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» IPF powerlifting bars (Go to post)02-04-2017 @ 09:38 
The Ohio bar is excellent. Not quite as stiff as the Eleiko, but probably the next best thing considering the price point. There's a world of difference between the Ohio and the other budget bars like SS, Wolverson etc.
» ksohhjjkk (Go to post)10-05-2016 @ 21:24 
What you using for the ghetto shoulderok?
» ksohhjjkk (Go to post)07-04-2016 @ 10:46 
Not really been on in a while, looking good in your profile pic thing Jack! How's the SI joint stuff these days?
» Abolishing my shame (Go to post)25-03-2016 @ 10:08 
KevC86 said:

220 * 1 - PB?

Not gonna lie, I was bricking it spotting that Grin
» Blood, sweat and heavy metal log (Go to post)14-01-2016 @ 14:38 
Appetite said:It is good news. It still leaves me a bit clueless as to what the problem is but no doubt all shall be revealed when I see Dave O'Sullivan.

The problem is you move like you've got 20% cerebral palsy Grin
» Crouching Fat Boy Hidden Press Gains (Go to post)14-01-2016 @ 11:41 

60kg 2x5
100kg 2x3
120kg x10
130kg x10
140kg x10

20kg x10
40kg x8
60kg x5
80kg x3
100kg x1, x3
80kg 2x8

Shoulders feeling it today. Tried JP Cauchi's setup tips to keep shoulders depressed and they seemed to work well

Chest Supported DB Row
12kg 2x10
18kg 5x10

Very controlled reps, to the hip for a mid back pump.
» Crouching Fat Boy Hidden Press Gains (Go to post)14-01-2016 @ 11:38 

Deficit Sumo Deadlift
60kg 3x5
100kg 2x3
125kg 4x5

125kg 4x5

Then did side raises superset with YTWL's for a delt pump.
» Crouching Fat Boy Hidden Press Gains (Go to post)11-01-2016 @ 21:22 

20kg 2x10
60kg 2x5
100kg 2x3
140kg x2
150kg 6x4

Did banded YTWL's between every set, shoulders felt great by set 3, shoulders more mobile so rack position felt really solid and arch better on bench. Idea from this video.

20kg x10
40kg x8
60kg x5
80kg x3
100kg x1
110kg 3x3
110kg 3x3 (to 1 board)
110kg 3x3 (to 2 board)

Shoulder AIDS easing off a fair bit.

Then did 5 mins or so on stairmaster. VMO kept cramping.
» Crouching Fat Boy Hidden Press Gains (Go to post)11-01-2016 @ 21:16 

60kg 2x5
100kg 2x3
140kg x2
150kg 2x5
160kg 3x5
170kg x1

Then some Tri's and Bi's for pump, avoided benching.
» Crouching Fat Boy Hidden Press Gains (Go to post)08-01-2016 @ 09:20 
Post Edited: 08.01.2016 @ 09:20 AM by n3ver3nder

20kg x10
60kg 2x5
80kg x3
100kg 2x3
140kg x3
160kg 4x3

Shoulders are playing up a bit so left bench and did lots of shoulder stuff in different planes of movement - OHP, baby snatches, face pulls, front raises, landmine presses to get my scapulae moving and blood into the area.
» Crouching Fat Boy Hidden Press Gains (Go to post)06-01-2016 @ 17:35 
Post Edited: 08.01.2016 @ 09:18 AM by n3ver3nder

Sumo Block Pull
60kg 2x5
100kg 2x3
140kg 2x3
160kg 2x5
170kg 2x8

Bulgarian Split Squat
BW 3x10

110kg 5x5

Wide Grip Bench Press
20kg x10
40kg x8
60kg x8
80kg 2x8, Slingshot on 1x12

Had all shoulder AIDS so chucked slingshot on and got some volume in then went home. Stupid shoulders.
» Crouching Fat Boy Hidden Press Gains (Go to post)03-01-2016 @ 19:48 

New year new me and all that s**t. I've decided to dedicate 3 months to getting a bit of weight off and sorting my hip out, with a 2 month turnaround after to get into some form of competition shape for the YNE classic on May 29th. Current weight is 98.3kg and I want to get under 93kg to the point I can eat before weigh in with no water cut and look less disgusting naked. If I can recover lost ground on squat, not let bench fall below 120kg and continue to improve my deadlift as less gut = better starting position I might just squeak the QT in too.

The plan is to continue lifting as programmed with a small load reduction and a couple extra sets here and there, and 1-2 times a week I'll be doing light cardio for active recovery/general health reasons.

Diet wise I'll stick to IIFYM and aim for more veg and unprocessed food majority of the time.

20kg 2x10
60kg 2x5
80kg 2x3
100kg 2x3
140kg 8x4

Board Press
20kg x10
60kg x5
100kg x1
110kg 4x4
110kg x10 (AMRAP, to RPE 9ish)

Then curls until pumped.
» Various kit for sale (Go to post)22-12-2015 @ 10:20 
LukeC said:I fancy having some IPF approved knee wraps.

As far as I know all Metal's equipped gear is being removed from the approved list in 2016, just keeping their singlets, belt and wrist wraps approved, as they didn't want to pay the full approval fee for all 4 years.
» Blood, sweat and heavy metal log (Go to post)09-12-2015 @ 16:48 
Appetite said:
the advise from the highly paid BUPA consultant was to "consult Dave O'Sullivan". Sounds familiar.

You should be paying me £200 for every time I've said that then Grin
» PWO (football) drink (Go to post)08-12-2015 @ 09:42 
bigwmd said:I would like to avoid using whey protein

Any particular reason?

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