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» Britain's Strongest Teacher (Go to post)10-04-2017 @ 16:31 
» Britain's Strongest Teacher (Go to post)10-04-2017 @ 10:52 
been a while posting here! Back to it now.
Making a journey to powerlifting, so no events at all, all nice and static!
» ksohhjjkk (Go to post)04-08-2016 @ 18:48 
where did your training go ? ?
» Britain's Strongest Teacher (Go to post)15-07-2016 @ 09:51 

» Corby's Strongest Man & Woman (Go to post)15-07-2016 @ 09:49 
20 athletes per category, then reserves list...
Novice (no more than 5 competitions and must not have placed first in any competition)
1. Glen Hall
2. Ashley Lyons
3. Ollie Dickson
4. - Christopher Jackson
5. Steve Huggins PAID 2xl
6. Trucker Dave PAID 3xl
7. Scott P. Carson
8. Miley Rob PAID xl
9. Patrik Natafaluši PAID xl
10. Conor Easterbrook
11. Adam Miller PAID xl
12. Tom Collins PAID xl
13. Mariusz Banasik PAID xl
14. Jake Young PAID 2xl
15. James Butcher PAID 2xl
16. Mark Spence PAID 3xl
17. Eddy Bowie PAID 2xl
18. Harry Coltraro PAID xl
19. Matt Harwood PAID m
20. Justin Green PAID xl
2. David Wade
3. Peter Circuit
4. Mark Carr
5. Simon Dudgeon
6. James Harris
7. Ashley Little
8. Jason Cole

1. Gearoid Mag Fhearadhaigh
2. John Greensmith PAID (owes me) 2xl
3. Craig Candler PAID xl
4. Brad Hench
5. Cameron Goodsir PAID
6. Will Spence PAID 3xl
7. Tim Butler PAID 3xl
8. Paul Hamilton PAID 2xl
9. Alex Dyer PAID l
10. Greg Newport PAID 2xl
11. Max Maximus Zurek PAID xl
12. Dan McNamee

1. Geni Devonish PAID xl
2. Daisy Rivetti PAID m
3. Julie Davies PAID s
4. Claire Haynes PAID
5. Leanne Williams
» Corby's Strongest Man & Woman (Go to post)23-05-2016 @ 17:23 
Post Edited: 15.07.2016 @ 09:48 AM by Killelay
Novice, Inters and Womens.
event page here
29th August.
Unit 1, Corby, Northamptonshire.
All details are on the facebook link, event confirmations to follow, but as of now ...

Remember Payment guarantees entry!! Please send Ł20 family & friends to this link through paypal. Include - CSM, your name, category and T shirt size.

Novice (TBC) (no more than 5 competitions and must not have placed first in any competition)

Squat Max Starting at 120kg. All lifters must complete the first lift. Lifts will then increase in 10kg jumps upto 160kg. Further increments will be decided depending on men left standing. Lifters may skip lifts. Fail and you are out.

Overhead medley (5 items) No skipping item.
1. Olympic bar - 70kg
2. Axle - 75kg
3. Log - 80kg
4. 1 arm DB (both arms) (40kg)
5. stone...

Farmers walk for distance 90kg a hand. 60s time limit to complete the greatest distance. The even will be drop and turn at 20m intervals (back and forth). Distance will be the only factor measured.

Deadlift for reps. 170kg. 1 minute to complete as many reps as possible. No bounced reps. 'Good lift' call will be given by the referee and then bar must be lowered.

Mystery Event (revealed later)

Inters (TBC)

Squat Max starting at 170kg. All lifters must complete the first lift. Lifts will then increase in 10kg jumps upto 210kg. Further increments will be decided depending on men left standing. Lifters may skip lifts. Fail and you are out.

Overhead medley (5 items)
1. Olympic bar - 110kg
2. Axle - 100kg
3. Log - 110kg
4. Stone...
5. 1 arm DB - weight tbc

Farmers walk for distance 120kg a hand. 60s time limit to complete the greatest distance. The even will be drop and turn at 20m intervals (back and forth). Distance will be the only factor measured.

Deadlift for reps. 250kg 1 minute to complete as many reps as possible. No bounced reps. 'Good lift' call will be given by the referee and then bar must be lowered.

Mystery Event (revealed later)

Womens (TBC)
Squat Max Starting at 50kg. All lifters must complete the first lift. Lifts will then increase in 10kg jumps up to 90kg. Further increments will be decided depending on women left standing

Overhead medley (5 items)
1. Olympic bar - 30kg
2. Axle - 40kg
3. Olympic bar - 50kg
4. 4. 1 arm DB (both arms) (20kg)
5. undisclosed for now.

Farmers walk for distance 50kg a hand. 60s time limit to complete the greatest distance. The even will be drop and turn at 20m intervals (back and forth). Distance will be the only factor measured.

Deadlift for reps. 110kg. 1 minute to complete as many reps as possible. No bounced reps. 'Good lift' call will be given by the referee and then bar must be lowered.

Mystery Event (revealed later)
» 350kg triple squat (Go to post)04-04-2016 @ 17:27 
savage strength
» Britain's Strongest Teacher (Go to post)22-03-2016 @ 08:09 
it's been a while.
i got stronger so here's a video. the 220kg is a PB, the 160kg is close. Same session. Last night

» Britain's Strongest Teacher (Go to post)17-01-2016 @ 13:43 
rich_86 said:
Separate days?
180x7, Squat pb on the way?

Yes. one session was pressing, one session was squatting.

feels like it mate. but in no rush to actually go for one yet.
» Britain's Strongest Teacher (Go to post)16-01-2016 @ 19:07 
Pressing session
Strict press upto 3+ @72.5kg = 7 reps
upto 5@100kg, 5@105kg, 5@100kg
Incline Bench DB
Tricep accessory

Squat session.
Squats upto 1+ @180kg = 7reps
then 190x1, 200x1
DB rows
lat pull downs
» Britain's Strongest Teacher (Go to post)11-01-2016 @ 20:04 
3+ (10) @170kg

Hamstring curls
Hammer curls
Bicep cable rope curls
» Need a spot with those curlz bro?! (Go to post)09-01-2016 @ 12:31 
rich_86 said:
Christ, that was a grinder! The way you were pulling 260 in the vids I saw you should be nailing 300 now Wink

you're right. Dropping weight to the comp didn't help. and back issues been holding me back. Oh, and along with no training structure has limited me somewhat. in the past now, time to get back on the horse.
» Creatine supplementation (Go to post)08-01-2016 @ 21:14 
The_Lone_Wolf said:

» Strongman is love, strongman is life (Go to post)08-01-2016 @ 21:09 
Strong Journal name my shrek loving bredrin!
» Britain's Strongest Teacher (Go to post)08-01-2016 @ 20:31 
rich_86 said:
70x8 is solid! More than I have ever managed.
100 for a single is one of my current goals, although I am nowhere near it.

Thanks. My strict best is 90x2 with an axle.

Deads - again, a month off these, and it showed...
(missed 3 set oops)
5+@207.5kg (8) Shocking I know....

Bent over rows
Lat pull downs
Hammer curls
High pulls
Face pulls

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