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» Motabilism (Go to post)30-01-2012 @ 08:51 
I keep a food dairy Neil. It amazed me when I looked back how many times Id wrote 'coffee'. You think you only do things a few times a day but when you log it you realize!!!

Btw I thought I was a moderate coffee drinker 3-6 a day. Turns out I was drinking nearer 8.
» Local > National > Europe > the World! (Go to post)30-01-2012 @ 08:45 
Monday 30th Jan 2012

AM: Gym

Bar x many
50 x 8
80 x 5
100 x 5
120 x 3
120 x 3
120 x 3
120 x 5

70 x 5
110 x 5
140 x 5
180 x 1
180 x 3
140 x 12.
» Motabilism (Go to post)29-01-2012 @ 21:31 
Post Edited: 29.01.2012 @ 21:41 PM by moz
30g of protein within 30 mins of waking up will induce a metabolic and hormonal response.

Stack this before meals to block fat:
Alpha lipoic acid 100-300mg
Green tea extract 325mg
Garlic extract 200mg

Also have you heard Thelps eats 12,000 cals a day? Even if he did butterfly for 6 hours a day he'd struggle to burn it off? The reason he can eat so much? Thermogenics my friend, he's swimming in cold water. Make this work for you, go for a walk in your t-shirt for 30 mins morn or evening when it's fecking freezing, your body will have to regulate temperature!?

Ever heard of the GLUT-4 pathway? Means your body can absorb more carbs around exercise. Do a few sets of KB swings before meals?

Don't let your insulin get elevated, this hormone stores fat. Learn to control the master hormone, leptin, and insulin will fall like a domino. Lemon (fresh, squeezed into water) before a meal stops insulin getting to high, so does fat and protein. Carbs make it spike up like a f**ker!

Loads more tricks mate PM if you want more.
» From fat pig to ripped twig (Go to post)29-01-2012 @ 21:03 
Hey Ed instead of adding weight to those planks ever tried walking your hands out? Superman planks? Saves f*cking about, does put pressure on shoulders and lower back tho? Two problem areas lol Happy
» Toe dipping into the wold of Strength training (Go to post)29-01-2012 @ 16:29 
Rodger said:27th jan

16 lengths of pool front crawl

Awesome Happy

20 next time?
» Local > National > Europe > the World! (Go to post)29-01-2012 @ 16:24 
Sunday 29th Jan 2012

1 hours steady swim, 2 miles (128 x 25m)
» Local > National > Europe > the World! (Go to post)28-01-2012 @ 22:53 
Sat 28th Jan 2012


Spin bike.
Effort scale.... 1-candle light, 3- 50w bulb, 5- blackpool illuminations, 8- Vegas, 10- shining like a star!!!

3 mins @ 3
3 mins @ 5
...15 intervals 1 min on, 1 min off....
1-5 @ 8
6-13 @ 10
14 + 15 @ 11 (BLACKHOLE, pain goes inwards past the event horizon!)
6 mins @ 5 cool down.

Tough session Happy
» Local > National > Europe > the World! (Go to post)28-01-2012 @ 10:05 
Friday 27th Jan 2012

PM: Gym

Running... On a treadmill... Not fun! Loosening off for sat, 15mins steady run @ 15kmph, 2% incline.

Hanging leg raises
2 x 10
leg raises held at 90
2 x 40 seconds.

Sauna Happy

Sat 28th Jan 2012

6am Run, 5 miles ~35mins.

Ran in shorts and vest f*cking freezing!!! Got in my car to go work at 8am and the dial said -2c no wonder I was so cold.
» Local > National > Europe > the World! (Go to post)27-01-2012 @ 09:35 
Friday 27th Jan 2012


50m x 8(45s) turn on 60.
100 x 5 (1:35) turn on 2mins.
100 x 5 (1:40) turn on 1:55
100 x 5 (1:43) turn on 1:50
100 x 5 (1:45) errr... Turn on 1:45? Didnt happen!... Just flounder around watching my training partner bang on solid 100s while I cried like a girl about being slow and unfit.
» Local > National > Europe > the World! (Go to post)26-01-2012 @ 11:38 
Thursday 26th Jan 2012

AM: Gym

50 x8
70 x5
100 x5
120 x3
140 x1
100 x8
100 x15

Box squat
70 x10
100 x10
100 x10

Leg press
190 x 10
190 x10
190 x10

Torture twist
2 rounds x 3 sets x 3 reps a side with 3 second hold. 30 secs rest between sets. 2 mins between rounds.

Hanging straight leg raises
2 x 10.
» Local > National > Europe > the World! (Go to post)26-01-2012 @ 07:52 
Wednesday 25th Jan 2012


50m x 10 (45s) turn on 60.

25m x5 (19s) turn on 30 x 3 sets

Short, sweet, but very tough.

1 hour spinning class

Knackered Grin
» Local > National > Europe > the World! (Go to post)25-01-2012 @ 16:02 
BigMacca said:Nice to see you back Moz - What's the plan for the year mate?

Dunno mate, have fun?

I am doing the Cat and Fiddle 100 at the end of March so I suppose I best put a bit more cycling in and maybe less swimming?

Also doing tour of the peaks again a lot of hills. Best gets some squats in and strengthen my legs.
» Local > National > Europe > the World! (Go to post)25-01-2012 @ 12:46 
Rodger said:nice to see you posting again mate. still eating s**tloads Happy

More than ever!!! I've had a full English, carrot cake, toffee cake, flapjack, massive dairy milk, and biscuits, all by 11am "/

No wonder I'm creeping back up to 80kg.

I have been eating the Paleo way, it's awesome and makes me feel good but sometimes (like today!) I fall off the wagon and turn back into a fat powerlifter... Lol Wink
» Local > National > Europe > the World! (Go to post)25-01-2012 @ 11:54 
Post Edited: 25.01.2012 @ 12:43 PM by moz
Sat 21st Nan 2012

AM: Ran 9.5 miles (1h 5mins, 30) on the Biddulph valley way.

4.75 miles up hill ~36mins, turn around and 
4.75 miles down hill ~29.5mins.

Good run.

PM: Swim. 10 x 50m (45s) turn on 60 secs.
1km (40 lengths) practicing tumble turns.

Sauna Happy

Sunday 22nd Jan 2012

Ride in the Peak District starting in Congleton.
25miles of hills Happy ~2hrs.
I was on my winter bike which felt like I was riding a f*cking bus! Still it'll make my legs strong.

Monday 23rd Jan 2012

AM 30 mins of Yoga.

PM Gym:

20 x loads
70 x 8
100 x 5
140 x 3
170 x 1
190 x 1
205 x 1

50 x some
90 x 5
110 x 1
120 x 1
127.5 x 1

Joined the missus.... 

Run 5mins @ 16kmph 
(press ups with twist (12) x single arm dumbbell row 110lbs (10)) x 5 rounds 
Run 5 mins 16kmph,
(Pull downs (8) x leg raises (8) x press ups (30))x 5 rounds,
Run 5 mins 16kmph,
(incline press DB 80lbs (8) x chin ups (12) x 1 min plank) x 5 rounds,
5mins run at 16kmph.

No rest ^ between sets or exercises. 1 hour of hell!!!
» Local > National > Europe > the World! (Go to post)20-12-2011 @ 21:03 
Yo dudes!

Maybe posting while tipsy not the best idea?

Any how, went to world benchpress... It went a bit tits up!

Carried on with the cardio tho and now do tons of cycling. Have a good crumble dudes. Oh btw I miss the PL community, you guys rock!!!!

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