» Fanny Fandango - Fat and Weak (Go to post) | 08-05-2011 @ 00:59 | ||
TravisFandango said: We went to Dublin first for a couple of nights, which was nice. Then we got the bus to Limerick. Generally had a really nice time there, we stayed out of the one place recommended by the taxi driver though, because it looked rough as f**k. There were quite a few loud piss bags about, but it was the bank holiday I suppose, so you've got to expect that. It was the first time I'd been to Ireland, but I really liked it and if I had the money I'd go back to see the comp this year, although it's going to be in various locations in Limerick, so it might be a t**t on. Are you living in England now? Where do you train etc? Been living in Manchester for about 5 or 6 years now Trav. Train in the infamous Sugden Centre that the forum is named after, and really need to start showing up at OSG at least fortnightly as its only an hour away each way from my doorstep, by local buses no less. Hopefully meet you there for a session in the near future! Are there any websites for this year's comp up yet? Haven't seen a thing about it on the web yet, but me and the family would love to go back. If me, my ma and my nephew are going again there'll be ample room in the old Renault Clio to chauffeur you and The Owl to the various venues. Would be nice to have a partner in crime to assault the hotel bar with too! | |||
» Yorkshires Strongest Man 2011 Open and Novice (Go to post) | 08-05-2011 @ 00:30 | ||
General_ill said: Dont go to mental, I felt like s**t most of last week from just eating everything possible after weigh in and almost Did s**t myself on the conans LOL! I cost myself an extra stride or two on my pathetic attempt at Conan's as I felt a little beam of diarrheaa bursting to escape. Mental note - pack a spare pair of boxers for my next comp and power on through the indignity of s**tting myself. Good luck tomorrow champ! | |||
» Fanny Fandango - Fat and Weak (Go to post) | 08-05-2011 @ 00:18 | ||
TravisFandango said: Are you the nice Irish chap then? If so it was a pleasure to meet you too! Limerick was a most splendid day out last year. The Owl and I made a little holiday of it. For me the best bit of that comp was Mark Westaby thoughtfully handing the Celtic cross back to the loaders after he'd finished his carry. Everyone else couldn't wait to drop it. Yep, that was me mate. Westaby is mong-ish at times, in the best possible way. Not sure if it was Limerick or another comp, but him casually carrying and flinging some kegs around one-handed, when alot of the others were struggling two-handed, always stands out for me. Limerick is a horrible s**tehole by the way. Hope you and The Owl didn't stay too central! The surrounding towns and villages were beautiful, and I met some legends in the hotel bar on the outskirts of the city itself (including a memorable retired fireman who was disciplined several times for inadvertantly setting fire to his own house), but all were unanimous that the city itself is the biggest cesspit in all of Ireland! | |||
» Best in the UK? (Go to post) | 07-05-2011 @ 23:35 | ||
Has to be Terry at this point in time until Loz proves otherwise in a major comp in my uneducated opinion. Terry 100% fit is right alongside Shaw on Savickas' heels. Slightly off topic, but what's happened to Jimmy Marku? I know he had a bad injury but he seems to have sank without trace these past few years? I loved that guy! Struggled on certain events but was right up there with the best on squat etc. | |||
» Fanny Fandango - Fat and Weak (Go to post) | 07-05-2011 @ 23:27 | ||
TravisFandango said: Thanks! ![]() I was at Limerick last year too!! Didn't she look delightful!? We touched arses at the Excel the week before and even though I only felt it with my own arse cheek it felt as good as it looks. I'll bet she was as titillated as you were! Was a great event that. Cracking atmosphere with all the eastern Europeans cheering for Savickas. Incredible drinkers. A pint down the hatch every half an hour like clockwork yet almost none of them seemed that drunk by the end of it! I was with my mum and nephew so no beverages for me. Highlight was Terry's truck pull and Savickas almost apologetically asking me if I could I hold his trophy so he could sign an autograph for me and my nephew. Class act! Nice to meet you at the Yorkshire's last week mate. Please excuse my vaguely dishevelled manner - was horribly sleep deprived and anxious and it was quickly dawning on me how out of my depth I was! | |||
» The SMALL Workout log. (Go to post) | 07-05-2011 @ 22:27 | ||
Sorry to hear that mate. He had a great innings, but bereavement is never easy. Best of luck tomorrow! | |||
» Fanny Fandango - Fat and Weak (Go to post) | 07-05-2011 @ 22:24 | ||
TravisFandango said: Oooh! Birmingham and 2 days. ![]() ![]() Was in close proximity to Caroline Pearce myself in Limerick at the Strongman Champions League last summer. Seriously thought I was going to have to slide off to the toilets for a sly wank at one stage, as uncontrollable boner with family members nearby isn't a good look to be rocking. Stunning woman, photos just don't do her justice! Fast becoming a deadlift beast Trav. You pulled that 220 about as fast as I pull 160! | |||
» Road To Damascus Moment (Go to post) | 01-05-2011 @ 21:56 | ||
Boar said:being thought of as one of englands top 10 u90's strongmen is lovely , im not sure if thats one of those , but its super ! (so let me enjoy it while it lasts , then ill carry on toward damascus on my bike) It certainly wasn't my own personal Road to Damascus moment but today definitely impressed upon me quite how much beef the stronger lads pack onto a 90kg frame! Same goes for the u-105s. Youtube videos just don't do it justice. Testerone-fest! | |||
» Yorkshires Strongest Man 2011 Open and Novice (Go to post) | 01-05-2011 @ 21:47 | ||
Boar said:all the helpers were fabbo , we do this stuff as others help us when we compete ...what goes around coms around !! I'll gladly help out next weekend if you need an extra pair of feeble hands? | |||
» Yorkshires Strongest Man 2011 Open and Novice (Go to post) | 01-05-2011 @ 20:59 | ||
Rutledge said:Great fun comp. thanks again to graham and everyone who helped. Cant wait for next comp. . . BRING IT ON !!!! Unbelievable performance today mate. You're going to be a monster in your proper weight class! | |||
» Yorkshires Strongest Man 2011 Open and Novice (Go to post) | 01-05-2011 @ 20:57 | ||
A massive well done to Graham for a superbly well run competition. Bruce and Boar were brilliant as u-90kg referees, and I can't thank them enough for their words of encouragement as I f**ked up event after event! Finished rock bottom of the u-90s, and I'm gutted at how s**te I was but still glad I competed. Was a pleasure to meet Sam, Travis, James etc, and a MASSIVE thank you to Pagan for noticing when I was struggling (constantly) and helping me whenever he could. A true gentleman. I can confirm Dewsbury's a nice town too. Retired to a pub there to watch the Utd game then kept on missing trains to Manchester as I got progressively more drunk. | |||
» Yorkshires Strongest Man 2011 Open and Novice (Go to post) | 01-05-2011 @ 05:37 | ||
James_94 said:well after 4 hours sleep and three hours of staring at the ceiling attempting to sleep i f**king give up and am beginning to get ready ![]() I slept from 8pm to about 11.30pm. Been wide awake ever since. I'm farting sparks here too! Nervous as f**k. Just want to get this over with now, and retire to a pub by early afternoon! Good luck to everyone else who is competing and to the organisers. | |||
» log press videos from FIBO (Go to post) | 29-04-2011 @ 00:49 | ||
Looked like he very briefly locked it out but it wasn't under control. The announcer was class though. That yelp at the end was top notch! | |||
» O.S.G Changes (Go to post) | 29-04-2011 @ 00:37 | ||
Tom_Martin said:The attitude I'm seeing towards this issue is concerning. This is a serious matter, that nobody seems to care about. I personally would like to see anyone not practicing a very BASIC level of personal hygiene banned from using either the gym, or the toilets. WASH YOUR f**kING HANDS! I once witnessed a lad at the Sugden Centre emerge from a cubicle after taking a s**t still wearing his lifting gloves, and he left without washing his hands. Vile bas***d. | |||
» Yorkshires Strongest Man 2011 Open and Novice (Go to post) | 28-04-2011 @ 17:49 | ||
What hours are you open on Saturday for weigh ins Gra? |