» Chris's attempt at getting stronger (Go to post) | 03-12-2013 @ 11:33 | ||
Looks like a decent plan! I just decided to focus on squat and snatch variations for now. Just need to get stronger and better at snatching! haha | |||
» Chris's attempt at getting stronger (Go to post) | 02-12-2013 @ 23:19 | ||
Are you doing RSR for Bench? So, RBR?! | |||
» Mixed Weirdness (Go to post) | 02-12-2013 @ 23:15 | ||
2-12-13 RSR Week 3 Day 1 Muscle Snatch up to 4x2 @ 60kg Before last week my PB was 1 @ 55, now it's 2 @ 60kg! Squat 6x2 @ 120kg Pull Ups 2x5 36kg (PB for 2 sets by 1kg), "Sally" up to 1:30, bw x 21 (PB by 1) Abs | |||
» 241kg Squat (Go to post) | 01-12-2013 @ 23:03 | ||
Saw you there today. Awesome job! | |||
» Chris's attempt at getting stronger (Go to post) | 01-12-2013 @ 23:00 | ||
CJR said: Wish my uni had that gear when I was there! Sounds decent. Yeah I'm looking forward to competing, it will be a bit of a change from powerlifting, having one less lift to do. It's only a club comp so not that serious but I'm hoping to get 70 Sn/100 CJ at least. Those are my PBs in the gym so would be good to match them in a comp setting. We got really lucky. Some guys who know their s**t were in charge of organising the refurbishment. My comp lifts are so far away from my training lifts. I reckon 80/105 is what I'm capable of at the moment. I love the sport but it's f**king frustrating! | |||
» Chris's attempt at getting stronger (Go to post) | 30-11-2013 @ 11:03 | ||
CJR said: Whereabouts are you training? Is it a weightlifting gym? 100 is a fairly stable weight for me, I'm neither overly fat or overly lean. If I really focused on losing a bit of fat I could get down to 94 but I can't really be arsed lol. Also, I'd rather just focus on getting stronger - I don't see the point of cutting if I'm not gonna be competitive in the 94s anyway! (I'm not a seasoned competitor or anything, I have my first competition in three weeks.) Have you been competing much? Fair enough! I'm training in Brighton, where I'm at Uni. The gym is good. Platforms and Werksan equipment, but it's hard to get coaching around here. I've competed four times over the past 2 years. Competing is awesome, but it's over really quickly. So weird. Good luck! What are you aiming for? | |||
» Chris's attempt at getting stronger (Go to post) | 30-11-2013 @ 01:41 | ||
CJR said: Cheers, I'm on week one actually, so got 6x4 next Monday. Oh and I'm doing the master's version so I only squat twice a week (so the entire cycle lasts nine weeks) - I figured that's the best way of fitting in both powerlifting and weightlifting stuff without burning out. I plugged in a max of 137.5 - the difference between that and the max under my name is because a) just came back off a bit of a break so feeling weak and b) changed to high bar squats from cheating-bas***d low bar ones lol. HB is so much tougher! lol I had no idea there was a Masters version! I just figured my squat sucks so I really need to focus on it. You know...for the gains... My squat sucks a lot because I have technique issues. I've worked hard on it over the past few months and RSR is great because it gives you so much time to practice. At the moment I'm really only snatching because I'm terrible at it. Is 100+ a stable weight for you? As in would you compete at 94 or 105? | |||
» Mixed Weirdness (Go to post) | 29-11-2013 @ 19:18 | ||
CJR said:Looks like we're both doing some weird RSR/weightlifting hybrid combo lol. Hopefully it pays off for us! Awesome stuff! 29-11-13 RSR Day 2 Week 3 Squats 6x5 @ 120kg Much easier than I thought it would be. Didn't do a weightlifting thing before because I thought this would be super tough. Pull Ups 3 @ 30,35,40 A bit disappointed. 40 was quite hard. Harder than it should be considering I've done 5 at 37.5 lately. DB Hammer Curls 3x10 @ 16kg Reverse Crunches Stuff. Good session overall, squats were surprisingly good. Have video of set 1 and set 6 which I will link to later. | |||
» Chris's attempt at getting stronger (Go to post) | 29-11-2013 @ 19:12 | ||
CJR said:Paused bench 80x3 80x3 80x3 80x3 80x3 80x3 all snappy, form returning HB Squats - belted 110x2 110x2 110x2 110x2 110x2 110x2 Paused close grip bench - to 2 board 70x10 70x12 more in the tank, will up weight next week SLDLs 100x5 Nice work. Which stage of RSR are you on at the moment/what's the max you've chosen? Will follow to see how yours goes! | |||
» Tom's training log... (Go to post) | 29-11-2013 @ 10:15 | ||
I was just wondering how often you do 2 a days and whether there's some sort of programming there or whether you just sort of wing it regardless of your other stuff for the day. Thanks, great work! | |||
» Mixed Weirdness (Go to post) | 27-11-2013 @ 20:54 | ||
Gonna eat a ton tomorrow and foam roll. I think it will be fine. Next week should be easier, despite the 6x6 though...I hope. | |||
» Mixed Weirdness (Go to post) | 27-11-2013 @ 20:24 | ||
RSR Week 1 Day 2 Power Snatch 5x2 @ 60kg Just working on technique. Squat 6x2 @ 120kg Easy, but legs were a little stiff Push Press 3x5 @ 80kg I think this is a rep PB for multiple sets, but then I never push press Dips 3x8 @ 32.5kg Face Pulls 3x15 @ 40kg Reverse Crunches 2x20 Stretches and stuff | |||
» Tom's training log... (Go to post) | 26-11-2013 @ 01:00 | ||
Tom_Martin said: Oh it's unpleasant doing multiple sets, hope I adjust to it before the 4 sets of 5 session later this week.... Didn't look unpleasant at all, super easy more like! I think I'm actually having a technique issue similar to yours...only squatting more than 100kg less, but you know...haha | |||
» Sheik it up! (Go to post) | 25-11-2013 @ 22:17 | ||
Reckon you would've gotten squat if you hadn't benched? | |||
» Mixed Weirdness (Go to post) | 25-11-2013 @ 20:42 | ||
Post Edited: 27.11.2013 @ 20:22 PM by JNT RSR Week 2 Day 1Muscle Snatch 5 @ 50, 53, 3x3 @ 55kg In retrospect I think I could've done 5 at 55, but I'll just do that next week. Squat 6x4 @ 120kg Maintained good technique on all of them, could really feel how much more loose my upper back and hips were due to tons of mobility work this weekend. Pull Ups 5 @ 37.5, 35kg, 20 @ bw (80.5kg) Just 2.5kg away from all time PB for a set of 5 and the set of 20 was piss easy. Might try for 25 next week. Jack Abs 12 @ 25, 2x10 @ 30, 10 @ 35kg Incorporating more heavy-ish ab work. Never really done this before. Stretches and stuff |