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» The year I stick with it - strongman and powerlifting (Go to post)02-02-2016 @ 10:29 
Training 01/02/2016

Locker 27, Weybridge

Foam rolling, stretching, working out where the stuff in my gym has all moved to since I was last there!

Squat - No belt, no wraps, olympic shoes:
Bar x 10 x 2
70kg x 10 x 2
120kg x 5 x 2
165kg x 2
165kg x 2
165kg x 2
165kg x 2
165kg x 2
165kg x 2

Felt quite easy, so relatively happy. My "weights fitness" isn't there, so legs were a little shaky at the end of it.

OHP, Strict:
Bar x 10 x 2
50kg x 5 x 2
75 x 3
75 x 3 ( 1 Push Press)
75 x 3 ( 3 Push Press)
75 x 3 ( 3 Push Press)
75 x 3 ( 3 Push Press)
75 x 3 ( 3 Push Press)

Not good enough, but to be expected.

Deadlift, no belt, no shoes:
70kg x 10 explosive
120kg x 5 explosive
160kg x 3 explosive
Straps on:
195kg x 3
195kg x 3
195kg x 3
195kg x 3
195kg x 3
195kg x 3

Easy enough, legs were a bit shaky but that didn't affect it too much.

Session was 50 minutes all in all. Quite sore today.
» The year I stick with it - strongman and powerlifting (Go to post)02-02-2016 @ 10:20 
Post Edited: 02.02.2016 @ 10:24 AM by willlyd
So, it seems I'm crap at training for any period longer than 3 months before having a few months off.

Had my first planned weights session since August 2015 yesterday. I've decided that I'm going to follow the Russian Squat Routine for 6 weeks to I can hit the ground running in a structured way.

My old PB's:

Deadlift - 270kg
Olympic style squat, beltless - 210kg
Strict OHP - 105kg
Push Press - 130kg
Bench Press - 155kg
Log Press - 130kg

I'd like to think that I'll be back on these figures by the end of the 6 weeks. I'm generally quite quick to pick up the movements. I would like to compete in a couple of strongman events this year and possibly a couple of natural powerlifting competitions.

My shoulder strength is always the thing to go to s**t when I have some time off, so that will be a grind. I need to be very careful not to push too hard on them as I have had tendonitis issues in the past.
» Mindless Lifting (Go to post)07-04-2015 @ 16:17 
Tuesday 07/04/2015

Squat - Olympic, ATG, no wraps or belt:
bar x 10 x 2
60kg x 5
60kg x 5
100kg x 3
100kg x 3
140kg x 3
170kg x 4
170kg x 4
170kg x 4
170kg x 4

Not as easy as it should have been! have dropped to 4x4 after struggling with squats last week.

Bar x 10 x 2
60kg x 5
60kg x 5
80kg x 3
80kg x 3
100kg x 3
100kg x 3
100kg x 3
100kg x 3
100kg x 3

Plan is to do 5 x 3 until I fail, then 4 x 3, 3 x 3 and then 2 x 2 etc for self regulation.

Home - nothing spectacular..

Aiming to drop a bit of weight, currently hovering around 112kg

» Mindless Lifting (Go to post)30-03-2015 @ 18:54 
Mon 30/03/2015

Shot for time today...

Squats, Olympic, High Bar:

70kg x 8
120kg x 5
120kg x 5
140kg x 3
140kg x 3
165kg x 5
165kg x 5
165kg x 5
165kg x 5
165kg x 5

Felt a bit crap, ran out of time, home!

Will reduce reps to 3x5 from next workout - aim is to hit 180kg before failing and dropping to 1 reps x 5
» Mindless Lifting (Go to post)30-03-2015 @ 18:52 
Thursday 26/03/2015

Deadlift - No straps, no belt, hook grip:
70kg x 10
120kg x 10
170kg x 5
200kg x 1 - ouch!
Straps on
200kg x 3
230kg x 3 - Felt a bit flat and tired, so thought I'd test max and be done with it.
240kg x 1
250kg x 1
260kg x f
230kg x 3

OK for beltless, feel I'd be good for 260-275kg when I've not played around beforehand.

Push Press:
60kg x 10
80kg x 5
80kg x 5
100kg x 3
110kg x 3
115kg x 2
115kg x 2
100kg x 3
» Mindless Lifting (Go to post)25-03-2015 @ 15:08 
Wed 25/03/2015

My squats have felt crap since I came back. I've only been doing sets of 3, so decided to return to 5x5 to build a base up again.

Squats - Olympic Style, no wraps or belt:

Warm up:
60kg x 5
60kg x 5
100kg x 5
100kg x 5
130kg x 3
130kg x 3
Working sets:
160kg x 5
160kg x 5
160kg x 5
160kg x 5
160kg x 5

Harder than they probably should have been, but OK.

Log Press from floor:
67.5 x 5 strict
67.5 x 5 strict
87.5 x 3 strict
87.5 x 3 strict
97.5 x 1 x 3 PP
112.5kg x 1 x 2 PP
102.5kg x 1 PP
87.5 x 3 strict
87.5 x 3 strict
67.5 x 7 strict (was aiming for 10)
67.5 x 5 strict

» Mindless Lifting (Go to post)24-03-2015 @ 12:10 
OK, lets pick this back up.

Started a new business just after Christmas so haven't had a lot of time for training. Had a few sessions in January, then came back last week.

"Highlights" for the first two weeks back:

Back Squat ATG Olympic no belt:
170kg x 3 x 5
180kg x 1

Push Press:
100kg x 5 x 2
110kg x 3
115kg x 1

Log Press:
100kg x 5
110kg x 3
115kg x 1
120kg x 1

Bench Press:
110kg x 3 x 5 all paused on chest for 2 seconds.

Deadlift - No belt, with straps:
230kg x 5
240kg x 1
250kg x 1
260kg x f
200kg x 3 x 2

Hook grip - 200kg x 1 - OUCH!

Front Squat:
140kg x 3 x 5
160kg x 1

Incline dumbell press:
38kg x 5 x 5

Strict press:
90kg x 3 x 5

That's about it I think! I'm also cycling at least 40 miles a week at the moment. Not feeling strong at all, need to get a few weeks under my belt.
» Mindless Lifting (Go to post)16-12-2014 @ 14:33 
Post Edited: 16.12.2014 @ 14:35 PM by willlyd
Double post.
» Mindless Lifting (Go to post)16-12-2014 @ 14:33 
kirkynick said:
I've competed a couple of times in the BDFPA, although there are guys on this site who have done loads of comps with them. Good comps. You could do GBPF comps, too.
Nothing wrong with doing an Olympic squat in a powerlfiting comp. For me at least though, low-bar adds 30-40kgs to my squat. Does nothing for my shoulders though...

That's good to know, the BDFPA website (albeit on a very quick skim) seems quite standoffish so I wasn't sure if you could compete in other kind of comp.

I've never done low bar squat, literally never done a rep so it'd be interesting to see what happens. Could do with it not pulling my shoulders to pieces though!

Might need to do some bench training and then I might be semi competitive at a divisional level!
» Coffee (Go to post)16-12-2014 @ 12:40 
Gaggia Classic - Standard double espresso.

Beans from Pact Coffee - Different bag every 2 weeks.

I'm self employed, work from home, it all goes through the company, couldn't care less!
» Mindless Lifting (Go to post)16-12-2014 @ 10:03 
Training Tuesday 15/12/2014

Felt utterly s**t going in to this. If I didn't have a training partner I would have gone. Did the minimum.

Strict Press:
50kg x 5
50kg x 5
67.5kg x 5
80kg x 5
80kg x 5
80kg x 5
80kg x 5
80kg x 5

Log Press, Clean and strict press each rep:
67.5kg x 3
77.5kg x 3
87.5kg x 3
92.5kg x 3
92.5kg x 2 PP

Felt s**t, went home. Fever all night - just woken up!
» Mindless Lifting (Go to post)16-12-2014 @ 10:01 
Post Edited: 16.12.2014 @ 10:04 AM by willlyd
A little correction from the last post, I've been assured that the yoke is 80kg, so:

Yoke - My first ever go at this! (15-20m ish with 2 pick ups (1 at each end))
(weights added only)
120kg x 2
160kg x 2
260kg x 4
» Mindless Lifting (Go to post)15-12-2014 @ 12:51 
Post Edited: 15.12.2014 @ 12:52 PM by willlyd
kirkynick said:
I agree!
In regards to the Olympic lifts, it might be worthwhile increasing the volume masssively though. Obviously, you're far stronger than the lifts you are currently doing so any issues presenting themselves are going to be purely related to technique, not lack of strength. The best way to improve technique is repetition, repetition, repetition.
Don't think it'll take long for you to get to a 100kg snatch and 130kg clean and jerk.

Thanks I think you might be right. I've only done it as part of a class, where there is 5 platforms and 15 odd people - so we take turns. I might incorporate it into my normal training.

On another note, does anyone know anything about the BDFPA British Drug Free Powerlifting Association? I must admit I only have a minor interest in powerlifting, but looks like if I actually trained my bench press I might be able to compete at a divisional level.

How do people react if you do an olympic squat in a powerlifting competition!? Never even attempted a low bar..
» Mindless Lifting (Go to post)15-12-2014 @ 10:16 
Sunday 14/12/2015

Had Thursday off as I was ill again.

Sunday myself and my training partner decided to have a mainly events based session for a change.

Squat - Olympic Style, No wraps, no belt
60kg x 5
100kg x 5
140kg x 3 x 2
160kg x 3
180kg x 2
180kg x 2
180kg x 2
180kg x 2
180kg x 2

Farmers Walk - 15-20m (not sure exactly) - 2nd time ever doing this
(Weights on implement only, not including handle weights)
20kg x 2
40kg x 2
80kg x 2
90kg x 3

Yolk - My first ever go at this! (15-20m ish)
(weights added only)
40kg (100kg?) x 2
80kg (120kg?)x 2
180kg (220kg?)x 4

Assume that the yolk is 40kg or so, I was told that is was 80kg - but not convinced!

Went home feeling properly knackered... relatively happy all in all.
» Mindless Lifting (Go to post)10-12-2014 @ 14:53 
Tuesday 9/12/14

Didn't train Sunday as was ill over the weekend, wasn't feeling great before the gym but decided to sweat it out and give it a go. No point sitting around feeling sorry for yourself, but decided to keep the session short.

Deadlifts, straps, no belt.
110kg x 5
150kg x 5
180kg x 3
210kg x 3
230kg x 2
230kg x 2
230kg x 2
230kg x 2
230kg x 2
Was going to stop there, but felt good, so did another one.
230kg x 2

Log Press:
67.5kg x 1 x 2
77.5kg x 1 x 2
87.5kg x 1
97.5kg x 1
107.5kg x 1
117.5kg x 1 - PB (only ever done log press once before!)
Again, was planning on leaving it there, but fancied rounding the log into the 120's
121.5kg x 1 (questionable lockout).

At this point, the weight on my chest wasn't helping the cough, so left it there.


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