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» Frifeldt - training to be faster and stronger for next season.. (Go to post)09-11-2009 @ 20:16 
Thanks sweetheart!! Tongue

Forgot to write..the 4x140k set is the last one I pressed before 165k..
» Frifeldt - training to be faster and stronger for next season.. (Go to post)09-11-2009 @ 19:57 
..and a clip from today..

» Frifeldt - training to be faster and stronger for next season.. (Go to post)09-11-2009 @ 19:33 
Thanks all!!

09.11.09 Presses..


10 x 40kg,
10 x 60kg,
5 x 80kg,
5 x 100kg,
5 x 115kg,
3 x 125kg,
2 x 0 x 135kg

Narrow grip bench:

10 x 60kg,
10 x 80kg,
5 x 120kg,
3 x 4 x 140kg (each with a stop)
1 x 165kg (with a stop)


12 x bw,
3 x 10 x bw + 10kg behind the neck

Axle went to hell as far as I'm concerned!! Well..have to have that bad day in pressing sometimes eyh..? Narrow grip bench cheered me a bit. Next time that f**king weight is mine!!
» The Road To Scotland's Strongest Man Victory! (Go to post)07-11-2009 @ 12:43 
Getting stronger in the deads!!
Great stuff!!
» Frifeldt - training to be faster and stronger for next season.. (Go to post)07-11-2009 @ 07:51 
Thing said:Solid fronties topi way better than mine!

How do you find the Anderson squat's

Went straight were it was supposed to go!!
Good movement.. Cool
» Frifeldt - training to be faster and stronger for next season.. (Go to post)06-11-2009 @ 21:29 
CHESTER said:Good news on the job .
I`m doing the same deads routine just to
get my dead back to where they used to be.
Good luck with it Wink

Cheers mate!!Happy

Squat session..


2 x 8 x 60kg,
8 x 80kg,
5 x 110kg,
10 x 140kgPR
3 x 160kg,
1 x 175kg

Andersson squat:

5 x 110kg,
5 x 160kg,
5 x 210kg,
5 x 250kg,
5 x 285kg


2 x 20

Veeeery satisfied with the squat!! PR in terms of reps!! A good night sleep and proper eating before training did the job!! Back was pretty sore from weeks work and yeaterdays pleased with the higher weighted sets also.
Anderson squat..brand new move for me and my legs were enjoying it!! Hope that they'll recover before sunday..bloody event sunday!! Angry

» Frifeldt - training to be faster and stronger for next season.. (Go to post)06-11-2009 @ 12:22 
Thing said:
cool, plus on a side note if your back in the industry then some home made equipment could be on the drawing board Grin

You never ya.. Wink
» Beard In Training (Go to post)06-11-2009 @ 08:55 
Congrats on the PB!!
» Frifeldt - training to be faster and stronger for next season.. (Go to post)06-11-2009 @ 08:54 
Belive me it is!!
I've been working in a steel foundry for about 5 years before I got layed-off last december..I know what sort of pain comes with the territory.. Grin
» Felix 400k Deadlift at Adders last night (Go to post)06-11-2009 @ 08:18 
Easy and steady..all the way up..
» Frifeldt - training to be faster and stronger for next season.. (Go to post)06-11-2009 @ 08:09 
Sparrow said:
LOL The record speaks for itself guys! Grin It's not over yet though!Wink

"It's not over till the fat lady sings!!" Tongue

Back in business!! I got myself a job again and the first week it has been from 2 pm to 24 pm..I really haven't had the time to go to gym and the back has been confused about getting back to heavy steel works again. When you lay down on a couch for a month or two and don't do s**t but eat donuts and train that's what you get!! Tongue

Deadlift..Ortmayer/Magnusson routine first week (double)

2 x 8 x 60kg,
8 x 80kg,
8 x 110kg,
6 x 150kg,
1 x 180kg,
4 x 4 x 197,5kg,
2 x 2 x 225kg,
8 x 197,5kg

Side bents on a smith machine:

4 x 12 x 50kg

That was it for yeaterday. Some motherf**ker had glued the bar to the floor!! Grin It was heavy as hell..maybe I'll get my back in somekind of condition for next week so I can go on in the program..and hopefully I'll get someone screaming in my ear "Come on asshole!!". Maybe then we'll get some footage whitch is nice enough to publish.. Finland..over and out..
» H. Peltomaa Strongman from Finland (Go to post)04-11-2009 @ 08:36 

» A Lot of Not Very Much ! (Go to post)01-11-2009 @ 15:57 
Great stuff on the vid!!
» H. Peltomaa Strongman from Finland (Go to post)30-10-2009 @ 16:04 
Boar said:yes ! I meant 2 MORE beasts to add the the big pile of beasts already attending !!

Make that 3 beasts.. Grin
» Frifeldt - training to be faster and stronger for next season.. (Go to post)30-10-2009 @ 05:24 
Harrivaara said:
Oh, you dont remember...thats funny...

I know that I'm losing on the statistics that's for sure..but atleast my major competition goal for this year went as I planned.. Wink

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