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» Wanting advice from anyone who has had extended time off from lifting.. (Go to post) | 09-09-2016 @ 12:28 | ||
matthewvc said: there's no reason why most people (outside of the dan green's of the world who've maxed out every amount of muscle mass they can carry at 100kg) can't achieve a certain strength at a far leaner bf% and lighter bw. we get addicted to the gains from just piling weight on and ignore how much flab is piled on. i put inches on my waist in a year going from about 98kg to 113kg. some was muscle and some water, but most was just flab from gorging. You're exactly right mate. | |||
» Wanting advice from anyone who has had extended time off from lifting.. (Go to post) | 09-09-2016 @ 10:55 | ||
This is very similar to how I felt a few months ago. December of last year I was 148-150kg body weight. I'm tall but it was still far to heavy but my pressing became very good with it. But I just felt old, I'm 24 and my knees and hips would ache after walking around town. My wife and I looked at a trip to Norway and this hike to a place called Trolltunga looked fantastic but I realised I couldn't do it because my back wouldn't take it. Losing strength was difficult, but realising that there are lads on here who are under 100kg and lifting more than me at 150 made me think that I could do it at a lighter weight. I'm 128-130 now and feel so much better. I can run again, my back doesn't hurt and I look a lot better for it. My strength suffered but then started to come back, but the more weight I lost the less I started to care about absolute numbers. I benched 195 at 150kg, I may never bench the 200 I wanted but I'll bench 180 again and look good doing it hopefully. Losing the size is difficult to get your head around, after lifting for a long time you start to define yourself by what you lift. I've been 'Big Rob' to most people around town for a long time and getting smaller was tough, but to the bloke in the street I probably look stronger nowadays at a lighter weight. I wish you all the best with whatever you decide to do. I've become happier in the long run after a tough time adjusting and I would never go back to that sort of weight again. | |||
» No chance of using the back door… (Go to post) | 31-08-2016 @ 13:54 | ||
KevC86 said: This is the outcome ive expected ever since the result was announced. It definitely seems like that could happen. No one seems to know what needs to be done to leave and it'll be such a long process that public opinion/the governments stance on it/the party in power could all change dramatically during it. | |||
» Future of strongman? (Go to post) | 28-08-2016 @ 14:47 | ||
Wayne_Cowdrey said:In an untested sport what would be the motivation for claiming to be clean when not? Not wanting to disappoint family/friends? Yeah I guess, plus to the vast majority of people if you've taken gear then it's made you that strong overnight and your achievements count for nothing. | |||
» Future of strongman? (Go to post) | 28-08-2016 @ 11:42 | ||
93hopkinsonr said:I wonder where strength levels would be from the top guys if there were no peds? Obviously something we'll never know but it would be interesting I always wondered who'd win WSM if they were all clean. Terry would stand a good chance based on his sheer natural size I would've thought. | |||
» WSM 2016? (Go to post) | 19-08-2016 @ 11:52 | ||
matthewvc said: that's the codename for the CIA LSD/mind control program from the 50s. Yeah I know, it didn't think it actually made sense, but it was the other thing containing his initials that came off the top of my head. | |||
» WSM 2016? (Go to post) | 19-08-2016 @ 11:25 | ||
Gordy said:Would it kill Poland to produce a top strongman with a surname that is easy to pronounce/spell? He could at least have a snappy nickname to make it easier. MK Ultra is my suggestion. | |||
» WSM 2016? (Go to post) | 15-08-2016 @ 18:16 | ||
Benvie said: I also seem to remember best being pretty poor at viking press. Can't lock his elbows out properly so he has to hold it an extra half second just shy of locked to get the down signal. | |||
» WSM 2016? (Go to post) | 08-08-2016 @ 19:26 | ||
93hopkinsonr said:I don't know why there's so much doubt with hall. He was 4th last year, certainly stronger this year and one of the men who beat him isn't in it. Surely he'll be 3rd at worst. I sort of agree with this. He might have one very bad event, but I don't see anyone bar Shaw and usually Thor (not sure on his shape this year) being consistent enough to beat him. Everyone has a very poor event bar the normal top 3. With Z out and Thor in questionable shape I think he'll fight for 2nd. | |||
» CONGRATS LOZ (Go to post) | 30-07-2016 @ 20:34 | ||
BrenWad said:Such a fan of Loz. He has done so well to get back to where he was. Being fatter has helped his performance, and that's not at all a dig. You're right there, what weight was he when he tore his lat trying a 446 dead? Thought he was only 130ish tops. Looks much better at 160 now than he did lighter at the 150ish mark. | |||
» WSM 2016? (Go to post) | 27-07-2016 @ 13:06 | ||
order said: he took the best part of 90kgs (may have been lbs - still a lot!) of his own food with him. Everyone else had the hotel stuff and were all ill and dehydraetd form the s**ts! Yeah that was my point, he's so well prepared. Although I've since seen him deny that. I remember him talking after a keg toss and saying he'd felt confident because he'd been training it with a bar that was a foot higher and kegs that were all heavier. As said above, not my favourite person but a Professional in every sense of the word. | |||
» WSM 2016? (Go to post) | 27-07-2016 @ 10:06 | ||
BrenWad said: Assuming he can finish the event. 30stone on a small frame in Botswana, in summer, does not sound a great combo. I know Shaw etc are heavier, but they are also meant to be giants,rather than being massively beyond their natural size Shaw also seems to cope best with conditions, he seems to allow for everything in his prep. He was the healthiest looking in China, when everyone was shedding body weight from illness and the heat Shaw went and broke the deadlift record. | |||
» WSM 2016? (Go to post) | 26-07-2016 @ 16:23 | ||
drex50 said: he couldn grab the last stone at Strongest Team competition this year he got worst combination of Z gut size and Radz arms length Aren't Glenn Ross's stones a few inches wider than the WSM ones? Seem to recall him saying that last year at WST. | |||
» Terry Hollands 238.5kg DOH smooth axle (unofficial WR) (Go to post) | 24-07-2016 @ 10:34 | ||
scruffmcbuff said: impressive numbers. ive just started dabbling in the grip world. I'd imagine you've got big hands at your height? How are you getting on? | |||
» WSM 2016? (Go to post) | 18-07-2016 @ 09:15 | ||
MJG said: Not sure about that. Thor could beat him on Frame, Stones, Kettle bell and Truck pull. Eddie could win if he can beat Shaw on stones and gets a few people between himself and Shaw/Thor in the overhead. It depends if it's for reps or a medley like recent years. Shaw cleans very well and at lighter weights will probably beat a lot of people despite not being a great presser. |