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» Mark Whiteman Training Journal (Go to post)26-08-2013 @ 21:12 
Beens it was a bank holiday I was at the Farm again, deadlift centric session, also tried block pulls with a bar height of 18 inches, so in line with my knee.

1) Deadlifts (technique work)
W/U to 130 x 3
10 x 3 @ 150kg

2) 18 Inch Deadlifts
110 x 5, 150 x 5, 180 x 5
Work Sets - 200 x 5, 220 x 5, 240 x 5, 260 x 5, 280 x 2 (couldn't quite get the third), for good measure I tried 300 but moved it all of 2 inches, before much legs shaking brought an end to it. Encouraging stuff, zero grip issues at all.

3) Hip Thrusts
3 x 20 @ 70

4) Side Bends
3 x 15 @ 30kg
» Mark Whiteman Training Journal (Go to post)25-08-2013 @ 13:12 
Weekend bench session with James, easy session to get back on it, as you can probably guess James has invested in a football bar so giving it a try.

1) Bench
W/U to 80 x 5
5 x 5 @ 90kg

2) Football Bar shoulder press
50kg 5 x 10

3) Inverted Rows 3 x 15

4) Rows with football bar 55kg 3 x 15

5) Football bar Bicep Curls
35 x 12, 40 x 12, 20 x 50

Good session back, enjoyed the football bar, takes the pressure off shoulders etc letting you focus on the muscle planned.
» Building the Sumo Deadlift (Go to post)24-08-2013 @ 16:35 
Lmao set myself up for that, forgot about him.
» Building the Sumo Deadlift (Go to post)24-08-2013 @ 15:40 
No, none of this semi sumo stuff, I cant see the point in that, seems a half way house where your not getting the best of either.

I pull with my feet pretty much touching the plates, with a tactical foot move right at the end.
» Building the Sumo Deadlift (Go to post)24-08-2013 @ 14:11 
Your not wrong Ed, Kevin is easily one of the best deadlifters there is.
» Building the Sumo Deadlift (Go to post)24-08-2013 @ 13:29 
Thanks guys, good point, more work on lighter weights cant do any harm, I will train it twice a week, once heavy sets of 3, the other day focus on technique with sets of 3-5 but just lots of them.

Block pulls aren't a bad idea as well, I think that more time dedicated to it will be more useful that extra assistance then.

Thank you everyone, hopefully you will see some good progress on my journal.
» Mark Whiteman Training Journal (Go to post)24-08-2013 @ 12:28 
Post Edited: 24.08.2013 @ 14:38 PM by MJW1989
Dragged myself down to PTS, felt rubbish.

Lifts as follows:

1) Zercher deadlift using cambered bar
W/U to 160 x 3
180 x 1, 200 x 1 - My forearms hurt quite a bit after that.

2) Overhead Lifts
- Small Log
W/U to 50 x 5
Then 75 second set 60kg - got 10 reps comfortably

- Large log
W/U to 55 x 5
Then 75 sec sets @ 70kg - got 7 reps twice

- Axel Bar
W/U to 70 x 3
Then 75 sec sets @ 80kg - got 7 reps twice

Reasonable mornings lifting I guess
» Mark Whiteman Training Journal (Go to post)24-08-2013 @ 08:09 
Lol, im afraid that was only temporary last year with Young Farmers, I was pretty good though I might add, hopefully will be better at Strongman.

That to could be a fleeting interest if I get my ass kicked at the event in 2 weeks, some big guys there, very few look like they are going to be under 105kg.
» Building the Sumo Deadlift (Go to post)24-08-2013 @ 08:06 
Ok then, what sort of heights and weight/reps do you use?

I was using an 18 inch box that worked out a couple of inches above parallel, going to persevere with different heights etc. see what happens.
» Building the Sumo Deadlift (Go to post)23-08-2013 @ 23:14 
Fair enough, conventional deadlifts are for freaks and mugs lol, sumo deadlift is for the average man looking to move serious weight.
» Building the Sumo Deadlift (Go to post)23-08-2013 @ 23:09 
Hi guys, hopefully this is the right place to post this, I'm interested in what assistance etc everyone uses to get a bigger sumo deadlift.

I have had some success so far using hip thrusts and good mornings, along with a simple effective 3x3 system for the deadlift itself, this has got me to 240kg, but I'm looking to kick on.

Kevin Jane has suggested heavy half squats, which seem good, but just curious what has given everyone else success.

Thank you.
» Mark Whiteman Training Journal (Go to post)23-08-2013 @ 21:52 
Right after exceeding my targets for the All England, my new goals are as follows for the next year or so.

- Deadlift 230 3 x 3 - should equate to a single at 260 (the new main target)

- Squat 190 x 1

- Bench 130 x 1

To achieve this I plan on hitting my hamstrings etc hard, much research needed re Sumo deadlift assistance, but also filling out the 105kg class.

Ideally get close to a 600kg total within 2 years weighing a lean 105kg with abs.
» Mark Whiteman Training Journal (Go to post)23-08-2013 @ 21:49 
Back at the farm for what should have been a easy session to get back into it, because of the heat was somewhat harder than expected.

1) Squats
W/U to 130 x 3
W/S 150 5x3

2) High box Squats (Giving these a try to improve deadlift per Kevin Jane's advice. Box is 18 inches, so fairly low, see how it goes)
150 5 x 5 - getting used to it

3) Deadlifts
W/U to 160 x 3
3 x 3 @ 190
» Training Log - 3. (Go to post)22-08-2013 @ 19:22 
Fair point, Euro fan club lol, the Russians and Bulgarians keeping a keen eye on the finch formulas for there next big squat program.
» Training Log - 3. (Go to post)22-08-2013 @ 13:29 
Its always a worry when a man is measuring in mm, why not just say decifit deadlifts from a 3 inch box lol?

Bench still an issue then, why not rest it for a while work on your back, shoulders, and triceps, see what happens?

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