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» Hixx 170 x 3 Strict (Go to post) | 10-06-2013 @ 16:44 | ||
Awesome log hix! And holy sheet at lalas shoulder width | |||
» The Yorkshire Pudding (Go to post) | 09-06-2013 @ 20:39 | ||
DomRedshaw said:good point mate its not like i failed a weight i shud be able to do comfortably, iv only done 115 once n it was a real grinder. think with last week log going so well i had high expectations is all. more annoyed i cud of rested my shoulders. on the bright side its been a bit of a wake up call for me to rest n program my training so i build up to heavy sessions instead of going heavy every session every week til i have a crap day Balance deffinately makes a huge difference, i know im gunna have a decent log session when i feel stable. I also agree with going too heavy all the time, i usually do well for about 6 weeks and after that i feel like crap, but i keep trying to go heavy instead of dropping the weight for a few weeks like i know i should. | |||
» Jenkins 395lb for 5 strict press (Go to post) | 09-06-2013 @ 16:06 | ||
unit94 said: I think he's stronger on the log than a bar. Ah right. I wonder which way round it is for mike jenkins, 180x5 strict log would be mental. | |||
» Jenkins 395lb for 5 strict press (Go to post) | 09-06-2013 @ 15:42 | ||
Hixxy must be pretty close, latest vid doing 170x3 strict log, not sure if he is stronger on a bar or log though? | |||
» Dean's Training journal. (Go to post) | 08-06-2013 @ 21:27 | ||
Friday Lat pulldowns 3x10 Db rows 53kg 2x15 , 1x10 Pull ups 3x8 Upright rows and shrugs 3x10 each Done Last session on tuesday, looking forward to a weeks break, it should do me some good. | |||
» Dean's Training journal. (Go to post) | 05-06-2013 @ 20:25 | ||
Wednesday 5th Paused bench Barx5 60 2x5 80x3 100x2 110x2 120x2 130 2x1 100 5x3 Warm-up shoulders with dbs Strict log (clean every rep) 5x3 @ 70 Log pushpress (clean every rep) 3x3 @ 80 Strict bb press 3x5 @ 60 Fin Bw was 93kg tonight so around 92 in the morning, 9kg down from my heaviest. | |||
» Dean's Training journal. (Go to post) | 03-06-2013 @ 20:55 | ||
Monday 3rd Squats Bar 2x5 60kgx5 100kgx5 120kgx2 130x1 140x1 150x1 160x2 probably had another rep in me. 140x5 Deadlifts 60x5 100x5 140x3 180x3 210x3 probably 2 more reps in me 220x1 140 5x3 Thought id keep it simple today, energy wasnt great and strength wasnt great either. Just 3 more training sessions and then going on holiday for a week. | |||
» Dean's Training journal. (Go to post) | 31-05-2013 @ 21:33 | ||
31st May Axle power cleans 65kg 3x3 75kg 3x3 85kg 2x3 65kg x8 DB rows 53kg DB 3x8 Nuetral grip chins 4x5 Lat pulldowns 3x12 DB Hammer curls 3x15 Done. Decided to just do accessory work today. Il do squats and deads next session. | |||
» Dean's Training journal. (Go to post) | 30-05-2013 @ 21:20 | ||
30th May Axle Overhead (powercleaned) Warm-up with DB's first. Then 65kgx5 75kgx3 85kgx3 95kgx5 100kg2x5 Bench 60kgx5 CG 80kgx5 CG 100kgx2 CG 120kgx1 CG 120kgx1 125kgx1 130kgx1 130kgx1 paused Last set was the best, felt like I could of managed 140 on this set. DB upright rows SS with Shrugs 3x10 each Strict log 70kg 4x3 Pretty pleased with todays workout, had 2 days to recover since the last workout and ate more on those days as I was struggling to recover, calories where lowered again today though. Today was the 2nd time I have properly trained on the axle. I failed the 100 clean about 3 times, fell over on the first attempt lol. On the sets that I managed to clean 100 the pressing was easy, probably could of pressed 120+ but 100 was my limit today on the cleans. Once I get used to training with the axle my clean should get better, avoiding belt cleans for now. | |||
» Starting again... (Go to post) | 30-05-2013 @ 21:00 | ||
LessThanLuke said:LOL https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/v/975400_4822907937251_46285558_n.jpg?oh=e72ae7bbd2c02e4ee64cf871e38703c4&oe=51A85E15&__gda__=1370030988_aebd080352155ab09754d82beaa2b237 My local paper back home. Looking like a 105 in the picture lol | |||
» Starting again... (Go to post) | 27-05-2013 @ 22:05 | ||
Absolutely crazy doing 3 comps so close, i dont think id be able to function lol | |||
» Starting again... (Go to post) | 27-05-2013 @ 22:05 | ||
Post Edited: 27.05.2013 @ 22:06 PM by DeanW92 Double post | |||
» Tom's training log... (Go to post) | 27-05-2013 @ 18:08 | ||
Post Edited: 27.05.2013 @ 18:08 PM by DeanW92 Tom_Martin said: My current "max" (most I've done all year) is 220. I suspect I'm good for more, but think 200 is probably more like 85-88% at the moment. However, that's all nonsense because it changes every day when you train like this. It's just about how the rep feels...that particular rep felt like "if you do another one it'll probably be pretty tough and then you'll be s**t tomorrow". Right that makes sense. Thanks alot for the advice. Will give this a go soon. | |||
» Tom's training log... (Go to post) | 27-05-2013 @ 17:59 | ||
Post Edited: 27.05.2013 @ 17:59 PM by DeanW92 Tom_Martin said: Regarding too heavy and form etc, take for example the 3rd rep of my 200kg set from today, that's about as difficult as I will allow it to get. Right ok, I can sort of see what you mean but a little difficult to put into perspective when I know you have done 280 before and so 200 is like 75% of that but of course your working on improving technique and your max now would be lower. I guess il just have to go by feel. | |||
» Tom's training log... (Go to post) | 27-05-2013 @ 17:44 | ||
Tom_Martin said: It takes a long time...I would start by adding 2 light squat sessions in, alongside the session you currently do. Then start to gradually make one of them heavier, until it is a similar intensity to the other heavy day. Then add another light session in, get used to it, then another light session. Make that one gradually get heavier and then you have 3 heavy and 2 light sessions a week I think. Then add another light one...etc etc...Just ease into it. Ah right thats the answer I was looking for, im guessing the "heavy day" you should still avoid going too heavy. So by that I mean avoid form breaking down too much and having to get amped up and using agression etc. Thanks Tom |