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» An Unoriginally Titled Journal (Go to post) | 17-08-2015 @ 15:28 | ||
17-8-15 Strict press 50 x 10 70 x 5 80 x 3 85 x 1 90 x 1 PB 70 x 5. 3 sets. Close grip bench. Last rep paused. 80 x 10 90 x 10 100 x 6 110 x 6 120 x 8. 2 sets. Front squat. 60 x 5 80 x 5 100 x 3 140 x 1 180 x f 170 x 1 PB - smooth rep 180 x 1 PB - wasn't pretty. 140 x 3. 3 sets. Z press. Bar x 5 45 x 5 65 x 5. 3 sets. Done. Pleased with front squat improvement. Wrists are sore mind. | |||
» How pre-overtraining feels to you? (Go to post) | 15-08-2015 @ 16:09 | ||
Sparrow said:The sorest I have ever been was after doing a Bodypump session (work forced me to at the time). I have never met anybody who got swole from doing Bodypump alone. I did one once and I agree that it's also the sorest I have ever been. Far worse than twenty rep squatting even. | |||
» An Unoriginally Titled Journal (Go to post) | 14-08-2015 @ 14:03 | ||
Post Edited: 14.08.2015 @ 14:05 PM by Robbo91 14-8-15Barbell row 60 x 10 90 x 10 100 x 10. 3 sets. Wide grip pulldowns. Sets of 8, worked up to almost the full stack. A definite weakness. Front squat 60 x 5. 100 x 3. 5 sets. 125 x 3. 160 x 1. PB. Leg press 250 x 20. 3 sets. (Hamstring heavy) 300 x 10 (normal) 400 x 10 500 x 10 Negative wide grip pull ups. 3 x 3. Done. Pleased with the weeks training. Weekend to recover now ready to press again on Monday. A 200kg front squat is also a goal. | |||
» An Unoriginally Titled Journal (Go to post) | 13-08-2015 @ 17:09 | ||
13-8-15 Bench Press 70 x 10 90 x 5 110 x 3 120 x 3 130 x 3 140 x 3 150 x 1 162.5 x 1 PB Pleased with this, haven't benched in a while, I think the addition of more overhead pressing has made the difference. I didn't have a front shoulder before hand. Close grip bench 110 x 6. 5 sets. Paused first and last. Strict Press 50 x 10. 3 sets. Tricep 100 rep challenge. A bit of fun, hell of a pump from it but not a whole lot of weight to speak of. Various pushdowns basically. Done. Happy with today. I think 180 is a very real possibility on the bench this year with this 162.5 off the back of very little training. | |||
» An Unoriginally Titled Journal (Go to post) | 12-08-2015 @ 20:09 | ||
12-8-15 Front squat 60 x 5 80 x 5 100 x 5 120 x 3 125 x 3 135 x 2 150 x 1 comfortable PB 120 x 3. 2 sets. Leg press Stack (training at a commercial gym today) x 8. 5 sets. Single leg press 2/3rds ish stack x 8. 3 sets. Leg extensions 5 x 8 Finger curls 60 x 8. 5 sets. Fat grip holds. Blue grips but they didn't fit properly so it was a lot thicker. 24kg per hand x 1 minute. x 30 seconds. 2 sets. | |||
» best overhead??? (Go to post) | 12-08-2015 @ 15:52 | ||
I suppose Misha would count as an Olympic lifter, there's a video of him behind the neck jerking 270. | |||
» An Unoriginally Titled Journal (Go to post) | 11-08-2015 @ 13:58 | ||
11-8-15 Deadlift Warm up 145 x 2 120 x 3. 8 sets. Back felt fine. I've decided to try and get into doing pull ups, back when I was lighter I could knock them out quite well. I'd be lucky with 2 nowadays. Assisted pull ups (training partner supporting my shins when needed) X 10. Felt quite reliant on him though. Negative pull ups 2 x 3 All done wide grip. Barbell row. 80 x 10. 5 sets. Close grip pull down 3 x 10 Face pulls. 5 x 10 Cable curls 3 x 12 | |||
» An Unoriginally Titled Journal (Go to post) | 10-08-2015 @ 14:26 | ||
10-8-15 Well every new burst of enthusiasm is normally met with a stumbling block. My back has been out of action for a few weeks, I've been to the specialist and had a few appointments to try and realign my pelvis. Four weeks until my first strongman comp and it doesn't look good, I'll still take part just to get a feel for the experience. Squat Went to 140 and stopped, back isn't ready for this yet Strict press 60 x 8 72.5 x 3 77.5 x 3 80 x 5 50 x 10. 3 sets. Close grip bench press. 80 x 10 85 x 8 90 x 5 100 x 10 Front squat 80 x 5 90 x 5 100 x 5 Dumbbell press 32 x 6. 3 sets. Stretching and foam rolling the quads and hips. Done. Feel better mentally after doing my something for the first time in a while. Slow and steady progress to be made from now on. Try to build some sort of shape for the BDFPA full power early next year. | |||
» One month to add as much strength/size as possible (Go to post) | 06-08-2015 @ 07:38 | ||
Smolov for squats. The one phase is 4 weeks with a PB aimed for on the end of week 4. It is brutal but it works. | |||
» Matt Kroc is now janae marie kroc (Go to post) | 28-07-2015 @ 18:22 | ||
I've always been amazed how much people care about others being gay, transexual, religious or any other sort of social group. I genuinely don't understand it, I really don't care what someone else does as long as they aren't hurting anyone else. I don't support this 'they can't do that because it offends me' either. I read somewhere that its like saying someone eating a cake offends you because you're on a diet. Question though, what do people make of the huge amount of publicity and award for bravery that Kaitlyn Jenner has received? | |||
» An Unoriginally Titled Journal (Go to post) | 25-07-2015 @ 18:04 | ||
25/7/15 Squat Warm up 150 x 5 160 x 5 170 x 5 Felt awful. Feel like I have no leg power. A few months ago this would've felt easy. Started on sets of 10 lighter but my back gave out so I called it a day. Need to see the osteopath. Let's hope for something positive next week. | |||
» Calf pain from Karlsen Squats (Go to post) | 24-07-2015 @ 21:11 | ||
Post Edited: 24.07.2015 @ 21:11 PM by Robbo91 I've had this quite a lot in the past, particularly if I go through a stage of squatting more frequently than usual. I've found stretching can help a bit but I've yet to find a cure. | |||
» An Unoriginally Titled Journal (Go to post) | 23-07-2015 @ 18:06 | ||
23/7/15 Bench press Warm up 110 x 5. Paused. 115 x 5. Paused. 122.5 x 10. Close grip bench press 80 x 10. 5 sets. Strict press 60 x 6. 5 sets. Lateral raise. X 12. 3 sets. All good, feeling a bit better every session. | |||
» An Unoriginally Titled Journal (Go to post) | 22-07-2015 @ 16:34 | ||
I couldn't agree more mate haha. 22/7/15 Deadlift Warm up 170 x 5 180 x 5 192.5 x 5 Out of practice and not great, but managed them. Front squat 70 x 10. 5 sets. Each rep as solid as the last but they killed me still. I'm new to front squats but quickly appreciating their value. Barbell row 80 x 6. 5 sets. Barbell curls 40 x 12. 3 sets. | |||
» Luke Stoltman Scotlands Strongest Man (Go to post) | 22-07-2015 @ 12:49 | ||
His brother could be a force to be reckoned with in the not to distant future. Pulled a 382.5 deadlift looking at his Facebook and a 180 log. 6 foot 8 as well. |