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» Strength coaches in Yorkshire (Go to post)18-01-2016 @ 10:40 
Powerlifting weightlifting or general?
» Powerlifting and assistance work (Go to post)21-10-2015 @ 12:21 
After some time off being unreliable in the gym I've started 2 day a week training and making it a lot more. My breakdown is fairly simple just because I'm boring

Low bar squat

High bar squat
Bench / rows
Overhead / pull downs
Punch bag work

just started so hoping will still make some movement towards powerlifting. I've had to sack weightlifting focus off as just not the time to get the technique and strength.
» Telling animals off (Go to post)10-10-2015 @ 15:12 
Ive learnt with our puppy mastiff that any command need to be a single word

If giving him a few words or different sentences they are just going to think your talking to them which is what they want

Same goes for our lasses dads staffs.

I'm the puppy training I'm doing its always been stern when wrong and praise as soon as being good. Otherwise what's the point of being good
» Just started Weight trainning (Go to post)18-09-2015 @ 21:53 
That sounds interesting

I've not managed to get my gym work in this week so I'm deadlifting after the Muay Thai session tomorrow. Be interesting to see the effect.
» Squatting the rainbow (Go to post)16-09-2015 @ 20:07 
Wednesday's training

Doubles upto 90 which I pressed second jerk
Back down to doubles at 80 and was a shocking set so that was that

Beltless Front squat triple at 100 then 110 for a single which sucked
Down to triples at 90 for 3 sets fairly comfortable

I really wanted to bench tonight so

Paused Bench triples put belt on for a set at 90 to get used to it Then 95 for a triple
Dropped down to 80 for tng reps Beltless 5,5,4
» Just started Weight trainning (Go to post)15-09-2015 @ 17:13 
How many days or session are you dedicating to strength training and then to Muay Thai?
» Squatting the rainbow (Go to post)14-09-2015 @ 19:53 

Hip Hang snatch
Doubles of bar, 40, 50
Singles at 60 and 65. Missed first 65 to slow, after that was fine. Missed 70.

Doubles @ 60kg & 65
70 f,1
75 f,f,f
65 f,f so nailed a 60 lol

Squats again trying low bar
Triples of 70,100,120,140
160 double tho second rep was a lot of lean
145 for 2 doubles were hard as hell

I still be a few more sessions and maybe some coaching on this to see if it suits me for the powerlifting
» Heavyweight clash (Go to post)14-09-2015 @ 08:11 
Fury will loose and I hope Joshua gets him.

I enjoyed how much they were saying that Joshua is finally getting someone who can fight back, can he take a punch etc etc 90seconds job done.
» Heavyweight clash (Go to post)12-09-2015 @ 19:10

This one should work. Even works on my phone
» Squatting the rainbow (Go to post)12-09-2015 @ 14:31 
Small session today

I tried low bar squatting. Up to 160 for singles
It felt incredibly different. Weird standing and one at down but although slower coming up felt stable. Will try these now and again and hopefully get some coaching on getting it spot on and see if there is benefits

Quick jerk complex of push press, power jerk, jerk
Shoulder were tight and fried tho

Punch bag work to finish
» Squatting the rainbow (Go to post)11-09-2015 @ 20:49 
this evening i visited 5 towns powerlifting.

superb. great set up, amazing bars powerlifting racks/ benches

i had some work done on my bench initially worked up to a paused pb of 105kg
then some light weight reps with different grips going to all the way out
also first time ive benched with a belt and it does make me think of bracing and holding myself better

then i started deadlifting with a couple lads. up to a 190kg with the new form keeping shins more vertical and not shooting knees under. then 3 triples at 170kg.
» Squatting the rainbow (Go to post)09-09-2015 @ 20:34 
Down at the club again tonight

Started with C&j training
Complex of pull, clean, front squat, 2 jerks

Then into full C&j

I was very slow today and up to 85kg and was no pop so only stayed at this

Triples up to 160 the. Doubles at 180 and a single at 190
Still struggling with changing things up

Bench up to 85 for a few sets playing with set up grip width etc
» Squatting the rainbow (Go to post)07-09-2015 @ 20:32 
Back to Wakefield weightlifting club

Some good stretching and coaching being back at the club to start. Working on getting under and position I need to be in when snatching.

Started with a snatch complex I thought might help of

Pull, high hang snatch, snatch, snatch balance worked up to 50kgp

Then full Snatch doubles and I got under all these!
60,65,68 failed 70

Squats with weightlifting belt triples
Only up to 140 Unhappy

Front squats weightlifting belt
100 triple felt good
110 single gassed out

Ran out of time to do the pressing. Hope this isn't a recurring thing as I need to get my bench and strict/push press up. Hmmmmm.
» Squatting the rainbow (Go to post)05-09-2015 @ 19:54 
Managed to get a session in today

Started with a clean and jerk complex of
Pull, clean, front squat, jerk, jerk
Up to 80kg
The C&j double at 90 and a single at 95kg.

Working on vertical shins and not putting knees under bar
Tripled 180
Couldn't get 200 past the knees which was annoying
In frustration switched to old style and pulled 200

5 @ 90kg paused
» McMuffins Smolov Log (Go to post)01-09-2015 @ 06:26 
Look forward to seeing how much it gives you


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