ 19:55 
justaboutpastit said:
I think you still need the bloods in the US but as you said you pay for it so find a easier doc and yes you can almost self certify. A few forums actually list good (easy) TRT docs per area.

If you watched the documentary 'Bigger, Stronger, Faster' you'll see how easy it was for the chap to get prescribed TRT. I think you're right about basically finding an easy doctor, in the documentary the chap just took in a bag of someone else's piss to do the test with. Maybe it's to do with the way the US healthcare system is set up, if you've got the medical insurance to pay for something, you'll probably find a doctor willing to do it.
» Concept 2 Rowing Times. (Go to post)02-07-2015 @ 14:12 

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