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» 300kg squat, no knee wraps (Go to post)17-12-2013 @ 23:32 
FAT_SAM said:
Cos I knew I was gona cut it short)

» 300kg squat, no knee wraps (Go to post)17-12-2013 @ 23:13 
Why no knee angle camera???
» George Leeman - 411kg / 906lb Deadlift (Go to post)25-10-2013 @ 14:18 
How very British. A 7 page over-analytical critical whinge over something that is clearly just a coping strategy.
» Ramon Gysin squats 240x5 @102.5 (Go to post)13-10-2013 @ 11:08 
Very nice!
» 130kg power snatch, 150kg p.clean and jerk, 161kg p.clean,253kg pause squat (Go to post)07-10-2013 @ 20:30 
» 334kg Deadlift. (Go to post)07-10-2013 @ 17:21 
Easy! What happened at Worlds Chris?
» 260kg Beltless Squat, 350kg Belt Only Deadlift - 92.5kg BW (Go to post)20-09-2013 @ 11:01 
Tom_Martin said:
lol are you glad to see me doing it without straps? Wink
Thanks Brad!

Best way! Grin
» 260kg Beltless Squat, 350kg Belt Only Deadlift - 92.5kg BW (Go to post)20-09-2013 @ 10:55 
Fantastic lifting!
» H. Peltomaa raw deadlift 360kg (attempt) (Go to post)09-09-2013 @ 18:38 
» 245kg paused bench (Go to post)09-09-2013 @ 18:22 
FAT_SAM said:My hand off guy here is 6'5'' and 145kg. Doesn't look like he is doing much but he is.

Haha Grin love this
» 340kg Deadlift raw and 100kg Klokov Press. Bodyweight 92kg (Go to post)08-09-2013 @ 21:17 
Very nice! Looking forward to seeing this in a comp! Grin Match up between Tom and Chris is on the cards I think....?
» Chris Pappillion attacks westside barbell (Go to post)24-08-2013 @ 16:31 
Post Edited: 24.08.2013 @ 16:32 PM by Brad_Cutler
drew said:
ply is daft in general though

This. The single ply of today is on level with the multi-ply of 10 years ago. Gear has ruined the sport, period.
» Wales Strongest Man Under 90kg (Go to post)13-05-2013 @ 07:21 
Nice work!
» BPC - What's really happening ??? (Go to post)12-05-2013 @ 20:02 
What's the point of this thread?

BPC/BPO/GPC have AWFUL squatting standards. Allow lifters to take meds so there's no standard disappearing act for the 'i'm injured' or the 'I'm quitting - no wait I'll be back in a year' lifter (s). What really killing this sport (or the strength community, because whatever way you look at it no one gives a s**t about ANY of the strength sports in the U.K. and societies perceptions of a weightlifter/strongman/powerlifter ain't no different - because they don't CARE enough to) is the elitist and childish attitudes of some who feel compelled to belittle others.

» Chad wesley smith - article'the bench shirt is being pulled over your eyes' (Go to post)02-04-2013 @ 15:46 
Post Edited: 02.04.2013 @ 16:23 PM by Rob
IrishMarc said:
Im afraid in this instance it does. Ipf is recognised by the ioc and trying to conform to wadda rules. It is also the most popular and only truly international fed.
If we want to be considered a real sport we should all get behind the biggest tested fed we have and stop bickering and making new feds every 20 seconds. It makes a joke of the sport.

Agree with this. I went to WPC raw worlds and despite it having some exceptional lifters - it was a JOKE. I wasted alot of money competing against some bulls**t high squats. I train hard and squat well below IPF standards (have paused 265kg previous to injuries), never missed a squat on depth in the IPF, ever. Despite this I got beaten on the squat by a bunch of morons of lack the glute and general posterior chain to sink a squat in and bring it back up. Then they wonder why they can't pull worth s**t.

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