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» Lucozade BOGOF (Go to post)28-08-2007 @ 16:11 
The showman takes all manner of performance enhancing drug and stimulii, but lucozade isnt one of them. He told me. It's either Guinness, Stella or VimtoWink
» Lucozade BOGOF (Go to post)28-08-2007 @ 13:46 
Originally posted by Rob...
Don't know if anyone else uses Lucozade, but Morrisons are selling 8 of the Lucozade sport bottles for £2.85 so it works out at 35p each - which is pretty damn cheap!

Carefull Rob. It may be on the banned listUnhappy
» Goals of 2007 Thread (Go to post)27-08-2007 @ 18:18 
No updates Roberto, but just to let you know that I'm not just sitting back on my good looking laurels and am trying
146 missed closely 3 times
180 clean pulled in, but didnt stand.
Bollox Bollox BolloxAngry
» Favourite strength athlete of all time? (Go to post)27-08-2007 @ 18:07 
Originally posted by nico...
just thought of another one but I'm not sure of his name, nayim Soulimaloglou I think but my spelling is probably way off. He is the only oly lifter I can remember seing and he was awesome.

Not far off mate. Naim Suleymanoglu

If this thread was asking who the pound for pound most powerfull person ever is, nothing else need be said.
» Lemon freshness taking over the world. (Go to post)27-08-2007 @ 17:47 
Originally posted by Fatpete...
I wish to object in the strongest of terms to my inclusion on the above list. Clean pulls are an assistance exercise that happen to be done by some weightlifters. The fact that stinkin' powerlifters also do them is the merest coincidence.**tde0.jpg
» - one year old today! (Go to post)27-08-2007 @ 17:38 
Nice one Rob. Fast becoming my favourite forum due to the members and the moderating. Free speech still rules here, and long may it continue.
Would consider moving my log over from MT if I were aloud a flash sig with Girls Aloud and a lemon in it. ???

Leave it with youWink
» Favourite strength athlete of all time? (Go to post)26-08-2007 @ 09:14 
Originally posted by Wigan...
Originally posted by little_a...

Recent times I'd go for the only British man to ever lift 500lb overhead. Such an impressive feat of strength it is I'm sure you all know who I'm talking about???

Andy Davies, that well known household name!

Well done WIGERs. What you doing up at this time? Excited much?

I believe Taylor did a push jerk behind neck of over well over 600lbs though, although it was from racks
» Favourite strength athlete of all time? (Go to post)25-08-2007 @ 13:16 
Originally posted by Rob...
I thought Alans c&j record was 180? Or was 175 is his competition best maybe? Strong f**ker either way Grin

Who has done the 500lber then? Was it Del? Sadly I guess we don't see or hear much of British olympic lifting these days unless you're inside the loop.

He cleaned 180's for fun but never jerked more than 175
Del topped out at 210 in the games 2002, so no not him. Shame on you allConfused Even google seems confused
» Favourite strength athlete of all time? (Go to post)25-08-2007 @ 12:53 
Alan Fairclough

142.5 cln & press
175 C&J
227 front sqt
all at early 90K & nearly 40 years ago... probably all done still pissed or badly hung overWink "They're not queing up to do that"

Recent times I'd go for the only British man to ever lift 500lb overhead. Such an impressive feat of strength it is I'm sure you all know who I'm talking about???
» working in the us (Go to post)25-08-2007 @ 12:48 
Right, I'm definately not posting on this one againGrin
» Most impressive lift seen in the flesh? (Go to post)25-08-2007 @ 12:47 
Clean and jerking 150 as an 18YO 75K lifter in the 1988 junior worlds only to see all 3 eventual medalists open with it... In the snatchEek
» working in the us (Go to post)25-08-2007 @ 12:36 
Just done a search on the worlds most prolific ever serial killer. Eek Very close to home boys, especially for Rick. May I suggest that we get back on thread before inadvertantly upsetting a victims relativeUnhappy
» working in the us (Go to post)25-08-2007 @ 10:51 
Thats cool mate, but do you have a trade? Dont think you can come over here and just bum off the state while you're bumping folk off. In this country our serial killers are blue collar and pay there way. It's what makes this country greatRoll-Eyes
» Sex in gyms (Go to post)25-08-2007 @ 10:30 
Originally posted by Olly...
I once got a post workout hump in the jacuzzi, does that count?

As long as you wernt alone and not just listening to the eye of the tiger that counts.
Thank f**k for OJCool
» working in the us (Go to post)25-08-2007 @ 10:27 
It's been a while since they had a serial killer over there. My guess is with looks like yours they'll love ya.Grin

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