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» Doc's Big Brown Satisfying Log (Go to post)13-06-2009 @ 21:07 
Post Edited: 13.06.2009 @ 22:45 PM by doc77
Running bench cycle 1 again

Squat (med) - beltless

3x3 117.5kg

Bench was being used, so swapped the order around

Good Mornings

4x5 90kg



Paused bench

2x4 82.5kg
2x2 80kg

Pulldowns behind head 4x8 10 plates

supersetted with horizontal rows 4x8 70kg

Back felt a bit stiff after deadlifting wed, but soon loosened up. Kiddies birthday party afterwards, which has f**ked me up proper...nice BBq though, and just time for a kebab, chips and cheese garlic bread for supper! Shame telly's s**te...
» Dave Meer 190kg Push Press (Go to post)13-06-2009 @ 11:36 
Massive pressing! Looked easy as well, picked it up like it was a small child...scary mofo! How much did Derek Poundstone lift the other week? About 216kg?
» Chris's Strongman Journey (Go to post)12-06-2009 @ 22:14 
Good work mate, nice clean and presses 2x5 at 80kg is getting there!
» Lil_Lee > Medium-ish_lee (the inbetween bits) (Go to post)12-06-2009 @ 13:17 
richards9876 said:
Little and often is the key then build up your portion sizes gradually to get your stomach used to eating more food.

My girlfriend used to hate me for it but if we go anywhere at a weekend we have to work it round me eating and if were going to be somewhere for any length of time then i have to think about what and where i am going to eat.

Sounds insane but then if i dont eat i get cranky and thats not a pretty sight.

On a different note - what the f**k are you doing on Sugden at 1.50am - Do you not sleep or eat?

I agree with this, eating is in my thoughts as much as lifting, I make sure I eat every 2 1/2 to 3 hours, you need it for intense sessions mate, it stops you aching and you feel more up for each session with plenty of fuel on board.
» Adlington - Alan 40k power snatch (Go to post)12-06-2009 @ 12:25 
Top quality , I feel like coming down adders just for a bollocking off this guy! Grin
» VAGINA SANDITIS (Go to post)12-06-2009 @ 12:16 
youngy said:
I hear people who do side bends with dumbells in both hands also suffer from said condition.

with 10kg dumbells in each hand...
» All guys with super shit squat: Race to 180kg (Go to post)11-06-2009 @ 23:51 
yes....very erm...deep squat mine....thats why erm....its s**t Grin
» All guys with super shit squat: Race to 180kg (Go to post)11-06-2009 @ 21:25 
I'm in, 150 - 30 to go, do wraps count Grin if so 5 to go
» high squats and low squats in strongman (Go to post)11-06-2009 @ 15:19 
massively impressive front squats there robocop!
» TitleBash Challenges (Go to post)11-06-2009 @ 15:09 
Carl said:
tonyjb72 said:
why didn't you put a turn in Carl...could have had 20m then...Tongue

turn with a yoke?

I did a turn with a 220kg yoke on my first ever yoke attempt - to everyone's amusement at the time Roll-Eyes Embarassed Grin Cool
» Doc's Big Brown Satisfying Log (Go to post)10-06-2009 @ 23:21 
well to say it's a bench routine, my deadlift's coming on nicely Confused Grin
» Krunch Gym Comp (Go to post)10-06-2009 @ 23:19 
I wonder if they will let you carry the boxing bag on your shoulder and the 30kg dumbell in one hand at the same time?
» all guys with shit deadlift: RACE TO 250KG (Go to post)10-06-2009 @ 23:15 
Update 200kg hitched up... 50 kg to go!
» competition for the fastest 250kg pull thread (Go to post)10-06-2009 @ 23:12 
Does the nose wiping thing work? I have already borrowed the hold arms up to the sky like you are evoking a hurricane from either Chris Jenkins or Justin Hurley, cant remember which one of them, which I feel adds a solid 20kg to my pick up some s**t off the floor (not to be confused with a deadlift, as this is performed with a heavy weight) Tongue
» Doc's Big Brown Satisfying Log (Go to post)10-06-2009 @ 21:55 
I am finding less is more when it comes to deads, I tried doing a speed day and a heavy day each week and it wasn't too bad, but I have recently found a russian cycle which is a bench routine, I have been following it for 4 weeks and my deadlift has improved more than any other lift, maybe due to all the upper back work involved. This is the program (you need excel)

Basically I do 3 sessions a week bench every session up to 90-100% 1RM, and either squat or deads as well in rotation, also cycle the weight - a light day, medium day, heavy day. One week its 88% 1RM on heavy day, next its 100% fro 3 singles. Week after drop back a bit and next week test your max. Also all assistance is planned as well, lots of upper back work. I add a bit of extra abs, grip and bicep work on top, as the assistance is minimum required.

I am finding it hard but do-able, not too boring as assistance varies and gains are coming. I am learning more about training and how my body responds from doing this program as well, and it's like having a coach - I write down what the program says I must do, and I don't leave the gym until it's done...the diary runs my training! Grin

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