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» Big GUNZ (Go to post)24-06-2009 @ 14:06 
Joni said:
doc77 said:
how important is training biceps for strongman? events such as stones see a few strongmen tear biceps

aye but thats a tech thing mostly when people hug the stones up. Its not like those guys have small or weak biceps i think...

most of those guys have biceps stronger than my quads (for now), it's just what the commentators sometimes say when a competitor tears one...especially about powerlifters never training biceps directly.
» Big GUNZ (Go to post)24-06-2009 @ 13:41 
how important is training biceps for strongman? events such as stones see a few strongmen tear biceps
» Doc's Big Brown Satisfying Log (Go to post)24-06-2009 @ 10:18 
Bad luck at the moment - cold's clearing up, but went playing football monday night (after being in bed most of the day with man flu)and sprained my ankle...gutted. It's calmed down a fair bit now but still cant bear weight on my heel - so for a week or so I will have to stick to seated/bench work in the gym. I can't flex my ankle so I can't go too heavy on bench either, so I am going to do some OH pressing and plenty of core strength work until my ankle is fit for use. Then I am going to do some one legged stuff to strengthen my ankles up, as they have always been a problem as far as breaks and spprains are concerned. Angry Angry Angry Angry
» Doc's Big Brown Satisfying Log (Go to post)21-06-2009 @ 22:11 
Yeah I'm not worried, I've got a cold, sore throat and a cough coming on, feels like man flu. It's probably the culprit for me feeling s**tty most of the week. No matter. Still got plenty of work in.
» Biggest training mistakes (Go to post)21-06-2009 @ 21:54 
Mainly for all the experienced guys, what are the biggest mistakes you have made in your training which have halted your progress, led to an injury or made you go backwards? Overtrained and worn out, ego lifts gone wrong, lifting without spotters, you know, the kinds of mistakes you would strongly advise less experienced trainees against, and the kinds of things which may be common mistakes people make, cheers.
» Chris's Strongman Journey (Go to post)21-06-2009 @ 20:33 
Nice PBs mate! Hope they keep on coming.
» Doc's Big Brown Satisfying Log (Go to post)21-06-2009 @ 19:19 
sat 20th


1x100kg (f)
1x100kg (f)

Paused bench

2x3 85kg
2x2 80kg

meant to do bench lock outs but tris and shoulders were feeling hammered, also running short on time again...


3x3 160kg - failed to lock out last rep of last set of these Angry

Bent over rows

2x5 80kg

Upright rows

2x5 55kg

All felt far heavier than it should have done, end of a hectic week and looking forward to a return to normal life next week so I have time and means to eat enough feckin food!! To cap it all off I went fishing today with my mates and we all blanked! Big brown steaming logs to this weeks training, roll on next week and hopefully back to improvements.
» all guys with shit deadlift: RACE TO 250KG (Go to post)20-06-2009 @ 00:34 
Joni said:

doc77 - didnt even know you were in, your message you stated that "blah blah blah excuses excuses blah blah" which i took to mean you were not in, but now you are, NO TURNING BACK!

I'm trying to improve all lifts, I'd forgotten that I said that to be honest... I am most definitely in as I cant resist a challenge Grin
» Years Training (Go to post)18-06-2009 @ 21:15 
Post Edited: 18.06.2009 @ 21:16 PM by doc77
First started 2 years ago (at 29), i was a 10 stone toothpick Unhappy . Never done any bodybuilding type stuff during that time, and my lifts were 60/35/100 or something, just wanted to get strong and always trained around heavy compound movements. Now I'm a bit over 14 stone, still lean and lifts are 150/105/200. Happy Will eventually get into strongman once my bodyweight is 100kg+, because I love the events in strongman. Will stick to powerlifting, hopefully competing before the end of this year, provided I can go long enough without a spliff to pass a pl drug test... Grin
» Doc's Big Brown Satisfying Log (Go to post)18-06-2009 @ 21:00 
Post Edited: 07.07.2009 @ 16:18 PM by doc77
Wed 17th June - heavy squat and bench

Squat - all beltless

3x1 135kg

Routine states half squats but I did full squats with belt and knee wraps instead

150kg - failed WTF? Not long enough rest, so after a brief kicking of my own ass and an extra 2 mins rest...


160kg - failed again, felt like my legs were worn out from standing on the spot for 2 days running at work and deciding to play football for a team again at my age..

2x2 150kg



Paused (for 3 seconds ish!) bench

2x5 82.5kg - was supposed to be 2 sets of 6 but I had nothing in the tank by this time
2x2 80kg

Behind head pulldowns

8 10 plates
2x8 11 plates
7 10 plates

Fried. Completely. Had to rush through training as I didn't get to the gym until late, so I probably didn't get enough rest inbetween sets. Had a busy week as well, with less than enough sleep and not enough food either. Never mind, everyone has bad days here and there. 2 days rest now should see me right for next week.
» Chris's Strongman Journey (Go to post)16-06-2009 @ 23:13 
nice work mate! I reckon you will get more by going for PBs less often, its working for me!
» a reason to watch tennis.... (Go to post)16-06-2009 @ 20:02 
Giggiddy giggiddy goooooooo! Grin
» Doc's Big Brown Satisfying Log (Go to post)15-06-2009 @ 23:17 
Thanks mate, my upper back is improving the most, which hopefully will carry over to all three lifts. I am not sure if I am actually doing low pulley rows, but I do them on a machine with a low pulley and a seat on the floor, like a rowing machine or an arm over arm. Its rowing on a low pulley, so I'm sure it's not far wrong...Roll-Eyes Tongue
» Doc's Big Brown Satisfying Log (Go to post)15-06-2009 @ 19:41 
Post Edited: 15.06.2009 @ 23:14 PM by doc77
Mon 15th June



Pause bench

2x5 82.5kg
2x2 80kg

Rack lock outs (bench - last 8-10inch)

3x130kg (PB)

Deadlift off 4" block, pulled as fast as poss.

3x5 112.5kg

Bent over rows

4x5 75kg

Low pulley rows

4x10 13 plates

Off for a game of footy now. Pleased with the session, feel stronger this time round than 4 weeks ago.
» Dave Meer 190kg Push Press (Go to post)14-06-2009 @ 22:25 
shawn said:
doc77 said:
Massive pressing! Looked easy as well, picked it up like it was a small child...scary mofo! How much did Derek Poundstone lift the other week? About 216kg?

Not heard that, last i heard in comp it was an Axel off floor and he won the event with a 187.5kg i think.

Ah, I wasn't sure how much it was, I thought it was over 200kg

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