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» coronavirus (Go to post)23-02-2021 @ 10:51 
51YO with no health issues, and got my appointment for the first jab on Saturday. Looks like either they are well in front in my area, a lot of people have refused it, or I do have a medical issue. I hope it's the first one. 6 mile walk to the Halliwell stadium, get my jab, over the road to Decathlon to pick up my click and collect hiking socks, and a run home. All very exciting. This isn't just life. It's an adventure.
» An old, fat fool starts a log. Hope no-one minds (Go to post)23-02-2021 @ 10:44 
Fatpete said:Eighteen characters however, as a racehorse name would be written as "eighteencharacters" as that way it is eighteen characters. Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy

I sat on my OCD for 3 days but couldn't take any more, so I had to check the obvious lead that you left.

No idea what most of that means, but the word 'Winner' crops up a fair bit.

If I had a racehorse I'd call it "eleven on the dial" I think. This is both 18 characters and available according to I'll ponder this now more than I should. I almost wish that it wasn't available then I could move on.
» The Final Countdown (Go to post)23-02-2021 @ 10:32 
How's the recovery going JDubya?

Hit me back
just to chat
your biggest fan
this is An
» US Presidency (Go to post)21-02-2021 @ 18:34 
Rick said:

I clicked on that all excited before realising it said 'annals'. Not what I expected Unhappy
» An old, fat fool starts a log. Hope no-one minds (Go to post)20-02-2021 @ 15:44 
Wigan said:
Wow, just wow!!!

Can't be more 'wow' than running marathons? Lol.

Really enjoy it and get to work a tad heavier without busting joints too much.

Also, I now have several pairs of waterproof socks. Nothing to do with squats, but yeah, waterproof socks.
» An old, fat fool starts a log. Hope no-one minds (Go to post)20-02-2021 @ 08:15 
Post Edited: 20.02.2021 @ 08:16 AM by little_a
Fatpete said:
Headphones are the work of the devil. You never wore them at Adders and you shouldn't wear them now.
I'm quite an avid audible user nowadays so the headphones are on for most activities that I do alone, which is most of the activities that I do. All lifting falls under this umbrella. In fact the owner of the gym that I use has made headphones whilst training compulsory. He's also kept the place open for his members right through the cv crisis. Guys a f**king genius if you ask me.

I would however appreciate some chain details, length, weight, where you got them etc?
Got a couple of 5" carbinders off amazon to quickly change the length between sqts and pulls.
» An old, fat fool starts a log. Hope no-one minds (Go to post)19-02-2021 @ 17:01 
Fatpete said:

Different grip position, more of a handbag squat of fire :-)

"Squats" & "Fire" still feature. These need to stay regardless of grip.

I bought some chains for squats and pulls. Enjoy using them and have the unexpected benefit of encouraging you to sit in deeper. Need headphones though as they jangle like Jacob.
» An old, fat fool starts a log. Hope no-one minds (Go to post)19-02-2021 @ 16:57 
Fatpete said:

a potentially hereditary neurological condition, known as developmental topographical disorientation
» An old, fat fool starts a log. Hope no-one minds (Go to post)19-02-2021 @ 13:55 
Fatpete said:A mate of mine did a charity walk for people who have no sense of direction.

DTD? Eek

Are you ever tempted to refer to your last set of squats as the goblet squats of fire? Maybe you should consider this when you start to feel the burn Confused You can't unthink it.Cool
» Concept 2 rowing times 2020 onwards (Go to post)16-02-2021 @ 21:22 
21100m in 1:44:20

I'd like this to be a 1/2 time although I don't get the option to rank this on the c2 log site. I'm guessing this is because I didn't do 21097m? Hopefully SBB won't be as petty.

Enjoyed this. Hands are blistered a tad, but they've been worse and I'm sure they'll heal. If anyone can answer my query I'd appreciate it. Cheers.
» coronavirus (Go to post)10-02-2021 @ 16:28 
AdamT said:

This is so depressing and I can imagine mental health is at an all time high
I was going through a horrible period in my life pre covid and if I'm honest felt many days I would rather be dead, so I don't feel any worse now really. I just feel bad for those that now maybe feel the same way then should be enjoying life

Sorry to hear that Adam. Hope things pick up for you soon mate and you have good support round you to help you through until they do.
» Concept 2 rowing times 2020 onwards (Go to post)06-02-2021 @ 15:58 
Still working on a slower pace and more pull. HR is considerably lower now too. Been doing more 5k than anything else but broke pb's and milestones on these.

500m 1:55.5
2k 8:59.2
5k 22:45.7
» An old, fat fool starts a log. Hope no-one minds (Go to post)26-01-2021 @ 08:42 
Insulation definitely. Petes House is end terrace so more open to the cold weather. Outhouse included. It's the price you pay for a more country house.
» US Presidency (Go to post)21-01-2021 @ 08:38 
Had this dream the other night that Amanda Gorman gave me a slow soapy hand job whilst whispering political poetry into my ear. I never had these kinds of dreams with the Reagan administration that's for sure.
» Supercharger (Go to post)20-01-2021 @ 11:12 
PeteHodgson said:
Ah. Seen that years ago. Was a great film. Can’t recall the line though.

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